Ignacio García Rodríguez de Guzmán

Orcid: 0000-0002-0038-0942

According to our database1, Ignacio García Rodríguez de Guzmán authored at least 100 papers between 2003 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:



A process for creating KDM2PSM transformation engines.
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., February, 2024

Challenges of Quantum Software Engineering for the Next Decade: The Road Ahead.
CoRR, 2024

Let's do it right the first time: Survey on security concerns in the way to quantum software engineering.
Neurocomputing, June, 2023

Quantum software testing: State of the art.
J. Softw. Evol. Process., April, 2023

Quantum Services Generation and Deployment Process: A Quality-Oriented Approach.
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2023

Automatic generation of test circuits for the verification of Quantum deterministic algorithms.
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Quantum Programming for Software Engineering, 2022

Quantum Software Testing: Current Trends and Emerging Proposals.
Proceedings of the Quantum Software Engineering, 2022

FEETINGS: Framework for Energy Efficiency Testing to Improve Environmental Goal of the Software.
Sustain. Comput. Informatics Syst., 2021

How to help university students to manage their interruptions and improve their attention and time management.
CoRR, 2021

The Importance of Software Sustainability in the CSR of Software Companies.
Proceedings of the Software Sustainability, 2021

FEETINGS: Framework for Energy Efficiency Testing to Improve eNvironmental Goals of the Software.
Proceedings of the Software Sustainability, 2021

Special issue on quality management for information systems.
Softw. Qual. J., 2020

Automated generation of oracled test cases with regular expressions and combinatorial techniques.
J. Softw. Evol. Process., 2020

A New Approach for Information System Audit Teaching.
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2020

The Talavera Manifesto for Quantum Software Engineering and Programming.
Proceedings of the Short Papers Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on the QuANtum SoftWare Engineering & pRogramming, 2020

Evaluating GSD-Aware: A Serious Game for Discovering Global Software Development Challenges.
ACM Trans. Comput. Educ., 2019

Towards a Reference Architecture for ADM-based Modernization Tools.
Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2019

ProFit - Performing Dynamic Analysis of Software Systems.
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2019

Software Refactoring for System Modernization.
IEEE Softw., 2018

A Teaching Experience on Information Systems Auditing.
Proceedings of the Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 2018

A reference model-driven Architecture linking Business Processes and Services.
Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018

EET: a device to support the measurement of software consumption.
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software, 2018

GreCo: Green code of ethics.
J. Softw. Evol. Process., 2017

Test Case Generation with Regular Expressions and Combinatorial Techniques.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, 2017

An architecture for automatically developing secure OLAP applications from models.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2015

An MDA approach for developing secure OLAP applications: Metamodels and transformations.
Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst., 2015

Eliciting Security Requirements for Business Processes of Legacy Systems.
Proceedings of the Practice of Enterprise Modeling, 2015

A First Approach on Legacy System Energy Consumption Measurement.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Global Software Engineering Workshops, 2015

Green Software Maintenance.
Proceedings of the Green in Software Engineering, 2015

Assessing event correlation in non-process-aware information systems.
Softw. Syst. Model., 2014

Showing the Benefits of Applying a Model Driven Architecture for Developing Secure OLAP Applications.
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2014

An integrated approach based on execution measures for the continuous improvement of business processes realized by services.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2014

Software modernization by recovering Web services from legacy databases.
J. Softw. Evol. Process., 2013

ANDRIU. A Technique for Migrating Graphical User Interfaces to Android (S).
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2013

A teaching experience on software reengineering.
Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2013

MIMOS, System Model-Driven Migration Project.
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2013

A case study on business process recovery using an e-government system.
Softw. Pract. Exp., 2012

A family of case studies on business process mining using MARBLE.
J. Syst. Softw., 2012

Integrating event logs into KDM repositories.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2012

Model transformations for Business-IT alignment: from collaborative business process to SoaML service model.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2012

Database Schema Elicitation to Modernize Relational Databases.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2012 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Volume 1, Wroclaw, Poland, 28 June, 2012

Improving Event Correlation for Non-process Aware Information Systems.
Proceedings of the ENASE 2012, 2012

Reengineering Technologies.
IEEE Softw., 2011

Business process archeology using MARBLE.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2011

Process mining through dynamic analysis for modernising legacy systems.
IET Softw., 2011

Generating event logs from non-process-aware systems enabling business process mining.
Enterp. Inf. Syst., 2011

Knowledge Discovery Metamodel-ISO/IEC 19506: A standard to modernize legacy systems.
Comput. Stand. Interfaces, 2011

An empirical comparison of static and dynamic business process mining.
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), TaiChung, Taiwan, March 21, 2011

MARBLE. A business process archeology tool.
Proceedings of the IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2011

Obtaining Thresholds for the Effectiveness of Business Process Mining.
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2011

Execution Measurement-driven Continuous Improvement of Business Processes Implemented by Services.
Proceedings of the ENASE 2011, 2011

Continuous Improvement of Business Processes Realized by Services Based on Execution Measurement.
Proceedings of the Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, 2011

Diagnosis of software erosion through fuzzy logic.
Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments, 2011

Marco MINERVA para Mejora Continua de Procesos de Negocio Orientado a Servicios Dirigido por Modelos.
Proceedings of the 14th Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering, 2011

Business Process Service Oriented Methodology (BPSOM) with Service Generation in SoaML.
Proceedings of the Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 2011

