Jesús Cerquides
Orcid: 0000-0002-3752-644X
According to our database1,
Jesús Cerquides
authored at least 132 papers
between 1997 and 2024.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Bayesian Optimization with Additive Kernels for a Stepwise Calibration of Simulation Models for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst., December, 2024
Artificial Intelligence for Safety-Critical Systems in Industrial and Transportation Domains: A Survey.
ACM Comput. Surv., July, 2024
IDoser: Improving individualized dosing policies with clinical practice and machine learning.
Expert Syst. Appl., March, 2024
Manual versus deep learning measurements to evaluate cumulus expansion of bovine oocytes and its relationship with embryo development <i>in vitro</i>.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, January, 2024
Crowdsourced geolocation: Detailed exploration of mathematical and computational modeling approaches.
Cogn. Syst. Res., 2024
Geopolitically-Informed MultiModal BERT for Propaganda Detection in Political Tweets.
Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2024) co-located with the Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2024), 2024
Proceedings of the Computational Science - ICCS 2024, 2024
Similarity-Based Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: Peer Reviewing Policy for Pseudo-Labeling.
Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr., December, 2023
IEEE Access, 2023
Single or ensemble model ? A study on social media images classification in disaster response.
Proceedings of the 10th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference, 2023
Developing and Validating Tools for the Automated Analysis and Enhancement of Online Discussions.
Proceedings of the HHAI 2023: Augmenting Human Intellect, 2023
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2023
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2023
Bayesian Optimization with Additive Kernels for the Calibration of Simulation Models to Perform Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2023
Improving Disaster Response by Combining Automated Text Information Extraction from Images and Text on Social Media.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2023
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2023
Enhancing Disaster Response with Automated Text Information Extraction from Social Media Images.
Proceedings of the IEEE Ninth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, 2023
Optimization Techniques and Formal Verification for the Software Design of Boolean Algebra Based Safety-Critical Systems.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 2022
Modeling three sources of uncertainty in assisted reproductive technologies with probabilistic graphical models.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2022
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2022
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2022
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2022
Detecting the Area of Bovine Cumulus Oocyte Complexes Using Deep Learning and Semantic Segmentation.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2022
Dataset, September, 2021
A Computational Approach to Quantify the Benefits of Ridesharing for Policy Makers and Travellers.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 2021
Solving Highly Cyclic Distributed Optimization Problems Without Busting the Bank: A Decimation-based Approach.
Log. J. IGPL, 2021
Validation on Real Data of an Extended Embryo-Uterine Probabilistic Graphical Model for Embryo Selection.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2021
Limits of Conventional Machine Learning Methods to Predict Pregnancy and Multiple Pregnancy After Embryo Transfer.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2021
Entropy, 2020
Int. J. Approx. Reason., 2019
Design of an AI Platform to Support Home-Based Self-Training Music Interventions for Chronic Stroke Patients.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2019
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2019
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2019
Data Min. Knowl. Discov., 2018
CoRR, 2018
AD<sup>3</sup>-GLaM: A cooperative distributed QoE-based approach for SVC video streaming over wireless mesh networks.
Ad Hoc Networks, 2018
A Left-to-Right Algorithm for Likelihood Estimation in Gamma-Poisson Factor Analysis.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2018
DeciMaxSum : Décimer pour résoudre des DCOP cycliques plus efficacement.
Proceedings of the Distribution et Décentralisation, 2018
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2018
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 2018
ACM Trans. Intell. Syst. Technol., 2017
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2017
Improving Max-Sum through Decimation to Solve Loopy Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems.
CoRR, 2017
Coalition structure generation problems: optimization and parallelization of the IDP algorithm in multicore systems.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2017
Combining phylogenetic footprinting with motif models incorporating intra-motif dependencies.
BMC Bioinform., 2017
Bioinform., 2017
IEEE Trans. Cogn. Dev. Syst., 2016
Design and evaluation of norm-aware agents based on Normative Markov Decision Processes.
Int. J. Approx. Reason., 2016
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2016
Sufficient and necessary conditions for Dynamic Programming in Valuation-Based Systems.
