Jarno Pinola

Orcid: 0000-0001-6744-5539

According to our database1, Jarno Pinola authored at least 25 papers between 2008 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Federated Learning for Anomaly Detection in Open RAN: Security Architecture Within a Digital Twin.
Proceedings of the Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit, 2024

Security Framework in Digital Twin for O-RAN.
Proceedings of the Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit, 2024

XcARet: XAI based Green Security Architecture for Resilient Open Radio Access Networks in 6G.
Proceedings of the 2023 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit, 2023

Design, Development, and Evaluation of 5G-Enabled Vehicular Services: The 5G-HEART Perspective.
Sensors, 2022

5G Vertical Use Cases and Trials of Transportation.
Proceedings of the 32nd International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2022

An Overview of the Security Landscape of Virtual Mobile Networks.
IEEE Access, 2021

Experimental evaluation of a traffic warning system based on accurate driver condition assessment and 5G connectivity.
Proceedings of the 93rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2021

Overview of Security of Virtual Mobile Networks.
CoRR, 2020

Dynamic Spectrum Management for European-Wide Research Network.
Proceedings of the 91st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2020

The LSA Based Spectrum Sharing Solution for Wireless Research Networks Utilizing Commercial MNO Networks.
Proceedings of the 2020 European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2020

EuWireless RAN Architecture and Slicing Framework for Virtual Testbeds.
Proceedings of the Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communications, 2019

Performance of LTE uplink for IoT backhaul.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, 2016

A systematic and flexible approach for testing future mobile networks by exploiting a wrap-around testing methodology.
IEEE Commun. Mag., 2013

DockingAssist: A novel vessel navigation system design based on WiMAX and DGNSS.
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2013

An experimental study on jamming tolerance of 3G/WCDMA.
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2012

Performance of IEEE 802.11 based WLAN devices under various jamming signals.
Proceedings of the MILCOM 2011, 2011

Multimedia Services over Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks.
Adv. Comput., 2010

IPTV over WiMAX with MIPv6 Handovers.
Proceedings of the 69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2009

Multi-client video streaming over wirelessMAN-OFDMA.
Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and measurement of heterogeneous wireless and wired networks, 2009

On the Performance Gains of VoIP Aggregation and ROHC over a WirelessMAN-OFDMA Air Interface.
Proceedings of the Global Communications Conference, 2009. GLOBECOM 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 30 November, 2009

Quantifying WiMAX Performance.
ERCIM News, 2008

An experimental investigation of VoIP and video streaming over fixed WiMAX.
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, 2008

Empirical evaluation of VoIP aggregation over a fixed WiMAX testbed.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Testbeds & Research Infrastructures for the DEvelopment of NeTworks & COMmunities (TRIDENTCOM 2008), 2008

ROHC and aggregated VoIP over fixed WiMAX: An empirical evaluation.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2008), 2008

A measurement study of Speex VoIP and H.264/AVC video over IEEE 802.16d and IEEE 802.11g.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2008), 2008
