Jean-Christophe Ponsart

Orcid: 0000-0003-1610-2418

According to our database1, Jean-Christophe Ponsart authored at least 33 papers between 1996 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Virtual Actuator and Sensor Fault Tolerant Consensus for Homogeneous Linear Multi-Agent Systems.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., March, 2024

Generalized nonlinear sector approaches for Takagi-Sugeno models.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., January, 2024

Common Quadratic Lyapunov Functions for Sets of Second-Order Linear Systems: A Simple Graphical Criterion.
IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., 2024

Bézier Controllers and Observers for Takagi-Sugeno Models.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2024

Modelling a Broad Class of Actuator Saturations Using Takagi-Sugeno Models with a Reduced Number of Local Models.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2024

Gain-scheduled observer-based consensus for linear parameter varying multi-agent systems.
Autom., 2022

Fault diagnosis observer for descriptor Takagi-Sugeno systems.
Neurocomputing, 2019

Analysis of energy consumption in multirotor UAV under actuator fault effects.
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems, 2019

A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Health Aware Control Strategy.
Proceedings of the 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2019

Path Planning Generation Algorithm for a Class of UAV Multirotor Based on State of Health of Lithium Polymer Battery.
J. Intell. Robotic Syst., 2018

Observer synthesis for a class of Takagi-Sugeno descriptor system with unmeasurable premise variable. Application to fault diagnosis.
Int. J. Syst. Sci., 2017

LPV Model-Based Tracking Control and Robust Sensor Fault Diagnosis for a Quadrotor UAV.
J. Intell. Robotic Syst., 2016

Actuator multiplicative fault estimation in discrete-time LPV systems using switched observers.
J. Frankl. Inst., 2016

Robust <i>H</i><sub>-</sub>/<i>H</i><sub>∞</sub> fault detection observer design for descriptor-LPV systems with unmeasurable gain scheduling functions.
Int. J. Control, 2015

A virtual actuator approach for the fault tolerant control of unstable linear systems subject to actuator saturation and fault isolation delay.
Annu. Rev. Control., 2015

Robust Sensor Fault Estimation for Descriptor-LPV Systems with Unmeasurable Gain Scheduling Functions: Application to an Anaerobic Bioreactor.
Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 2015

Robust sensor FDI observer for polytopic descriptor LPV systems with unmeasurable scheduling varying parameter.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2014

Robust observer design for discrete descriptor-LPV systems with unmeasurable gain scheduling functions.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 2014

Fault tolerance in networked control systems under intermittent observations.
Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 2011

Observer synthesis for a class of descriptor LPV systems.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2011

Fault-tolerant control design with respect to actuator health degradation: An LMI approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2011

Output feedback robust ℋ<sub>∞</sub> control of uncertain active fault tolerant control systems via convex analysis.
Int. J. Control, 2008

Output feedback control of a class of stochastic hybrid systems.
Autom., 2008

H∞ Stochastic Stabilization of Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems: Convex Approach.
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 8th European Control Conference Control, 2005

Performance evaluation in active fault tolerant control systems.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Control, 2005

Robust output feedback stochastic stabilization of active fault tolerant control systems.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Control, 2005

Control and Fault Diagnosis of a Winding Machine Based on a LTV Model.
Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2005

Fault decoupling via generalized output injection.
Proceedings of the 7th European Control Conference, 2003

Sensor fault-tolerant control method based on multiple model approach.
Proceedings of the 6th European Control Conference, 2001

Fault-tolerant control method for actuator and component faults applied to a hydraulic system.
Proceedings of the 6th European Control Conference, 2001

Sensor fault diagnosis and accommodation in nonlinear system.
Proceedings of the 6th European Control Conference, 2001

Fault-tolerant control of a nonlinear system application to a three-tank-system.
Proceedings of the 5th European Control Conference, 1999

A nonlinear approach to the control of magnetic bearings.
IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol., 1996