CoRR, 2015
Conception d'une place de marché pour la vente et la distribution d'énergie dans les smart grids.
Proceedings of the Environnements socio-techniques - JFSMA 15, 2015
Where is my keyboard? Model-based active adaptation of action-space in a humanoid robot.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2015
Parallelisation and Application of AD 3 as a Method for Solving Large Scale Combinatorial Auctions.
Proceedings of the Coordination Models and Languages, 2015
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2015
Designing a Marketplace for the Trading and Distribution of Energy in the Smart Grid.
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2014
MAS-planes: a multi-agent simulation environment to investigate decentralised coordination for teams of UAVs.
Proceedings of the International conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2014
Proceedings of the International conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2014
Proceedings of the International conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2014
J. Mach. Learn. Res., 2013
Bayesian Conditional Gaussian Network Classifiers with Applications to Mass Spectra Classification.
CoRR, 2013
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Proceedings of the International conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2013
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2012
Incremental learning of an optical flow model for sensorimotor anticipation in a mobile robot.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, 2012
Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2012
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2012
Constructing a unifying theory of dynamic programming DCOP algorithms via the generalized distributive law.
Auton. Agents Multi Agent Syst., 2011
Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2011
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2011
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011), 2011
Communication-constrained DCOPs: message approximation in GDL with function filtering.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011), 2011
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2011
Composing Supply Chains Through Multiunit Combinatorial Reverse Auctions With Transformability Relationships Among Goods.
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A, 2010
Auton. Agents Multi Agent Syst., 2010
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23: 24th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2010. Proceedings of a meeting held 6-9 December 2010, 2010
Comparison of Redundancy and Relevance Measures for Feature Selection in Tissue Classification of CT Images.
Proceedings of the Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects, 2010
Egalitarian Utilities Divide-and-Coordinate: Stop arguing about decisions, let's share rewards!.
Proceedings of the ECAI 2010, 2010
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2010), 2010
Proceedings of the Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2009
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), 2009
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), 2009
J. Algorithms, 2008
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., 2008
Hopfield Networks in Relevance and Redundancy Feature Selection Applied to Classification of Biomedical High-Resolution Micro-CT Images.
Proceedings of the Advances in Data Mining. Medical Applications, 2008
Computationally-efficient winner determination for mixed multi-unit combinatorial auctions.
Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), 2008
To Select or To Weigh: A Comparative Study of Linear Combination Schemes for SuperParent-One-Dependence Estimators.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 2007
SIGecom Exch., 2007
Electron. Commer. Res., 2007
Bidding Languages and Winner Determination for Mixed Multi-unit Combinatorial Auctions.
Proceedings of the IJCAI 2007, 2007
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2007
Proceedings of the Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce and Trading Agent Design and Analysis, 2007
Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2007), 2007
Classification of biomedical high-resolution micro-CT images for direct volume rendering.
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2007
Proceedings of the Workshops Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2006), 2006
To Select or To Weigh: A Comparative Study of Model Selection and Model Weighing for SPODE Ensembles.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning: ECML 2006, 2006
Benefits of Combinatorial Auctions with Transformability Relationships.
Proceedings of the ECAI 2006, 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 29, 2006
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2006
Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2006), 2006
Proceedings of the Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce. Automated Negotiation and Strategy Design for Electronic Markets, 2006
Multi-Unit Combinatorial Reverse Auctions with Transformability Relationships among Goods.
Proceedings of the EUMAS 2005, 2005
Proceedings of the Machine Learning: ECML 2005, 2005
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 2005
Proceedings of the Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2005
Proceedings of the Discovery Science, 7th International Conference, 2004
Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2004), 2004
Proceedings of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2004
Proceedings of the Machine Learning, 2003
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2003
Proceedings of the Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2003
<i>Quotes</i>: A Negotiation Tool for Industrial E-Procurement.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2002, 2002
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 1999
Comparing Information-Theoretic Attribute Selection Measures: A Statistical Approach.
AI Commun., 1998
Proceedings of the Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 1998
Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Tenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, 1998
Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Tenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, 1998
Proposal and Empirical Comparison of a Parallelizable Distance-Based Discretization Method.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-97), 1997