I Ketut Eddy Purnama

Orcid: 0000-0002-7438-7880

According to our database1, I Ketut Eddy Purnama authored at least 37 papers between 2007 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Improving Crack Detection Precision of Concrete Structures Using U-Net Architecture and Novel DBCE Loss Function.
IEEE Access, 2025

Lite-FBCN: Lightweight Fast Bilinear Convolutional Network for Brain Disease Classification from MRI Image.
CoRR, 2024

Exploring the Efficacy of Spatial Subsampling Methods for 3D Image Projection for 2D Classification.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2024

Multicluster Kernel Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means and State Transition Algorithm : Framework for Low Light Segmentation Imaging of Tuberculosis Bacilli Base of Semisupervised Approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2024

Volumetric Hippocampus Segmentation Using 3D U-Net Based On Transfer Learning.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications, 2024

Deep-Stacked Convolutional Neural Networks for Brain Abnormality Classification Based on MRI Images.
J. Digit. Imaging, August, 2023

Dual Convolutional Neural Network Classifier with Pyramid Attention Network for Image-Based Kinship Verification.
Acta Cybern., June, 2023

3-D Visualization for Lung Covid-19 Infection Based on U-Net CNN Segmentation.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2023

3D craniofacial reconstruction framework using elastic surface deformation based on automatic landmark positioning.
IET Image Process., 2023

A U-Net-Based System for Cine Cardiac Segmentation on MR Images: The Effect of Fuzzy Pooling Layer Type.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, 2023

Automatic 3D Cranial Landmark Positioning based on Surface Curvature Feature using Machine Learning.
Knowl. Eng. Data Sci., 2022

Spring-Charged Particles Model to Improved Shape Recovery: An Application for X-Ray Spinal Segmentation.
IEEE Access, 2022

Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks With Support Vector Machine for Epilepsy Classification Based on Multi-Sequence of Magnetic Resonance Images.
IEEE Access, 2022

Revisiting Dropout Regularization for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification.
IEEE Access, 2022

Ultrasound Image Segmentation for Deep Vein Thrombosis using Unet-CNN based on Denoising Filter.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2022

Activation Function Selection for U-net Multi-structures Segmentation of End-Diastole and End-Systole Frames of Cine Cardiac MRI.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2022

Covid-19 Lung Segmentation using U-Net CNN based on Computed Tomography Image.
Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications, 2022

Classification of Corn Leaf Disease Using the Optimized DenseNet-169 Model.
Proceedings of the ICIT 2021: IoT and Smart City, Guangzhou, China, December 22 - 25, 2021, 2021

3D reconstruction of carotid artery in B-mode ultrasound image using modified template matching based on ellipse feature.
Comput. methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. Imaging Vis., 2020

Image-based Kinship Verification Using Dual VGG-Face Classifie.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System, 2020

3D Laplacian Surface Deformation for Template Fitting on Craniofacial Reconstruction.
Proceedings of the ICCCM 2020: 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications Management, 2020

Epileptic EEG Signal Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Optimum Window Length and FFT's Length.
Proceedings of the ICCCM 2020: 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications Management, 2020

Acquiface Interface as a Device for Acquisition of User's Facial Expressions in Game Expression Hunter.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Games, 2020

A New Approach to Classify Knee Osteoarthritis Severity from Radiographic Images based on CNN-LSTM Method.
Proceedings of the IEEE 10th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, 2019

Classification of Sleep Disorder from Single Lead Non-overlapping of ECG-apnea based Non-Linear Analysis using Ensemble Approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE 10th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, 2019

Image-based Kinship Verification using Fusion Convolutional Neural Network.
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications, 2019

Profiling Director's Style Based on Camera Positioning Using Fuzzy Logic.
Comput., 2018

Texture Detection for Letter Carving Segmentation of Ancient Copper Inscriptions.
Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell., 2017

Inter-departmental research collaboration recommender system based on content filtering in a cold start problem.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications, 2017

A novel hybrid of S2DPCA and SVM for knee osteoarthritis classification.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications, 2016

Intelligent Classification of Learner's Cognitive Domain using Bayes Net, Naïve Bayes, and J48 Utilizing Bloom's Taxonomy-based Serious Game.
Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn., 2015

Vehicle Color Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network.
CoRR, 2015

Parrondo's paradox based strategies in the serious game of rtgs using forest fire model.
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 2013

WordNet Editor to Refine Indonesian Language Lexical Database.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 2011

Non-Compactness Attribute Filtering to Extract Retinal Blood Vessels in Fundus Images.
Int. J. E Health Medical Commun., 2010

An Improved Olympic Hole-Filling Method for Ultrasound Volume Reconstruction of Human Spine.
Int. J. E Health Medical Commun., 2010

Branches filtering approach for max-tree.
Proceedings of the VISAPP 2007: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, March 8-11, 2007, 2007
