Isabel N. Figueiredo

Orcid: 0000-0002-0215-8851

According to our database1, Isabel N. Figueiredo authored at least 35 papers between 2000 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Reducing reading time and assessing disease in capsule endoscopy videos: A deep learning approach.
Int. J. Medical Informatics, 2025

Automated bleeding detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images based on sparse coding.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2021

Registration of Consecutive Frames From Wireless Capsule Endoscopy for 3D Motion Estimation.
IEEE Access, 2021

Fast colonic polyp detection using a Hamilton-Jacobi approach to non-dominated sorting.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2020

The Effects of Motivation in Student Academic Success.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2020

Engaging Students in Engineering Courses with Mathematics and Robotics.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2020

Unsupervised segmentation of colonic polyps in narrow-band imaging data based on manifold representation of images and Wasserstein distance.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2019

Spatially adaptive total variation deblurring with split Bregman technique.
IET Image Process., 2018

Hybrid multiscale affine and elastic image registration approach towards wireless capsule endoscope localization.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2018

Hybrid multi-GPU computing: accelerated kernels for segmentation and object detection with medical image processing applications.
J. Real Time Image Process., 2017

Dissimilarity Measure of Consecutive Frames in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos: A Way of Searching for Abnormalities.
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2017

Homogenization Model for Aberrant Crypt Foci.
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 2016

A Modified Lyzenga's Model for Multispectral Bathymetry Using Tikhonov Regularization.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2016

Automated retina identification based on multiscale elastic registration.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2016

Bag of Visual Words Approach for Bleeding Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition - 13th International Conference, 2016

An Elastic Image Registration Approach for Wireless Capsule Endoscope Localization.
CoRR, 2015

Automated lesion detectors in retinal fundus images.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2015

Automated Polyp Detection in Colon Capsule Endoscopy.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2014

An Homogenization Model for Aberrant Crypt Foci.
CoRR, 2014

Automatic Optic Disc Detection in Retinal Fundus Images Based on Geometric Features.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition - 11th International Conference, 2014

Cooperative use of parallel processing with time or frequency-domain filtering for shape recognition.
Proceedings of the 22nd European Signal Processing Conference, 2014

Pattern Classes in Retinal Fundus Images Based on Function Norms.
Proceedings of the Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images. Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications, 2014

Wavelet-Based Computer-Aided Detection of Bright Lesions in Retinal Fundus Images.
Proceedings of the Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images. Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications, 2014

Physiologic Parameter Estimation Using Inverse Problems.
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 2013

Computer-assisted bleeding detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images.
Comput. methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. Imaging Vis., 2013

Fast aberrant crypt foci segmentation on the GPU.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2013

A Segmentation Model and Application to Endoscopic Images.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Recognition - 9th International Conference, 2012

Mucosal region detection and 3D reconstruction in wireless capsule endoscopy videos using active contours.
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2012

Texture image segmentation with smooth gradients and local information.
Proceedings of the Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images, 2012

Image-Driven Parameter Estimation in Absorption-Diffusion Models of Chromoscopy.
SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 2011

A convection-diffusion-shape model for aberrant colonic crypt morphogenesis.
Comput. Vis. Sci., 2011

Variational Image Segmentation for Endoscopic Human Colonic Aberrant Crypt Foci.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2010

A coupled convection-diffusion level set model for tracking epithelial cells in colonic crypts.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, 2010

Shape Analysis of an Adaptive Elastic Rod Model.
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 2005

Structural Optimization of Laminated Plates with Genetic Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '00), 2000
