John S. Aberdeen

Orcid: 0000-0002-0112-1037

According to our database1, John S. Aberdeen authored at least 44 papers between 1992 and 2021.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Assessing Open-Ended Human-Computer Collaboration Systems: Applying a Hallmarks Approach.
Frontiers Artif. Intell., 2021

Hallmarks of Human-Machine Collaboration: A framework for assessment in the DARPA Communicating with Computers Program.
CoRR, 2021

Scalable and explainable legal prediction.
Artif. Intell. Law, 2021

Resilience of clinical text de-identified with "hiding in plain sight" to hostile reidentification attacks by human readers.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2020

Judges Are from Mars, Pro Se Litigants Are from Venus: Predicting Decisions from Lay Text.
Proceedings of the Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 2020

The machine giveth and the machine taketh away: a parrot attack on clinical text deidentified with hiding in plain sight.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2019

An annotation and modeling schema for prescription regimens.
J. Biomed. Semant., 2019

Automatic Text De-Identification: How and When is it Acceptable?
Proceedings of the AMIA 2018, 2018

Optimizing annotation resources for natural language de-identification via a game theoretic framework.
J. Biomed. Informatics, 2016

Ease of adoption of clinical natural language processing software: An evaluation of five systems.
J. Biomed. Informatics, 2015

Scaling drug indication curation through crowdsourcing.
Database J. Biol. Databases Curation, 2015

State of the Art of Clinical Narrative Report De-Identification and Its Future.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2015, 2015

De-identification of clinical narratives through writing complexity measures.
Int. J. Medical Informatics, 2014

Hybrid curation of gene-mutation relations combining automated extraction and crowdsourcing.
Database J. Biol. Databases Curation, 2014

Hiding in plain sight: use of realistic surrogates to reduce exposure of protected health information in clinical text.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2013

Bootstrapping a de-identification system for narrative patient records: Cost-performance tradeoffs.
Int. J. Medical Informatics, 2013

Automatic Clinical Text De-Identification: Is It Worth It, and Could It Work for Me?
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2013, 2013

Evaluation of 2-way Iraqi Arabic-English speech translation systems using automated metrics.
Mach. Transl., 2012

Validating Candidate Gene-Mutation Relations in MEDLINE Abstracts via Crowdsourcing.
Proceedings of the Data Integration in the Life Sciences - 8th International Conference, 2012

Machine Translation Errors: English and Iraqi Arabic.
ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process., 2011

MITRE system for clinical assertion status classification.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2011

Effects of personal identifier resynthesis on clinical text de-identification.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2010

The MITRE Identification Scrubber Toolkit: Design, training, and assessment.
Int. J. Medical Informatics, 2010

Evaluation of Machine Translation Errors in English and Iraqi Arabic.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2010

Measuring Risk and Information Preservation: Toward New Metrics for De-identification of Clinical Texts.
Proceedings of the Second Louhi Workshop on Text and Data Mining of Health Documents, 2010

Automated metrics for speech translation.
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems, 2009

Normalization for Automated Metrics: English and Arabic Speech Translation.
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XII: Papers, 2009

Applying Automated Metrics to Speech Translation Dialogs.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2008

Research Paper: Rapidly Retargetable Approaches to De-identification in Medical Records.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2007

DARPA communicator: cross-system results for the 2001 evaluation.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP2002, 2002

DARPA communicator evaluation: progress from 2000 to 2001.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP2002, 2002

Comparing Several Aspects of Human-Computer and Human-Human Dialogues.
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2001 Workshop, 2001

Finding Errors Automatically in Semantically Tagged Dialogues.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Language Technology Research, 2001

Evaluation for Darpa Communicator Spoken Dialogue Systems.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2000

Alembic Workbench corpus developrnent tool.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 1998

Mixed-Initiative Development of Language Processing Systems.
Proceedings of the 5th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference, 1997

Information Retrieval and Trainable Natural Language Processing.
Proceedings of The Fifth Text REtrieval Conference, 1996

MITRE: Description of the Alembic System as used in MET.
Proceedings of the TIPSTER TEXT PROGRAM PHASE II: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Vienna, 1996

A model-theoretic coreference scoring scheme.
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Message Understanding, 1995

MITRE: description of the <i>Alembic</i> system used for MUC-6.
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Message Understanding, 1995

Mitre-Bedford: description of the <i>Alembic</i> system as used for MUC-5.
Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Message Understanding, 1993

MITRE-Bedford: description of the ALEMBIC system as used for MUC-4.
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Message Understanding, 1992

MITRE-Bedford ALEMBIC: MUC-4 test results and analysis.
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Message Understanding, 1992
