Houari A. Sahraoui

Orcid: 0000-0001-6304-9926

  • Université de Montréal, Canada

According to our database1, Houari A. Sahraoui authored at least 221 papers between 1995 and 2024.

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In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


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On csauthors.net:


Building Domain-Specific Machine Learning Workflows: A Conceptual Framework for the State of the Practice.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., May, 2024

Toward Optimal Psychological Functioning in AI-Driven Software Engineering Tasks: The Software Evaluation for Well-Being and Optimal Psychological Functioning in a Context-Aware Environment Assessment Framework.
IEEE Softw., 2024

Polyglot Software Development: Wait, What?
IEEE Softw., 2024

Improving the Learning of Code Review Successive Tasks with Cross-Task Knowledge Distillation.
Proc. ACM Softw. Eng., 2024

On the Utility of Domain Modeling Assistance with Large Language Models.
CoRR, 2024

The Past, Present, and Future of Automation in Model-Driven Engineering.
CoRR, 2024

CodeUltraFeedback: An LLM-as-a-Judge Dataset for Aligning Large Language Models to Coding Preferences.
CoRR, 2024

CodeLL: A Lifelong Learning Dataset to Support the Co-Evolution of Data and Language Models of Code.
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2024

A Modeling Methodology for Crop Representation in Digital Twins for Smart Farming.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2024

Fingerprinting and Building Large Reproducible Datasets - Artefact.
Dataset, May, 2023

MoTrans-BDI: Leveraging the Beliefs-Desires-Intentions agent architecture for collaborative model transformation by example.
J. Comput. Lang., January, 2023

Toward Optimal Psychological Functioning in AI-driven Software Engineering Tasks: The SEWELL-CARE Assessment Framework.
CoRR, 2023

Unity is Strength: Cross-Task Knowledge Distillation to Improve Code Review Generation.
CoRR, 2023

Exploring Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Techniques for Code Generation with Large Language Models.
CoRR, 2023

A Multi-Step Learning Approach to Assist Code Review.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, 2023

On the Usage of Continual Learning for Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Pre-trained Language Models of Code.
Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2023

Digital Twins for Cyber-Biophysical Systems: Challenges and Lessons Learned.
Proceedings of the 26th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2023

Towards using Few-Shot Prompt Learning for Automating Model Completion.
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results, 2023

Fingerprinting and Building Large Reproducible Datasets.
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Reproducibility and Replicability, 2023

Extraction of Software Product Line Architectures from Many System Variants.
Proceedings of the Handbook of Re-Engineering Software Intensive Systems into Software Product Lines, 2023

Recommending metamodel concepts during modeling activities with pre-trained language models.
Softw. Syst. Model., 2022

A generic approach to detect design patterns in model transformations using a string-matching algorithm.
Softw. Syst. Model., 2022

Promoting social diversity for the automated learning of complex MDE artifacts.
Softw. Syst. Model., 2022

Guest editorial for the special section on MODELS 2020.
Softw. Syst. Model., 2022

Learning from Code Repositories to Recommend Model Classes.
J. Object Technol., 2022

Social Diversity for ATL Repair.
CoRR, 2022

Code Sophistication: From Code Recommendation to Logic Recommendation.
CoRR, 2022

Fighting evil is not enough when refactoring metamodels: promoting the good also matters.
Proceedings of the SAC '22: The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Virtual Event, April 25, 2022

Towards automatically extracting UML class diagrams from natural language specifications.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings, 2022

AST-Probe: Recovering abstract syntax trees from hidden representations of pre-trained language models.
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2022

Global Decision Making Over Deep Variability in Feedback-Driven Software Development.
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2022

Fine-Grained Analysis of Similar Code Snippets.
Proceedings of the Reuse and Software Quality, 2022

Better Modeling the Programming World with Code Concept Graphs-augmented Multi-modal Learning.
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results ICSE (NIER) 2022, 2022

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Model-Driven Engineering for Data-Centric Systems.
IEEE Softw., 2021

Fixing Multiple Type Errors in Model Transformations with Alternative Oracles to Test Cases.
J. Object Technol., 2021

Understanding High-Level Behavior with a Light-Traces Visualization Metaphor.
Proceedings of the Working Conference on Software Visualization, 2021

Automated Patch Generation for Fixing Semantic Errors in ATL Transformation Rules.
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2021

Metamodel Refactoring using Constraint Solving: a Quality-based Perspective.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, 2021

