Jon Postel

  • University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

According to our database1, Jon Postel authored at least 183 papers between 1970 and 2009.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



A brief history of the internet.
Comput. Commun. Rev., 2009

IPv6 Testing Address Allocation.
RFC, December, 1998

Internet Official Protocol Standards.
RFC, September, 1998

IANA Charset Registration Procedures.
RFC, January, 1998

Instructions to RFC Authors.
RFC, October, 1997

An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast Address Format.
RFC, January, 1997

The Past and Future History of the Internet.
Commun. ACM, 1997

Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines.
RFC, November, 1996

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures.
RFC, November, 1996

IRTF Research Group Guidelines and Procedures.
RFC, October, 1996

IPv6 Testing Address Allocation.
RFC, January, 1996

Addendum to RFC 1602 - Variance Procedure.
RFC, November, 1995

Best Current Practices.
RFC, August, 1995

Not All RFCs are Standards.
RFC, April, 1995

Assigned Numbers.
RFC, October, 1994

Transport Multiplexing Protocol (TMux).
RFC, August, 1994

Internet Architecture Extensions for Shared Media.
RFC, May, 1994

Domain Name System Structure and Delegation.
RFC, March, 1994

Media Type Registration Procedure.
RFC, March, 1994

White Pages Meeting Report.
RFC, February, 1994

Instructions to RFC Authors.
RFC, October, 1993

Common DNS Implementation Errors and Suggested Fixes.
RFC, October, 1993

Internet Official Protocol Standards.
RFC, August, 1993

The US Domain.
RFC, June, 1993

Introduction to the STD Notes.
RFC, March, 1992

IAB Official Protocol Standards.
RFC, March, 1992

IP Addressing and Routing in a Local Wireless Network.
Proceedings of the Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM '92, 1992

Problems with the maintenance of large mailing lists.
RFC, March, 1991

Intermail and Commercial Mail Relay services.
RFC, July, 1990

Book Review: The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Espionage by Clifford Stoll (Doubleday 1989).
Comput. Commun. Rev., 1990

Intermail & commercial mail relay services.
Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM SIGUCCS Conference on User Services, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, September 30, 1990

Act one - the poems.
RFC, September, 1989

Request for comments on Request for Comments: Instructions to RFC authors.
RFC, August, 1989

Computer Network Interconnection.
Proceedings of the Information Processing 89, Proceedings of the IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, San Francisco, USA, August 28, 1989

Queuing algorithm to provide type-of-service for IP links.
RFC, February, 1988

Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over IEEE 802 networks.
RFC, February, 1988

An Experimental Multimedia Mail System.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst., 1988

TCP and IP bake off.
RFC, September, 1987

Request For Comments reference guide.
RFC, August, 1987

Something a Host Could Do with Source Quench: The Source Quench Introduced Delay (SQuID).
RFC, July, 1987

Bibliography of Request For Comments 1 through 999.
RFC, June, 1987

Requirements for Internet gateways.
RFC, June, 1987

Official Internet protocols.
RFC, May, 1987

Requests For Comments summary notes: 900-999.
RFC, April, 1987

Internet numbers.
RFC, March, 1987

Official ARPA-Internet protocols.
RFC, November, 1986

Protocol document order information.
RFC, March, 1986

Voice File Interchange Protocol (VFIP).
RFC, February, 1986

File Transfer Protocol.
RFC, October, 1985

Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure.
RFC, August, 1985

DoD statement on the NRC report.
RFC, May, 1985

Post Office Protocol: Version 2.
RFC, February, 1985

The DARPA Experimental Multimedia Mail System.
Computer, 1985

The DARPA internet protocol suite.
IEEE Commun. Mag., 1985

Multi-LAN address resolution.
RFC, October, 1984

Official ARPA-Internet protocols for connecting personal computers to the Internet.
RFC, October, 1984

Domain name system implementation schedule - revised.
RFC, October, 1984

Domain requirements.
RFC, October, 1984

ARPA Internet Protocol policy.
RFC, July, 1984

Request For Comments summary notes: 800-899.
RFC, May, 1984

Gateway special interest group meeting notes.
RFC, April, 1984

Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over experimental Ethernet networks.
RFC, April, 1984

Domain name system implementation schedule.
RFC, February, 1984

Exterior Gateway Protocol implementation schedule.
RFC, February, 1984

Telnet end of record option.
RFC, December, 1983

Domain names plan and schedule.
RFC, November, 1983

The TCP Maximum Segment Size and Related Topics.
RFC, November, 1983

Official protocols.
RFC, October, 1983

Time Protocol.
RFC, May, 1983

Daytime Protocol.
RFC, May, 1983

Active users.
RFC, May, 1983

Quote of the Day Protocol.
RFC, May, 1983

Character Generator Protocol.
RFC, May, 1983

Discard Protocol.
RFC, May, 1983

Echo Protocol.
RFC, May, 1983

Telnet Extended Options: List Option.
RFC, May, 1983

Telnet Timing Mark Option.
RFC, May, 1983

Telnet Status Option.
RFC, May, 1983

Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option.
RFC, May, 1983

Telnet Echo Option.
RFC, May, 1983

Telnet Binary Transmission.
RFC, May, 1983

Telnet Option Specifications.
RFC, May, 1983

Telnet Protocol Specification.
RFC, May, 1983

Official protocols.
RFC, April, 1983

Summary of Smallberg surveys.
RFC, February, 1983

Panel on multimedia computer mail - technical issues and future standards.
Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Data Communications, 1983

The Iso Reference Model and Other Protocol Architectures.
Proceedings of the Information Processing 83, 1983

