Jae-wook Jang
Orcid: 0000-0002-2273-1993
According to our database1,
Jae-wook Jang
authored at least 8 papers
between 2014 and 2016.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
On csauthors.net:
Andro-profiler: Detecting and Classifying Android Malware based on Behavioral Profiles.
CoRR, 2016
Mal-Netminer: Malware Classification Approach based on Social Network Analysis of System Call Graph.
CoRR, 2016
Andro-Dumpsys: Anti-malware system based on the similarity of malware creator and malware centric information.
Comput. Secur., 2016
Detecting and Classifying Android Malware Using Static Analysis along with Creator Information.
Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks, 2015
Andro-AutoPsy: Anti-malware system based on similarity matching of malware and malware creator-centric information.
Digit. Investig., 2015
Proceedings of the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, 2014