Jean-Christophe Desconnets
Orcid: 0000-0002-4142-5289
According to our database1,
Jean-Christophe Desconnets
authored at least 18 papers
between 1996 and 2024.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Proceedings of the Semantic Web - ISWC 2024, 2024
Can Knowledge Graphs and Retrieval-Augmented Generation be combined to Explain Query/Answer Relationships Truthfully?
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Data meets Ontologies in Explainable AI co-located with the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024), 2024
Environmental and life sciences observations in knowledge graphs using NLP techniques to support multidisciplinary studies.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Ambient Systems, 2022
A user-centric metadata model to foster sharing and reuse of multidisciplinary datasets in environmental and life sciences.
Comput. Geosci., 2021
Observatoire scientifique en appui aux gestionnaires de territoire, entre abstraction OSAGE et réalité ROSELT/OSS.
Rev. Int. Géomatique, 2017
GEOCAB Portal: A gateway for discovering and accessing capacity building resources in Earth Observation.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation, 2017
Recherche d'information spatio-temporelle : Application aux images satellitaires. (spatio temporal information retrieval : applied to remote sensing data).
, 2017
SIEL : système intégré pour la modélisation et l'évaluation du risque de désertification.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf., 2015
Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf., 2015
A DCAP to Promote Easy-to-Use Data for Multiresolution and Multitemporal Satellite Imagery Analysis.
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2015
Proceedings of the Metadata and Semantics Research - 8th Research Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the Enterprise Information Systems - 12th International Conference, 2010
A Platform Dedicated to Share and Mutualize Environmental Applications.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2010 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Volume 1, DISI, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, June 8, 2010
A Method to Classify Ecoclimatic Arid and Semiarid Zones in Circum-Saharan Africa Using Monthly Dynamics of Multiple Indicators.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2007
Cataloguer pour diffuser les ressources environnementales.
Proceedings of the Actes du XXVème Congrès INFORSID, 2007
Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops, 2006
Méthodologie de mise en place d'observatoires virtuels via les métadonnées.
Proceedings of the Actes du XXIème Congrès INFORSID, Nancy, France, 24-27 mai, 2003, 2003
A GIS for hydrological modelling in the semi-arid, HAPEX-Sahel experiment area of Niger, Africa.
Trans. GIS, 1996