Checking temporal patterns of API usage without code execution.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering, 2021

Exploiting Results of Model-Based Analysis Tools.
Proceedings of the Composing Model-Based Analysis Tools, 2021

Opportunities in intelligent modeling assistance.
Softw. Syst. Model., 2020

ReSIde: Reusable service identification from software families.
J. Syst. Softw., 2020

Towards assisting developers in API usage by automated recovery of complex temporal patterns.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2020

API Misuse Detection An Immune System inspired Approach.
CoRR, 2020

Function completion in the time of massive data: A code embedding perspective.
CoRR, 2020

Model Transformation by Example with Statistical Machine Translation.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, 2020

Towards an assessment grid for intelligent modeling assistance.
Proceedings of the MODELS '20: ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2020

Automated metamodel/model co-evolution: A search-based approach.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2019

A vision for helping developers use APIs by leveraging temporal patterns.
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering, 2019

Improving reusability of software libraries through usage pattern mining.
J. Syst. Softw., 2018

Special section on Visual Analytics in Software Engineering.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2018

Identifying Components from Object-Oriented APIs Based on Dynamic Analysis.
CoRR, 2018

Systematic mapping study of template-based code generation.
Comput. Lang. Syst. Struct., 2018

Automated Co-evolution of Metamodels and Transformation Rules: A Search-Based Approach.
Proceedings of the Search-Based Software Engineering - 10th International Symposium, 2018

Injecting Social Diversity in Multi-objective Genetic Programming: The Case of Model Well-Formedness Rule Learning.
Proceedings of the Search-Based Software Engineering - 10th International Symposium, 2018

Recommending Model Refactoring Rules from Refactoring Examples.
Proceedings of the 21th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2018

Integrating the Designer in-the-loop for Metamodel/Model Co-Evolution via Interactive Computational Search.
Proceedings of the 21th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2018

Identifying software components from object-oriented APIs based on dynamic analysis.
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Program Comprehension, 2018

Towards the automated recovery of complex temporal API-usage patterns.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2018

MORE: A multi-objective refactoring recommendation approach to introducing design patterns and fixing code smells.
J. Softw. Evol. Process., 2017

Reverse engineering reusable software components from object-oriented APIs.
J. Syst. Softw., 2017

Recovering software product line architecture of a family of object-oriented product variants.
J. Syst. Softw., 2017

Heuristic-Based Recommendation for Metamodel - OCL Coevolution.
Proceedings of the 20th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2017

Mining complex temporal API usage patterns: an evolutionary approach.
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2017

Multi-Step Learning and Adaptive Search for Learning Complex Model Transformations from Examples.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 2016

Multi-Criteria Code Refactoring Using Search-Based Software Engineering: An Industrial Case Study.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 2016

Automated Inference of Software Library Usage Patterns.
CoRR, 2016

Towards Rule-Based Detection of Design Patterns in Model Transformations.
Proceedings of the System Analysis and Modeling. Technology-Specific Aspects of Models, 2016

Systematic Mapping Study of Model Transformations for Concrete Problems.
Proceedings of the MODELSWARD 2016, 2016

A generic framework for model-set selection for the unification of testing and learning MDE tasks.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2016

A cooperative approach for combining client-based and library-based API usage pattern mining.
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, 2016

Automated Metamodel/Model Co-evolution Using a Multi-objective Optimization Approach.
Proceedings of the Modelling Foundations and Applications - 12th European Conference, 2016

Prioritizing code-smells correction tasks using chemical reaction optimization.
Softw. Qual. J., 2015

Improving multi-objective code-smells correction using development history.
J. Syst. Softw., 2015

Assessing the use of slicing-based visualizing techniques on the understanding of large metamodels.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2015

Learning dependency-based change impact predictors using independent change histories.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2015

Modeling and Analyzing Release Trajectory based on the Process of Issue Tracking.
CoRR, 2015

An observational study on API usage constraints and their documentation.
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, 2015

Mining Multi-level API Usage Patterns.
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, 2015

Visualization based API usage patterns refining.
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, 2015

Could we infer unordered API usage patterns only using the library source code?
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Program Comprehension, 2015

Detection of software evolution phases based on development activities.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Program Comprehension, 2015

Mining Software Components from Object-Oriented APIs.
Proceedings of the Software Reuse for Dynamic Systems in the Cloud and Beyond, 2015

Recovering Architectural Variability of a Family of Product Variants.
Proceedings of the Software Reuse for Dynamic Systems in the Cloud and Beyond, 2015