Semi-formal transformation of secure business processes into analysis class and use case models: An MDA approach.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2010

Defining and transforming security rules in an MDA approach for DWs.
Int. J. Bus. Intell. Data Min., 2010

Tool support for Service Oriented Development from Business Processes.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Service Engineering, 2010

On the use of patterns to recover business processes.
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2010

Towards an ontology for service oriented modeling supporting business processes.
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2010

Application of Service-oriented Computing and Model-driven Development Paradigms to Business Processes - A Systematic Review.
Proceedings of the ICSOFT 2010, 2010

Main Principles on the Integration of SOC and MDD Paradigms to Business Processes: A Systematic Review.
Proceedings of the Software and Data Technologies - 5th International Conference, 2010

Implementing Business Process Recovery Patterns through QVT Transformations.
Proceedings of the Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, 2010

Toward Obtaining Event Logs from Legacy Code.
Proceedings of the Business Process Management Workshops, 2010

Decreasing the cost of mutation testing with second-order mutants.
Softw. Test. Verification Reliab., 2009

Applying QVT in Order to Implement Secure Data Warehouses in SQL Server Analysis Services.
J. Res. Pract. Inf. Technol., 2009

PRECISO: A Reverse Engineering Tool to Discover Web Services from Relational Databases.
Proceedings of the 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2009

On the Use of ADM to Contextualize Data on Legacy Source Code for Software Modernization.
Proceedings of the 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2009

PRECISO: a reengineering process and a tool for database modernisation through web services.
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2009

MINERVA: Model drIveN and sErvice oRiented Framework for the Continuous Business Process improVement and relAted Tools.
Proceedings of the Service-Oriented Computing. ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 Workshops, 2009

Model-driven testing in software product lines.
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2009), 2009

Establishing Trust Networks based on Data Quality Criteria for Selecting Data Suppliers.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2009, 2009

Desarrollo de software orientado a servicios basado en procesos de negocio.
Proceedings of the Memorias de la XII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Software Engineering (CIbSE 2009), 2009

Towards a Service-oriented and Model-driven Framework with Business Processes as First-class Citizens.
Proceedings of the Business Process, 2009

Applying an MDA-Based Approach to Consider Security Rules in the Development of Secure DWs.
Proceedings of the The Forth International Conference on Availability, 2009

Including Security Rules Support in an MDA Approach for Secure DWs.
Proceedings of the The Forth International Conference on Availability, 2009

Obtaining Secure Code in SQL Server Analysis Services by using MDA and QVT.
Proceedings of the Security in Information Systems, 2008

Automatic Generation of Secure Multidimensional Code for Data Warehouses: An MDA Approach.
Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008, 2008

Automatic Generation of Secure Multidimensional Code for Data Warehouses by using QVT Transformations: an MDA Approach.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Modeling Security ( MODSEC08 ) held as part of the 2008 International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems ( MODELS ) Toulouse, 2008

Construcción de Modelos Lógicos Multidimensionales Seguros para su Implementación en Herramientas OLAP Mediante MDA y QVT.
Proceedings of the XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2008), 2008

Hacia la Implementación Automática de Almacenes de Datos Seguros en Herramientas OLAP.
Proceedings of the XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2008), 2008

Un enfoque ADM para la Reingeniería de Bases de Datos Relacionales hacia Servicios Web.
Proceedings of the VII Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingeniería de Software e Ingeniería del Conocimiento 2008, Guayaquil, Ecuador, January 30, 2008

An Ontology for the WSRP Standard.
Proceedings of the Memorias de la XI Conferencia Iberoamericana de Software Engineering (CIbSE 2008), 2008

An MDA-based approach for database re-engineering.
J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract., 2007

An ADM Approach to Reengineer Relational Databases towards Web Services.
Proceedings of the 14th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2007), 2007

PRESSWEB: A Process to Reengineer Legacy Systems towards Web Services.
Proceedings of the 14th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2007), 2007

Obtaining Use Cases and Security Use Cases from Secure Business Process through the MDA Approach.
Proceedings of the Security in Information Systems, 2007

Using Model-Driven Pattern Matching to derive functionalities in Models.
Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2007), 2007

Transformaciones QVT para la obtención de Clases de Análisis a partir de un Modelo de Proceso de Negocio Seguro.
Proceedings of the XII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2007), 2007

A framework for model-driven pattern matching.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2007, 2007

An approach for mining services in database oriented applications.
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2007

A Methodology for Database Reengineering to Web Services.
Proceedings of the Model Driven Architecture, 2006

Un Método para la Creación de Servicios Web a Partir de Bases de Datos Relacionales.
Proceedings of the Actas del Taller sobre Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos. MDA y Aplicaciones. Sitges, 2006

Obtaining Web Services from Relational Databases.
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2006), 2006

.Net Approach to Run-Time Component Integration.
Proceedings of the Third Latin American Web Congress (LA-Web 2005), 1 October, 2005

Un entorno integrado para la reingeniería.
Proceedings of the Actas de las X Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2005), 2005

An Integrated Environment for Reengineering.
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2005), 2005

Automated Generation of Component-Based Web Applications from Databases.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, 2004

Una familia de herramientas para la edición y publicación de noticias basada en NewsML.
Proceedings of the IV Jornadas de Bibliotecas Digitales, 2003
