Jie Xiang

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.


The impact of suppliers' overconfidence on the choice of auction formats under supply disruption.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2024

DiVE: DiT-based Video Generation with Enhanced Control.
CoRR, 2024

Dual-View Dual-Boundary Dual U-Nets for Multiscale Segmentation of Oral CBCT Images.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision - 7th Chinese Conference, 2024

Exploring the Mutual Influence Between Self-Supervised Single-Frame and Multi-Frame Depth Estimation.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., October, 2023

A Deep Learning-Based No-Reference Quality Metric for High-Definition Images Compressed With HEVC.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast., September, 2023

Multi-Source Precipitation Data Merging for High-Resolution Daily Rainfall in Complex Terrain.
Remote. Sens., September, 2023

Case Study on the Evolution and Precipitation Characteristics of Southwest Vortex in China: Insights from FY-4A and GPM Observations.
Remote. Sens., August, 2023

Stochastic averaging principle for multi-valued McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations.
Appl. Math. Lett., July, 2023

A flexible speller based on time-space frequency conversion SSVEP stimulation paradigm under dry electrode.
Frontiers Comput. Neurosci., February, 2023

A Novel No-Reference HD Video Quality Metric Based on Perceptual Temporal Pooling.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2023

Three-Dimensional Structure Analysis and Droplet Spectrum Characteristics of Southwest Vortex Precipitation System Based on GPM-DPR.
Remote. Sens., 2022

Visual Attention-Based Self-Supervised Absolute Depth Estimation Using Geometric Priors in Autonomous Driving.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 2022

An online algorithm for the inventory retrieval problem with an uncertain selling duration, uncertain prices, and price-dependent demands.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2022

Research on Temporal Design of Art Painting Landscape Based on Computer Aided Design.
Proceedings of the ICISCAE 2021: 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education, Dalian, China, September 24, 2021

Differences in Visual Attention for HDR and SDR Content.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2021

UBC2019 - A dataset of subjective image quality of head-mounted displays.
Dataset, March, 2020

Classification and Prediction of Typhoon Levels by Satellite Cloud Pictures through GC-LSTM Deep Learning Model.
Sensors, 2020

Marine Boundary Layer Height Obtained by New Numerical Regularization Method Based on GPS Radio Occultation Data.
Sensors, 2020

Machine Learning based Pallets Detection and Tracking in AGVs.
CoRR, 2020

An Ever-evolving Game: Evaluation of Real-world Attacks and Defenses in Ethereum Ecosystem.
Proceedings of the 29th USENIX Security Symposium, 2020

Efficient Multi-Attribute Auctions Considering Supply Disruption.
Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res., 2019

Estimation of Surface Duct Using Ground-Based GPS Phase Delay and Propagation Loss.
Remote. Sens., 2018

Monolithically 3-D Printed Hemispherical Resonator Waveguide Filters With Improved Out-of-Band Rejections.
IEEE Access, 2018

A Method of Docker Container Forensics Based on API.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy, 2018

DVD: Constructing a Discriminative Video Descriptor by Convolving Frame Features.
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data, 2018

Distributed Time-Varying Formation Tracking Analysis and Design for Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems.
J. Intell. Robotic Syst., 2017

A novel data clustering algorithm based on modified gravitational search algorithm.
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., 2017

Dual sourcing problem with real option.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2016

A consensus based algorithm for formation control under directed and switching graphs.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Control, 2016

A novel hybrid system for feature selection based on an improved gravitational search algorithm and k-NN method.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2015

Retrieval of Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Depth with an Improved Algorithm Over East China Sea.
Proceedings of the Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem, 2015

The Nornet Edge platform for mobile broadband measurements.
Comput. Networks, 2014

An intelligent control system based on prediction of the burn-through point for the sintering process of an iron and steel plant.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2012

Characterizing Delays in Norwegian 3G Networks.
Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement - 13th International Conference, 2012
