Hsueh-Yi Lin
According to our database1,
Hsueh-Yi Lin
authored at least 21 papers
between 2006 and 2018.
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On csauthors.net:
Using a Hybrid of Morphological Operation and Neuro-fuzzy Filter for Transmission Map Refinement and Halation Elimination in Weather Degraded Images.
J. Inf. Sci. Eng., 2018
Glomerulus Detection on Light Microscopic Images of Renal Pathology with the Faster R-CNN.
Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing - 25th International Conference, 2018
Int. J. Fuzzy Syst., 2017
Appl. Intell., 2017
Optimization of printed circuit board component placement using an efficient hybrid genetic algorithm.
Appl. Intell., 2016
A Fuzzy Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller Using a Strategy-Adaptation-Based Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm for Classification Applications.
Int. J. Fuzzy Syst., 2015
Eight-Scale Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Adaptive Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent Algorithm.
Algorithms, 2014
Proceedings of the Three-Dimensional Image Processing, 2014
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 2013
Memory-efficient scalable video encoder architecture for multi-source digital home environment.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2013), 2013
Stereo matching architecture for 3D pose/gesture recognition and distance-measuring application.
Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Imaging, 2013
Hardware design of the scalable video encoder for the multi-source digital home environment.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems, 2012
A Low Complexity Scalable Video Compressor for Multiple Source Digit Home Set-Top Box.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications, 2011
A Fast and Effective Algorithm for Significance Coding Using Zero Block Coding Technology.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications, 2011
Proceedings of the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2010
Utilization of low-complexity and drift-reduction architecture in downscaling transcoder.
J. Electronic Imaging, 2009
Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2009
Video Transcoder in DCT-Domain Spatial Resolution Reduction Using Low-Complexity Motion Vector Refinement Algorithm.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2008
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2007), 2007
Low Complexity Design on H.263 Resolution Downscaling using Partial Loop Architecture.
Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2006, 2006
Progressive Videotext Regions Inpainting Based on Edge Detection and Statistic Method.
Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2006, 2006