A Unified Framework for the Comprehension of Software's Time.
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, 2015

A Cooperative Parallel Search-Based Software Engineering Approach for Code-Smells Detection.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 2014

Predicting Stability of Open-Source Software Systems Using Combination of Bayesian Classifiers.
ACM Trans. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2014

Multiobjective Optimization for Software Refactoring and Evolution.
Adv. Comput., 2014

Deriving Component Interfaces after a Restructuring of a Legacy System.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 2014

Validation of Software Visualization Tools: A Systematic Mapping Study.
Proceedings of the Second IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, 2014

Slicing-Based Techniques for Visualizing Large Metamodels.
Proceedings of the Second IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, 2014

Detecting Program Execution Phases Using Heuristic Search.
Proceedings of the Search-Based Software Engineering - 6th International Symposium, 2014

Model Matching for Model Transformation - A Meta-heuristic Approach.
Proceedings of the MODELSWARD 2014 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Lisbon, Portugal, 7, 2014

Learning Implicit and Explicit Control in Model Transformations by Example.
Proceedings of the Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2014

Multi-objective optimization in rule-based design space exploration.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2014

Enactment of Components Extracted from an Object-Oriented Application.
Proceedings of the Software Architecture - 8th European Conference, 2014

Automated evaluation of website navigability: an empirical validation of multilevel quality models.
J. Softw. Evol. Process., 2013

A formal approach for run-time verification of web applications using scope-extended LTL.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2013

Maintainability defects detection and correction: a multi-objective approach.
Autom. Softw. Eng., 2013

Towards automatically improving package structure while respecting original design decisions.
Proceedings of the 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2013

Visualizing software dynamicities with heat maps.
Proceedings of the 2013 First IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), 2013

Automatically Searching for Metamodel Well-Formedness Rules in Examples and Counter-Examples.
Proceedings of the Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2013

Recovering model transformation traces using multi-objective optimization.
Proceedings of the 2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2013

How We Design Interfaces, and How to Assess It.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2013

Genetic-Programming Approach to Learn Model Transformation Rules from Examples.
Proceedings of the Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, 2013

The use of development history in software refactoring using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2013

Towards Understanding the Behavior of Classes Using Probabilistic Models of Program Inputs.
Proceedings of the Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2013

Search-Based Refactoring Using Recorded Code Changes.
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2013

Search-based model transformation by example.
Softw. Syst. Model., 2012

Generation of Operational Transformation Rules from Examples of Model Transformations.
Proceedings of the Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2012

Generating model transformation rules from examples using an evolutionary algorithm.
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2012

Searching the Boundaries of a Modeling Space to Test Metamodels.
Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, 2012

Search-based refactoring: Towards semantics preservation.
Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2012

Vasco: A visual approach to explore object churn in framework-intensive applications.
Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2012

Learning Model Transformations from Examples using FCA: One for All or All for One?
Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, 2012

BDTEX: A GQM-based Bayesian approach for the detection of antipatterns.
J. Syst. Softw., 2011

Example-based model-transformation testing.
Autom. Softw. Eng., 2011

From Object-Oriented Applications to Component-Oriented Applications via Component-Oriented Architecture.
Proceedings of the 9th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 2011

Modularization Metrics: Assessing Package Organization in Legacy Large Object-Oriented Software.
Proceedings of the 18th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2011

What You See is What You Asked for: An Effort-Based Transformation of Code Analysis Tasks into Interactive Visualization Scenarios.
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2011

Design Defects Detection and Correction by Example.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, 2011

Software clustering by example.
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2011

Search-Based Design Defects Detection by Example.
Proceedings of the Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2011

How Good is Your Comment? A Study of Comments in Java Programs.
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2011

Design Defect Detection Rules Generation: A Music Metaphor.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2011

Deriving high-level abstractions from legacy software using example-driven clustering.
Proceedings of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 2011

Modeling web quality using a probabilistic approach: An empirical validation.
ACM Trans. Web, 2010

Improving design-pattern identification: a new approach and an exploratory study.
Softw. Qual. J., 2010

Investigating the impact of a measurement program on software quality.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2010

Multi-level evaluation of web site navigability.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution, 2010

Extracting Sequence Diagrams from Execution Traces Using Interactive Visualization.
Proceedings of the 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2010

Deriving Coupling Metrics from Call Graphs.
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2010

Deviance from perfection is a better criterion than closeness to evil when identifying risky code.
Proceedings of the ASE 2010, 2010

