Jorge Alberto Soria-Alcaraz

Orcid: 0000-0002-8602-6150

According to our database1, Jorge Alberto Soria-Alcaraz authored at least 39 papers between 2010 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Hypervolume Indicator as an Estimator for Adaptive Operator Selection in an On-Line Multi-objective Hyper-heuristic.
Proceedings of the New Horizons for Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Metaheuristics, 2024

Hypervolume Indicator as an Estimator for Adaptive Operator Selection in an On-Line Multi-objective Hyper-heuristic.
Proceedings of the New Directions on Hybrid Intelligent Systems Based on Neural Networks, 2024

Comparative Analysis of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques Applied to Disease Classification Tasks.
Proceedings of the New Horizons for Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Metaheuristics, 2024

Grammatical Evolution with Codons Selection Order as Intensification Process.
Computación y Sistemas (CyS), 2024

Enhancing Liquid State Machine Classification Through Reservoir Separability Optimization Using Swarm Intelligence and Multitask Learning.
IEEE Access, 2024

A Methodology to Determine the Subset of Heuristics for Hyperheuristics through Metalearning for Solving Graph Coloring and Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems.
Complex., 2021

Studying Grammatical Evolution's Mapping Processes for Symbolic Regression Problems.
Proceedings of the Intuitionistic and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Enhancements in Neural and Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications, 2020

Comparing Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks from Second and Third Generations for Solving Supervised Classification Problems.
Proceedings of the Intuitionistic and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Enhancements in Neural and Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications, 2020

Comparative Analysis of Multi-objective Metaheuristic Algorithms by Means of Performance Metrics to Continuous Problems.
Proceedings of the Intuitionistic and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Enhancements in Neural and Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications, 2020

Exploring Random Permutations Effects on the Mapping Process for Grammatical Evolution.
J. Autom. Mob. Robotics Intell. Syst., 2020

Application of Agglomerative and Partitional Algorithms for the Study of the Phenomenon of the Collaborative Economy Within the Tourism Industry.
J. Autom. Mob. Robotics Intell. Syst., 2020

Single Spiking Neuron Multi-Objective Optimization for Pattern Classification.
J. Autom. Mob. Robotics Intell. Syst., 2020

A Methodology for Classifying Search Operators as Intensification or Diversification Heuristics.
Complex., 2020

Evolutionary Spiking Neural Networks for Solving Supervised Classification Problems.
Comput. Intell. Neurosci., 2019

Symbolic Regression by Means of Grammatical Evolution with Estimation Distribution Algorithms as Search Engine.
Proceedings of the Fuzzy Logic Augmentation of Neural and Optimization Algorithms: Theoretical Aspects and Real Applications, 2018

Statistical Comparative Between Selection Rules for Adaptive Operator Selection in Vehicle Routing and Multi-knapsack Problems.
Proceedings of the Fuzzy Logic Augmentation of Neural and Optimization Algorithms: Theoretical Aspects and Real Applications, 2018

Evolutionary Design of Problem-Adapted Image Descriptors for Texture Classification.
IEEE Access, 2018

Generating Bin Packing Heuristic Through Grammatical Evolution Based on Bee Swarm Optimization.
Proceedings of the Nature-Inspired Design of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2017

Differential Evolution with Self-adaptive Gaussian Perturbation.
Proceedings of the Nature-Inspired Design of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2017

Iterated VND Versus Hyper-heuristics: Effective and General Approaches to Course Timetabling.
Proceedings of the Nature-Inspired Design of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2017

Increase Methodology of Design of Course Timetabling Problem for Students, Classrooms, and Teachers.
Proceedings of the Nature-Inspired Design of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2017

A methodology for determining an effective subset of heuristics in selection hyper-heuristics.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2017

Evolvability Metric Estimation by a Parallel Perceptron for On-Line Selection Hyper-Heuristics.
IEEE Access, 2017

Iterated local search using an add and delete hyper-heuristic for university course timetabling.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2016

Clustering Bin Packing Instances for Generating a Minimal Set of Heuristics by Using Grammatical Evolution.
Proceedings of the Fuzzy Logic Augmentation of Nature-Inspired Optimization Metaheuristics, 2015

Parallel Meta-heuristic Approaches to the Course Timetabling Problem.
Proceedings of the Design of Intelligent Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic, 2015

Evolución diferencial con perturbaciones Gaussianas.
Res. Comput. Sci., 2015

Comparativa de algoritmos bioinspirados aplicados al problema de calendarización de horarios.
Res. Comput. Sci., 2015

Combining Mutation and Recombination to Improve a Distributed Model of Adaptive Operator Selection.
Proceedings of the Artificial Evolution, 2015

Generic Memetic Algorithm for Course Timetabling ITC2007.
Proceedings of the Recent Advances on Hybrid Approaches for Designing Intelligent Systems, 2014

Effective learning hyper-heuristics for the course timetabling problem.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2014

Evolvability metrics in adaptive operator selection.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2014

Methodology of Design: A Novel Generic Approach Applied to the Course Timetabling Problem.
Proceedings of the Soft Computing Applications in Optimization, Control, and Recognition, 2013

Evolving Bin Packing Heuristic Using Micro-Differential Evolution with Indirect Representation.
Proceedings of the Recent Advances on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2013

Comparison of Metaheuristic Algorithms with a Methodology of Design for the Evaluation of Hard Constraints over the Course Timetabling Problem.
Proceedings of the Recent Advances on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2013

Evolving and reusing Bin Packing heuristic through Grammatical Differential Evolution.
Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, 2013

Academic Timetabling Design Using Hyper-Heuristics.
Proceedings of the Soft Computing for Intelligent Control and Mobile Robotics, 2011

Comparative Study of BSO and GA for the Optimizing Energy in Ambient Intelligence.
Proceedings of the Advances in Soft Computing, 2011

Variable Length Number Chains Generation without Repetitions.
Proceedings of the Soft Computing for Recognition Based on Biometrics, 2010
