Jimmy Jose

Orcid: 0000-0001-7074-090X

According to our database1, Jimmy Jose authored at least 26 papers between 2014 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Exploring Diverse Configurations of Cellular Automata Based S-Boxes Using Reinforcement Learning.
Proceedings of the Cellular Automata, 2024

Hash Function Design Based on Hybrid Five-Neighborhood Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions.
Complex Syst., October, 2023

Fault Resistant Trivium-like Stream Cipher Using Higher Radii Cellular Automata.
J. Cell. Autom., 2022

Phase-shift Fault Analysis of Grain-128.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2022

Inapplicability of Differential Fault Attacks against Cellular Automata based Lightweight Authenticated Cipher.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2022

Reinforcing Lightweight Authenticated Encryption Schemes against Statistical Ineffective Fault Attack.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2022

Ensuring Accountability and Outsourced Decryption in IoT Systems using Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2022

Outsourced CP-ABE with Whitebox Accountability in IoT Systems.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2022

A Novel Hash Function Based on Hybrid Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions.
Proceedings of First Asian Symposium on Cellular Automata Technology, 2022

A Cellular Automata Based Fault Resistant MICKEY-Like Stream Cipher.
Proceedings of the Cellular Automata, 2022

Exploring Lightweight S-boxes Using Cellular Automata and Reinforcement Learning.
Proceedings of the Cellular Automata, 2022

A Secure Software Defined Networking based Framework for IoT Networks.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2020

TN-IDS for Network Layer Attacks in RPL based IoT Systems.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2020

A Novel Hash Function Design based on Hybrid Cellular Automata and Sponge Functions.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2020

On the design of stream ciphers with Cellular Automata having radius = 2.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2020

Development of a Machine Learning Model and Mobile Application to Aid in Predicting Dosage of Vitamin K Antagonists Among Indian Patients.
CoRR, 2020

Strengthening ACORN Authenticated Cipher with Cellular Automata.
Proceedings of the Cellular Automata, 2020

PENTAVIUM: Potent Trivium-Like Stream Cipher Using Higher Radii Cellular Automata.
Proceedings of the Cellular Automata, 2020

Prevention of Fault Attacks in ASCON Authenticated Cipher Using Cellular Automata.
Proceedings of the Cellular Automata, 2020

Comparison of proof-of-work based blockchains against federated consensus and proof-of-validation based blockchains.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2019

Trust Based Intrusion Detection System to Detect Insider Attacks in IoT Systems.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2019

CARPenter: A Cellular Automata Based Resilient Pentavalent Stream Cipher.
Proceedings of the Cellular Automata, 2018

Prevention of Fault Attacks in Cellular Automata Based Stream Ciphers.
J. Cell. Autom., 2016

FResCA: A Fault-Resistant Cellular Automata Based Stream Cipher.
Proceedings of the Cellular Automata, 2016

Four Neighbourhood Cellular Automata as Better Cryptographic Primitives.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2015

Inapplicability of Fault Attacks against Trivium on a Cellular Automata Based Stream Cipher.
Proceedings of the Cellular Automata, 2014