Example-Based Sequence Diagrams to Colored Petri Nets Transformation Using Heuristic Search.
Proceedings of the Modelling Foundations and Applications - 6th European Conference, 2010

Restructuring Object-Oriented Applications into Component-Oriented Applications by Using Consistency with Execution Traces.
Proceedings of the Component-Based Software Engineering, 13th International Symposium, 2010

Sequence diagram to colored Petri nets transformation testing: an immune system metaphor.
Proceedings of the 2010 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 2010

Generating transformation rules from examples for behavioral models.
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Behaviour Modelling: Foundation and Applications, 2010

Recommending Improvements to Web Applications Using Quality-Driven Heuristic Search.
Proceedings of the Web Information Systems Engineering, 2009

Automatic Package Coupling and Cycle Minimization.
Proceedings of the 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2009

Generating visualization-based analysis scenarios from maintenance task descriptions.
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis, 2009

Predicting Maintainability expressed as Change Impact: A Machine-learning-based Approach.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2009), 2009

A Metric Extraction Framework Based on a High-Level Description Language.
Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2009

A Bayesian Approach for the Detection of Code and Design Smells.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Quality Software, 2009

Méta-modélisation de la transformation de modèles par l'exemple : approche par méta-heuristiques.
Proceedings of the Langages et Modèles à Objets, 2009

Analyse et prédiction de l'impact de changements dans un système à objets : Approche probabiliste.
Proceedings of the Langages et Modèles à Objets, 2009

Put the Horse before the Cart: Task-Driven Development of Software Visualization Tools.
Proceedings of the XIV Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2009), 2009

A Probabilistic Approach for Change Impact Prediction in Object-Oriented Systems.
Proceedings of the Workshops of the 5th IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations (AIAI-2009), 2009

Impact of the visitor pattern on program comprehension and maintenance.
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2009

Understanding the use of inheritance with visual patterns.
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2009

Predicting Change Impact in Object-Oriented Applications with Bayesian Networks.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2009

Identifying components in object-oriented programs using dynamic analysis and clustering.
Proceedings of the 2009 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 2009

Empirical studies to assess the understandability of data warehouse schemas using structural metrics.
Softw. Qual. J., 2008

Un mécanisme de sélection de composants logiciels.
Obj. Logiciel Base données Réseaux, 2008

Discovering New Change Patterns in Object-Oriented Systems.
Proceedings of the WCRE 2008, 2008

Exploring the evolution of software quality with animated visualization.
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, 2008

Model Transformation as an Optimization Problem.
Proceedings of the Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2008

Étude de la changeabilité des systèmes orientés objet.
Proceedings of the Langages et Modèles à Objets, 2008

Détection visuelle d'anomalies de conception.
Proceedings of the Langages et Modèles à Objets, 2008

Specification Patterns for Formal Web Verification.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Web Engineering, 2008

Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2008 Workshop Reader, 2008

Visual Detection of Design Anomalies.
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2008

Un formalisme pour la gestion des connaissances. Approche ingénierie dirigée par les modèles.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf., 2007

A Bayesian network to represent a data quality model.
Int. J. Inf. Qual., 2007

Vers une approche d'analyse de l'impact du changement dans un système à objets.
Obj. Logiciel Base données Réseaux, 2007

Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP 2007 Workshop Reader, 2007

VAQoS: Architecture for End-to-End QoS Management of Value Added Web Services.
Int. J. Intell. Inf. Technol., 2006

Architecture & Design Recovery of Enterprise Legacy Information Systems.
Int. J. Interoperability Bus. Inf. Syst., 2006

Modeling Web-Based Applications Quality: A Probabilistic Approach.
Proceedings of the Web Information Systems, 2006

Détection d'anomalies utilisant un langage de règle de qualité.
Proceedings of the Actes des journéees Langages et Modèles à Objets, 2006

A bayesian network to structure a data quality model for web portals.
Proceedings of the ICSOFT 2006, 2006

Simulated annealing for improving software quality prediction.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2006

Concerned About Separation.
Proceedings of the Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2006

Analyzing Change Impact in Object-Oriented Systems.
Proceedings of the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA 2006), August 29, 2006

Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP 2006 Workshop Reader, 2006

Visualisation et analyse de logiciels de grande taille.
Obj. Logiciel Base données Réseaux, 2005

Des signatures numériques pour améliorer la recherche structurelle de patrons.
Obj. Logiciel Base données Réseaux, 2005

