Hideyuki Ichihara

Orcid: 0000-0002-2363-1636

According to our database1, Hideyuki Ichihara authored at least 56 papers between 1997 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


On Accuracy Enhancement of No-Reference Error-Tolerability Testing for Images in Object Detection Applications Based on RGB Channel Characteristics.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference in Asia, 2024

A Resource Estimation Method in Multi-Cloud Environment with a Model Based on a Repairable-Item Inventory System.
Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, 2023

Reliability Analysis of Approximate Multipliers with Recovery Schemes.
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Asian Test Symposium, 2023

An Improvement of the No-Reference Test Scheme Based on False Edge Detection for Image Processing Application.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference in Asia, 2022

A Design of Reliable Linear FSMs with Equivalent States in Stochastic Computing.
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, 2021

A Design of Approximate Voting Schemes for Fail-Operational Systems.
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Asian Test Symposium, 2021

Transient Fault Tolerant State Assignment for Stochastic Computing Based on Linear Finite State Machines.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci., 2020

Compact and Accurate Digital Filters Based on Stochastic Computing.
IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput., 2019

An Empirical Approach to RTL Scan Path Design Focusing on Structural Interpretation in Logic Synthesis.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference in Asia, 2019

State Encoding with Stochastic Numbers for Transient Fault Tolerant Linear Finite State Machines.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, 2019

State assignment for fault tolerant stochastic computing with linear finite state machines.
Proceedings of the International Test Conference in Asia, 2017

Logic simplification by minterm complement for error tolerant application.
Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 2015

Designing area-efficient controllers for multi-cycle transient fault tolerant systems.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE European Test Symposium, 2015

A practical approach for logic simplification based on fault acceptability for error tolerant application.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE European Test Symposium, 2015

A fault tolerant response analyzer with self-error-correction capability.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE European Test Symposium, 2015

Compact and accurate stochastic circuits with shared random number sources.
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 2014

Scheduling algorithm in datapath synthesis for long duration transient fault tolerance.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, 2014

A Transient Fault Tolerant Test Pattern Generator for On-line Built-in Self-Test.
Proceedings of the 22nd Asian Test Symposium, 2013

Modeling economics of LSI design and manufacturing for test design selection.
Proceedings of the 30th International IEEE Conference on Computer Design, 2012

Utilizing register transfer level false paths for circuit optimization with a logic synthesis tool.
Proceedings of the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2012

Hybrid Test Application in Partial Skewed-Load Scan Design.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci., 2011

High-level synthesis for multi-cycle transient fault tolerant datapaths.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS 2011), 2011

Test Compression Based on Lossy Image Encoding.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Asian Test Symposium, 2011

Design and Optimization of Transparency-Based TAM for SoC Test.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2010

A Practical Threshold Test Generation for Error Tolerant Application.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2010

An FPGA-based fail-soft system with adaptive reconfiguration.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS 2010), 2010

Hybrid test application in hybrid delay scan design.
Proceedings of the 15th European Test Symposium, 2010

A Fast Threshold Test Generation Algorithm Based on 5-Valued Logic.
Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, 2010

Reliability and Performance Analysis of FPGA-Based Fault Tolerant System.
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 2009

A Practical Approach to Threshold Test Generation for Error Tolerant Circuits.
Proceedings of the Eighteentgh Asian Test Symposium, 2009

A Self-Test of Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors with Test Frames.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2008

An Architecture of Embedded Decompressor with Reconfigurability for Test Compression.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2008

A statistical error model for image sensors and its testing.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2007

A Variable-Length Coding Adjustable for Compressed Test Application.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2007

TAM Design and Optimization for Transparency-Based SoC Test.
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS 2007), 2007

Optimal Contexts for the Self-Test of Coarse Grain Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors.
Proceedings of the 12th European Test Symposium, 2007

Test Compression / Decompression Based on JPEG VLC Algorithm.
Proceedings of the 16th Asian Test Symposium, 2007

An Adaptive Decompressor for Test Application with Variable-Length Coding.
Inf. Media Technol., 2006

A Reconfigurable Embedded Decompressor for Test Compression.
Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, 2006

Test cost reduction for logic circuits: Reduction of test data volume and test application time.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2005

Huffman-Based Test Response Coding.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2005

An Effective Design for Hierarchical Test Generation Based on Strong Testability.
Proceedings of the 14th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2005), 2005

A Huffman-based coding with efficient test application.
Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on Asia South Pacific Design Automation, 2005

A Test Decompression Scheme for Variable-Length Coding.
Proceedings of the 13th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2004), 2004

A Method of Test Generation for Acyclic Sequential Circuits Using Single Stuck-at Fault Combinational ATPG.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci., 2003

Channel Width Test Data Compression under a Limited Number of Test Inputs and Outputs.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 2003), 2003

Test Generation for Acyclic Sequential Circuits with Single Stuck-at Fault Combinational ATPG.
Proceedings of the 2003 Design, 2003

Test Response Compression Based on Huffman Coding.
Proceedings of the 12th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2003), 17-19 November 2003, Xian, China, 2003

Generating Small Test Sets for Test Compression/Decompression Scheme Using Statistical Coding.
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, 2002

Dynamic Test Compression Using Statistical Coding.
Proceedings of the 10th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2001), 19-21 November 2001, Kyoto, Japan, 2001

Test Transformation to Improve Compaction by Statistical Encoding.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 2000), 2000

On Test Generation with A Limited Number of Tests.
Proceedings of the 9th Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLS-VLSI '99), 1999

On an Effective Selection of IDDQ Measurement Vectors for Sequential Circuits.
Proceedings of the 8th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '99), 1999

An Efficient Procedure for Obtaining Implication Relations and Its Application to Redundancy Identification.
Proceedings of the 7th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '98), 2-4 December 1998, Singapore, 1998

On invariant implication relations for removing partial circuits.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 1997

On Acceleration of Logic Circuits Optimization Using Implication Relations.
Proceedings of the 6th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '97), 17-18 November 1997, 1997
