Ian Millard

According to our database1, Ian Millard authored at least 19 papers between 2005 and 2019.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


An Assessment of Adoption and Quality of Linked Data in European Open Government Data.
Proceedings of the Semantic Web - ISWC 2019, 2019

Tracing the provenance of linked data using voiD.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, 2011

Domain-Specific Backlinking Services in the Web of Data.
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2010

Consuming Multiple Linked Data Sources: Challenges and Experiences.
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2010), 2010

Linked Timelines: Temporal Representation and Management in Linked Data.
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2010), 2010

From Information to Sense-Making: Fetching and Querying Semantic Repositories.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2010

SPARQL query rewriting for implementing data integration over linked data.
Proceedings of the 2010 EDBT/ICDT Workshops, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 22-26, 2010, 2010

Managing Co-reference on the Semantic Web.
Proceedings of the WWW2009 Workshop on Linked Data on the Web, 2009

View Inheritance as an Extension of the Normalization Ontology Design Pattern.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP 2009) , 2009

Research on Linked Data and Co-reference Resolution.
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2009

IP-Explorer: A Semantic Web Based Intellectual Property Knowledge Base and Trading Platform.
Proceedings of the Semantic Web, Fourth Asian Conference, 2009

Contextually aware pervasive computing : a semantic approach.
PhD thesis, 2008

URI Disambiguation in the Context of Linked Data.
Proceedings of the WWW2008 Workshop on Linked Data on the Web, 2008

An Infrastructure for Managing URI Synonymity on the Semantic Web.
Proceedings of the Poster Track of the 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2008) Tenerife (Spain), 01, 2008

Managing URI Synonymity to Enable Consistent Reference on the Semantic Web.
Proceedings of the 1st IRSW2008 International Workshop on Identity and Reference on the Semantic Web, 2008

RKBExplorer.com: A Knowledge Driven Infrastructure for Linked Data Providers.
Proceedings of the Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 2008

RKB Explorer: Application and Infrastructure .
Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge 2007 co-located with ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007, 2007

URI Identity Management for Semantic Web Data Integration and Linkage.
Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: OTM 2007 Workshops, 2007

Contextually Aware Information Delivery in Pervasive Computing Environments.
Proceedings of the Location- and Context-Awareness, First International Workshop, 2005