Visualization-based analysis of quality for large-scale software systems.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2005), 2005

Properties and scopes in web model checking.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2005), 2005

On feature traceability in object oriented programs.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Traceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering, 2005

Toward A new Approach for Web Services Development Life Cycle.
Proceedings of The 2005 International Symposium on Web Services and Applications, 2005

A QoS Broker Based Architecture for Efficient Web Services Selection.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005), 2005

Coping with Legacy System Migration Complexity.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2005), 2005

Caribou: A Supporting Environment for Software e-Development.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce, and e-Services (EEE 2005), 29 March, 2005

Accommodating Software Development Collaboration.
Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2005), 2005

Vérification par model-checking de systèmes hybrides objets-règles.
Obj. Logiciel Base données Réseaux, 2004

Supporting Web Collaboration for Cooperative Software Development.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2004), 2004

Fingerprinting Design Patterns.
Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2004

Adaptation dynamique des systèmes multi-agents basée sur le concept de méta-CATN.
Proceedings of the Actes de la Deuxieme Conference Internationale Associant Chercheurs Vietnamiens et Francophones en Informatique, 2004

Formal Verification of Web Applications Modeled by Communicating Automata.
Proceedings of the Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems, 2004

Towards a Multidimensional Model for Web-Based Applications Quality Assessment.
Proceedings of the E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 5th International Conference, 2004

8th Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE 2004).
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology: ECOOP 2004 Workshop Reader, 2004

Program comprehension with dynamic recovery of code collaboration patterns and roles.
Proceedings of the 2004 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative research, 2004

Automatic Detecting Code Cooperation.
Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2004), 30 November, 2004

Prédiction de la stabilité des interfaces de classes Java : une approche par analogie.
Obj. Logiciel Base données Réseaux, 2003

An Analogy-Based Approach for Predicting Design Stability of Java Classes.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium (METRICS 2003), 2003

Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology: ECOOP 2003 Workshop Reader, 2003

Predicting Software Stability Using Case-Based Reasoning.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2002), 2002

Combining and Adapting Software Quality Predictive Models by Genetic Algorithms.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2002), 2002

Combining Software Quality Predictive Models: An Evolutionary Approach.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2002), 2002

An Empirical Study with Metrics for Object-Relational Databases.
Proceedings of the Software Quality, 2002

Object Identification in Legacy Code as a Grouping Problem.
Proceedings of the 26th International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2002), 2002

A Fuzzy Logic Framework to Improve the Performance and Interpretation of Rule-Based Quality Prediction Models for OO Software.
Proceedings of the 26th International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2002), 2002

Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology ECOOP 2001 Workshop Reader, 2001

Estimating Object-Relational Database Understandability Using Structural Metrics.
Proceedings of the Database and Expert Systems Applications, 12th International Conference, 2001

Towards the Automatic Assessment of Evolvability for Reusable Class Libraries.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2000

Can Metrics Help to Bridge the Gap between the Improvement of OO Design Quality and its Automation?
Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2000

Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology, 2000

Predicting class libraries interface evolution: an investigation into machine learning approaches.
Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2000), 2000

A Concept Formation Based Approach to Object Identification in Procedural Code.
Autom. Softw. Eng., 1999

Impact du couplage sur la réutilisabilité des classes : une étude de cas.
Proceedings of the Actes des journées Langages et Modèles à Objets, 1999

A Metric Based Technique for Design Flaws Detection and Correction.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 1999

Using Metrics for Refactoring.
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP'99 Workshop Reader, 1999

Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP'99 Workshop Reader, 1999

Migrating to an Object-Oriented Database Using Semantic Clustering and Transformation Rules.
Data Knowl. Eng., 1998

Vers un modèle de prédiction de la qualité du logiciel pour les systèmes à objets.
Obj. Logiciel Base données Réseaux, 1998

Reusability Hypothesis Verification using Machine Learning Techniques: A Case Study.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth IEEE Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 1998

Object-Oriented Product Metrics for Software Quality Assessment (Workshop 9).
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP'98 Workshop Reader, 1998

Impact of Complexity on Reusability in OO Systems.
Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP'98 Workshop Reader, 1998

Representing and Querying Reusable Object Frameworks.
Proceedings of the 1997 ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Symposium on Software Reusability, 1997

Applying Concept Formation Methods to Object Identification in Procedural Code.
Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 1997

The METAGEN System.
Proceedings of the Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 1995
