Jodi Schneider

Orcid: 0000-0002-5098-5667

  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, School of Information Sciences
  • University of Pittsburgh, Department of Biomedical Informatics
  • Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Galway, Ireland

According to our database1, Jodi Schneider authored at least 54 papers between 2010 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Exploring evidence selection with the inclusion network.
Quant. Sci. Stud., 2024

COVID-19 information spaces, boundaries, and information sharing: an interview study.
Inf. Res., 2024

Arguing About Controversial Science in the News: Does Epistemic Uncertainty Contribute to Information Disorder?
Proceedings of the Wisdom, Well-Being, Win-Win, 2024

Argumentation Interfaces to Facilitate Human-Machine Collaboration in Scientific Research: A Preliminary Exploration.
Proceedings of the 24th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument co-located with 10th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2024), 2024

The role of the information community in ensuring that information is authoritative: Strategies from NISO Plus 2022.
Inf. Serv. Use, 2022

2nd workshop on digital infrastructures for scholarly content objects (DISCO'22).
Proceedings of the JCDL '22: The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2022, Cologne, Germany, June 20, 2022

Testing the Keystone Framework by Analyzing Positive Citations to Wakefield's 1998 Paper.
Proceedings of the Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future - 17th International Conference, iConference 2022, Virtual Event, February 28, 2022

Growing New Scholarly Communication Infrastructures for Sharing, Reusing, and Synthesizing Knowledge.
Proceedings of the Companion Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2022

Continued use of retracted papers: Temporal trends in citations and (lack of) awareness of retractions shown in citation contexts in biomedicine.
Quant. Sci. Stud., 2021

Toward assessing clinical trial publications for reporting transparency.
J. Biomed. Informatics, 2021

Addressing disorder in scholarly communication: Strategies from NISO Plus 2021.
Inf. Serv. Use, 2021

Finding Keystone Citations for Constructing Validity Chains among Research Papers.
Proceedings of the Companion of The Web Conference 2021, 2021

Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2021

Continued post-retraction citation of a fraudulent clinical trial report, 11 years after it was retracted for falsifying data.
Scientometrics, 2020

Towards Knowledge Maintenance in Scientific Digital Libraries with the Keystone Framework.
Proceedings of the JCDL '20: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020, 2020

Visualizing evidence-based disagreement over time: The landscape of a public health controversy 2002-2014.
Proceedings of the Information for a Sustainable World: Addressing Society's Grand Challenges, 2020

Automatically classifying the evidence type of drug-drug interaction research papers as a step toward computer supported evidence curation.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2020, 2020

Confirm or refute?: A comparative study on citation sentiment classification in clinical research publications.
J. Biomed. Informatics, 2019

Systematic examination of pre- and post-retraction citations.
Proceedings of the Information... Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time, Any Way, 2019

ReTracker: Actively and automatically matching retraction metadata in zotero.
Proceedings of the Information... Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time, Any Way, 2019

A Proposal for Determining the Evidence Types of Biomedical Documents Using a Drug-drug Interaction Ontology and Machine Learning.
Proceedings of the AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium on Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering (AAAI-MAKE 2019) Stanford University, 2019

Argumentation Mining
Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, ISBN: 978-3-031-02169-5, 2018

Modeling the invention of a new inference rule: The case of 'Randomized Clinical Trial' as an argument scheme for medical science.
Argument Comput., 2018

Opportunities for Computer Support for Systematic Reviewing - A Gap Analysis.
Proceedings of the Transforming Digital Worlds - 13th International Conference, 2018

Testing a Citation and Text-Based Framework for Retrieving Publications for Literature Reviews.
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR 2018) co-located with the 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2018), 2018

Stance Classification of Twitter Debates: The Encryption Debate as A Use Case.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Media & Society, 2017

Formalizing Evidence Type Definitions for Drug-Drug Interaction Studies to Improve Evidence Base Curation.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2017: Precision Healthcare through Informatics, 2017

Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions from Drug Product Labeling Tables.
Proceedings of the Summit on Clinical Research Informatics, 2017

Agreeing to disagree: Reconciling conflicting taxonomic views using a logic-based approach.
Proceedings of the Diversity of Engagement: Connecting People and Information in the Physical and Virtual Worlds, 2017

Argumentation Devices in Reasoning About Health.
Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument co-located with IJCAI 2016, 2016

Adding Evidence Type Representation to DIDEO.
Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Biological Ontology and BioCreative, 2016

Formalizing Knowledge and Evidence about Potential Drug-drug Interactions.
Proceedings of International Workshop on Biomedical Data Mining, 2015

Accept, decline, postpone: How newcomer productivity is reduced in English Wikipedia by pre-publication review.
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Open Collaboration, 2014

Unifying the Shift and Narrow Strategies in Focus+Context Exploratory Search.
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on The Design of Communication, 2014

Using the Micropublications Ontology and the Open Annotation Data Model to Represent Evidence within a Drug-Drug Interaction Knowledge Base.
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Linked Science 2014, 2014

An Informatics Perspective on Argumentation Mining.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers and Connections between Argumentation Theory and Natural Language Processing, 2014

Automated argumentation mining to the rescue? Envisioning argumentation and decision-making support for debates in open online collaboration communities.
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Argument Mining, 2014

1st Semantic Web Technologies for Libraries and Readers (STLR 2011).
Bull. IEEE Tech. Comm. Digit. Libr., 2013

A review of argumentation for the Social Semantic Web.
Semantic Web, 2013

Dynamic enhancement of drug product labels to support drug safety, efficacy, and effectiveness.
J. Biomed. Semant., 2013

Linked Data for Digital Libraries.
Proceedings of the Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 2013

Arguments about deletion: how experience improves the acceptability of arguments in ad-hoc online task groups.
Proceedings of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013

Alternative interfaces for deletion discussions in Wikipedia: some proposals using decision factors.
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, 2012

Deletion discussions in Wikipedia: decision factors and outcomes.
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, 2012

Formalising Uncertainty: An Ontology of Reasoning, Certainty and Attribution (ORCA).
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Semantic Technologies Applied to Biomedical Informatics and Individualized Medicine, 2012

Identifying Consumers' Arguments in Text.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Web and Information Extraction (SWAIE 2012), 2012

Dimensions of Argumentation in Social Media.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 2012

Building a standpoints web to support decision-making in wikipedia.
Proceedings of the CSCW '12 Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Seattle, WA, USA, February 11-15, 2012, 2012

Semi-Automated Argumentative Analysis of Online Product Reviews.
Proceedings of the Computational Models of Argument, 2012

Arguing from a Point of View.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Agreement Technologies, 2012

Understanding and improving Wikipedia article discussion spaces.
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), TaiChung, Taiwan, March 21, 2011

Enhancing MediaWiki Talk pages with Semantics for Better Coordination - A Proposal.
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Semantic Wikis, 2010

A semantic framework for modelling quotes in email conversations.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web-Services and Applications, 2010

Argumentation 3.0: how Semantic Web technologies can improve argumentation modeling in Web 2.0 environments.
Proceedings of the Computational Models of Argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2010, 2010
