Jason Sewall

Orcid: 0000-0001-9482-3558

According to our database1, Jason Sewall authored at least 38 papers between 2005 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Nemotron-4 340B Technical Report.
CoRR, 2024

Differentiable Hybrid Traffic Simulation.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2022

Navigating Performance, Portability, and Productivity.
Comput. Sci. Eng., 2021

Revisiting a Metric for Performance Portability.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Performance, 2021

Analyzing Reduction Abstraction Capabilities.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Performance, 2021

Interpreting and Visualizing Performance Portability Metrics.
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Performance, 2020

Data Parallel C++: Enhancing SYCL Through Extensions for Productivity and Performance.
Proceedings of the IWOCL '20: International Workshop on OpenCL, 2020

Developments in memory management in OpenMP.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Netw., 2019

Implications of a metric for performance portability.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 2019

CosmoFlow: using deep learning to learn the universe at scale.
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, 2018

Supporting Function Variants in OpenMP.
Proceedings of the Evolving OpenMP for Evolving Architectures, 2018

High-Performance Code Generation though Fusion and Vectorization.
CoRR, 2017

A Metric for Performance Portability.
CoRR, 2016

A Modern Memory Management System for OpenMP.
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives, 2016

Virtualized Traffic at Metropolitan Scales.
Frontiers Robotics AI, 2015

Flow reconstruction for data-driven traffic animation.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2013

Transforming GIS Data into Functional Road Models for Large-Scale Traffic Simulation.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2012

Large-scale fluid simulation using velocity-vorticity domain decomposition.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2012

Efficient large-scale hybrid fluid simulation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2012

Analysis and Optimization of Financial Analytics Benchmark on Modern Multi- and Many-core IA-Based Architectures.
Proceedings of the 2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, 2012

Fast and Efficient Graph Traversal Algorithm for CPUs: Maximizing Single-Node Efficiency.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2012

Efficient, scalable traffic and compressible fluid simulations using hyperbolic models.
PhD thesis, 2011

Virtualized Traffic: Reconstructing Traffic Flows from Discrete Spatiotemporal Data.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2011

Interactive hybrid simulation of large-scale traffic.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2011

PALM: Parallel Architecture-Friendly Latch-Free Modifications to B+ Trees on Many-Core Processors.
Proc. VLDB Endow., 2011

Interactive hybrid simulation of large-scale traffic.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2011

Continuum Traffic Simulation.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2010

Visual simulation of shockwaves.
Graph. Model., 2009

Virtualized Traffic: Reconstructing Traffic Flows from Discrete Spatio-Temporal Data.
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2009 (VR 2009), 2009

Controlling deformable material with dynamic morph targets.
Proceedings of the 2009 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 2009

Interactive Modeling, Simulation and Control of Large-Scale Crowds and Traffic.
Proceedings of the Motion in Games, Second International Workshop, 2009

Fast animation of turbulence using energy transport and procedural synthesis.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2008

Interactive navigation of multiple agents in crowded environments.
Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 2008

Real-Time Path Planning and Navigation for Multi-agent and Crowd Simulations.
Proceedings of the Motion in Games, First International Workshop, 2008

Fast Simulation of Laplacian Growth.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007

Fast Fluid Simulation Using Residual Distribution Schemes.
Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, 2007

Green's fractal terrain.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2005

A fast fractal growth algorithm.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2005
