Helmut Mayer

Orcid: 0000-0002-9439-2695

  • Bundeswehr University Munich, Computer Science Department

According to our database1, Helmut Mayer authored at least 44 papers between 1993 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


dacl-challenge: Semantic Segmentation during Visual Bridge Inspections.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops, 2024

Data on Demand: Automatic Generation of Customized Datasets for the Training of Building Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery.
Proceedings of the IGARSS 2024, 2024

Urban Building Classification (UBC) V2 - A Benchmark for Global Building Detection and Fine-Grained Classification From Satellite Imagery.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2023

Fully Automatic Generation of Training Data for Building Detection and Classification from Remote Sensing Imagery.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2023

Fine-Grained Airplane Recognition in Satellite Images based on Task Separation and Orientation Normalization.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2023

De-identifying Face Image Datasets While Retaining Facial Expressions.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics, 2023

A Hybrid Method for Window Detection on High Resolution Facade Images.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems and Pattern Recognition, 2022

Urban Building Classification (UBC) - A Dataset for Individual Building Detection and Classification from Satellite Imagery.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2022

BAS<sup>4</sup>Net: Boundary-Aware Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network for Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2020

RPBA - Robust Parallel Bundle Adjustment Based on Covariance Information.
CoRR, 2019

Adding Intuitive Physics to Neural-Symbolic Capsules Using Interaction Networks.
CoRR, 2019

A Neural-Symbolic Architecture for Inverse Graphics Improved by Lifelong Meta-learning.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition, 2019

Detection of Critical Camera Configurations for Structure from Motion Using Random Forest.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition - 5th Asian Conference, 2019

Effective Fusion of Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Data in a Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Labeling.
Remote. Sens., 2018

Improvement of Extrinsic Parameters from a Single Stereo Pair.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2018

Driving in unknown areas: From UAV images to map for autonomous vehicles.
Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science, 2018

A TV Prior for High-Quality Scalable Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction.
Int. J. Comput. Vis., 2017

Modeling Urban Scenes from Pointclouds.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2017

Down to Earth: Using Semantics for Robust Hypothesis Selection for the Five-Point Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition - 39th German Conference, 2017

Towards Automatic Large-Scale 3D Building Reconstruction: Primitive Decomposition and Assembly.
Proceedings of the Societal Geo-innovation, 2017

Contiguous Patch Segmentation in Pointclouds.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition - 38th German Conference, 2016

Incremental Division of Very Large Point Clouds for Scalable 3D Surface Reconstruction.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop, 2015

Robust and efficient urban scene classification using relative features.
Proceedings of the 23rd SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2015

Efficient Hierarchical Triplet Merging for Camera Pose Estimation.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition - 36th German Conference, 2014

A TV Prior for High-Quality Local Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision, 2014

Multi-Resolution Range Data Fusion for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition - 35th German Conference, 2013

Dense 3D Reconstruction from Wide Baseline Image Sets.
Proceedings of the Outdoor and Large-Scale Real-World Scene Analysis - 15th International Workshop on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 26, 2011

On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Outdoor and Large-Scale Real-World Scene Analysis - 15th International Workshop on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 26, 2011

Generative statistical 3D reconstruction of unfoliaged trees from terrestrial images.
Ann. GIS, 2009

Coregistration Based on Three Parts of Two Complex Images and Contoured Windows for Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2007

Extraction of 3D Unfoliaged Trees from Image Sequences Via a Generative Statistical Approach.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition, 2007

Scale-spaces for generalization of 3D buildings.
Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci., 2005

Robust Orientation, Calibration, and Disparity Estimation of Image Triplets.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition, 2003

Automatic extraction of roads from aerial images based on scale space and snakes.
Mach. Vis. Appl., 2000

Automatic Object Extraction from Aerial Imagery - A Survey Focusing on Buildings.
Comput. Vis. Image Underst., 1999

Automatic Extraction of Deciduous Trees from High Resolution Aerial Imagery.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1999, 1999

Multi-scale and Snakes for Automatic Road Extraction.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 1998

Extracting line features from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) scenes using a Markov random field model.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 1996 International Conference on Image Processing, 1996

Automatic Verification of Roads in Digital Images Using Profiles.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1996, 1996

Extracting Narrow Linear Structures from Remote Sensing Images Using Search, Global Non-Maximum Suppression and Resolution/Scale Integration.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1996, 1996

Conversion of high level information from scanned maps into geographic information systems.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 1995

Automated acquisition of geographic information from scanned maps for GIS using frames and semantic networks.
Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1994

Automatische wissensbasierte Extraktion von semantischer Information aus gescannten Karten.
PhD thesis, 1993

Wissensbasierte automatische Extraktion von semantischer Information aus Katasterkarten.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1993, 1993