Request for comments on Requests For Comments.
RFC, November, 1982

Remote User Telnet service.
RFC, November, 1982

Request For Comments summary notes: 700-799.
RFC, November, 1982

Request For Comments summary notes: 600-699.
RFC, November, 1982

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
RFC, August, 1982

Assigned numbers.
RFC, August, 1982

The Domain Naming Convention for Internet User Applications.
RFC, August, 1982

Summary of computer mail services meeting held at BBN on 10 January 1979.
RFC, March, 1982

Multimedia mail meeting notes.
RFC, February, 1982

Computer mail meeting notes.
RFC, February, 1982

NCP/TCP transition plan.
RFC, November, 1981

Address mappings.
RFC, September, 1981

Service mappings.
RFC, September, 1981

Transmission Control Protocol.
RFC, September, 1981

Internet Protocol.
RFC, September, 1981

Mail Transfer Protocol: ISI TOPS20 MTP-NIMAIL interface.
RFC, July, 1981

Mail Transfer Protocol: ISI TOPS20 file definitions.
RFC, July, 1981

Mail Transfer Protocol: ISI TOPS20 implementation.
RFC, July, 1981

Internet Control Message Protocol.
RFC, April, 1981

The ARPA Internet Protocol.
Comput. Networks, 1981

Mail Transfer Protocol.
RFC, September, 1980

Mail transition plan.
RFC, September, 1980

Rapicom 450 facsimile file format.
RFC, September, 1980

User Datagram Protocol.
RFC, August, 1980

Structured format for transmission of multi-media documents.
RFC, August, 1980

Internet Protocol Handbook: Table of contents.
RFC, July, 1980

File Transfer Protocol specification.
RFC, June, 1980

Telnet Protocol specification.
RFC, June, 1980

Internetwork Protocol Approaches.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 1980

DOD standard transmission control protocol.
Comput. Commun. Rev., 1980

DOD standard internet protocol.
Comput. Commun. Rev., 1980

Out-of-net host addresses for mail.
RFC, April, 1979

Internet Message Protocol.
RFC, March, 1979

An Informal Comparison of Three Protocols.
Comput. Networks, 1979

An internetwork message structure.
Proceedings of the sixth symposium on Data communications, 1979

On protocol multiplexing.
Proceedings of the sixth symposium on Data communications, 1979

Extensible field addressing.
RFC, May, 1977

Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet option.
RFC, March, 1977

Reliable host-to-host protocols: Problems and techniques.
Proceedings of the fifth symposium on Data communications, 1977

The arpanet telnet protocol: Its purpose, principles, implementation, and impact on host operating system design.
Proceedings of the fifth symposium on Data communications, 1977

Issues in Reliable Host-to-Host Protocols.
Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, 1977

Discussion on RCTE.
RFC, July, 1976

Assigned Network Numbers.
RFC, July, 1976

Comments on RCTE from the Tenex Implementation Experience.
RFC, June, 1976

Frontend-Backend Split Programs.
Proceedings of the Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, 1976

Consistent Access to Programs.
Proceedings of the Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, 1976

On the junk mail problem.
RFC, November, 1975

Comments on the proposed Host/IMP Protocol changes.
RFC, June, 1975

Standard file formats.
RFC, December, 1974

Procedure call documents: Version 2.
RFC, December, 1974

Protocol information.
RFC, November, 1974

Announcing additional Telnet options.
RFC, October, 1974

Revised FTP reply codes.
RFC, June, 1974

Assigned link numbers.
RFC, December, 1973

Telnet and FTP implementation schedule change.
RFC, November, 1973

Announcing New Telnet Options.
RFC, November, 1973

Corrections to RFC 560: Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet Option.
RFC, November, 1973

Note to Protocol Designers and Implementers.
RFC, October, 1973

Thoughts on the mail protocol proposed in RFC 524.
RFC, July, 1973

Lost message detection.
RFC, May, 1973

Socket number list.
RFC, April, 1973

Comment on resynchronization of connection status proposal.
RFC, March, 1973

Socket number list.
RFC, December, 1972

Character Generator Process.
RFC, December, 1972

Link usage violation.
RFC, December, 1972

RFC, October, 1972

Proposed Standard Socket Numbers.
RFC, May, 1972

Discard Process.
RFC, May, 1972

Echo process.
RFC, May, 1972

Satellite Considerations.
RFC, May, 1972

Suggested Telnet Protocol Changes.
RFC, April, 1972

RJE Protocol meeting.
RFC, April, 1972

Telnet Protocols.
RFC, April, 1972

Well known socket numbers.
RFC, March, 1972

Official Host-Host Protocol Modification: Assigned Link Numbers.
RFC, March, 1972

Report of the Protocol Workshop, 12 October 1971.
RFC, January, 1972

Function-oriented protocols for the ARPA computer network.
Proceedings of the American Federation of Information Processing Societies: AFIPS Conference Proceedings: 1972 Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1972

Graphics facilities information.
RFC, November, 1971

Standard host names.
RFC, September, 1971

Sockets in use.
RFC, August, 1971

Possible Deadlock in ICP.
RFC, July, 1971

Comments on "Byte size for connections".
RFC, June, 1971

UCLA - Computer Science Graphics Overview.
RFC, June, 1971

Proffered Official Initial Connection Protocol.
RFC, May, 1971

Initial Connection Protocol Control Commands.
RFC, May, 1971

Regarding proffered official ICP.
RFC, May, 1971

RFC, April, 1971

Comments on RFC 123.
RFC, April, 1971

Link 191.
RFC, February, 1971

Network meeting report.
RFC, November, 1970

Updated distribution list.
RFC, July, 1970

Prototypical implementation of the NCP.
RFC, June, 1970

Official Protocol Proffering.
RFC, June, 1970

Possible protocol plateau.
RFC, April, 1970

BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC #33.
RFC, April, 1970

New Protocol is Coming.
RFC, April, 1970
