Heike Winschiers-Theophilus

Orcid: 0000-0002-9752-3398

  • Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), Department of Computer Science, Windhoek, Namibia
  • University of Hamburg, Germany (PhD 2001)

According to our database1, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus authored at least 123 papers between 2001 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.




In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Implications of an ecospatial indigenous perspective on digital information organization and access.
Int. J. Digit. Libr., June, 2024

A systematic review of social classroom climate in online and technology-enhanced learning environments in primary and secondary school.
Educ. Inf. Technol., February, 2024

Recovering lost futures of the past: Situating alternative futures within an indigenous Afrocentric orientation and past trajectory.
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2024, 2024

Primary School Students Designing for Future Relationship Building in Extended Realities: Encounters with Live Human Holograms.
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2024: Exploratory Papers and Workshops, 2024

Co-design of an Extended Reality Escape Room with Primary School Students.
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference, 2024

Students' achievement goals: Goal approximation, engagement, and emotions in co-design activities and product.
Int. J. Child Comput. Interact., June, 2023

An AR Game for Primary Learners to Safeguard Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ovahimba Tribe.
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 2023

Windhoek Smart City Hunt App: Designing for Citizen Engagement.
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies, 2023

Futuring from an indigenous community stance: projecting temporal duality from the past into the future.
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023

Grab It, While You Can: A VR Gesture Evaluation of a Co-Designed Traditional Narrative by Indigenous People.
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023

Ancestral and Cultural Futuring: Speculative Design in an Indigenous ovaHimba context.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T), Lahti, Finland, 29 May 2023, 2023

African Co-Design: Past, Present, and Emerging.
Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2023

Infusing Futuring into Community-based Co-design: A Pathway to Innovative Technology Design with Indigenous Communities in Africa.
Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2023

Bridging Spaces: A Student Perspective on Designing for Remote Presence with 3D Holograms.
Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2023

What if?.. Fabulating African HCI Futures within the Veil of HCI.
Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2023

Lets dance /Hi//Ka//Kusi with non-player character Ju/'Hoansi women in Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2023

Developing an ethnobotanical application with and for Ovahimba communities.
Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2023

A Community-Based Exploration Into Gesture-driven Locomotion Control in Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2023

Creating Smart Connected Learning Ecosystems: A Hybrid Model for Design-Based Learning.
IxD&A, 2022

Pushing political, cultural, and geographical boundaries: Distributed co-design with children from Namibia, Malaysia and Finland.
Int. J. Child Comput. Interact., 2022

Digital microwork as a livelihood strategy in a Namibian informal settlement.
Electron. J. Inf. Syst. Dev. Ctries., 2022

Design and evaluation of a social and embodied multiplayer reading game to engage primary school learners in Namibia.
Br. J. Educ. Technol., 2022

A Children-Created Virtual Learning Space Station.
Proceedings of the IMX '22: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, Aveiro, Portugal, June 22, 2022

Remote Presence: Live Holograms for a Social Classroom.
Proceedings of the IMX '22: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, Aveiro, Portugal, June 22, 2022

Indigenous Knowledge Fairs: a new approach to pluralistic knowledge dissemination in HCI.
Proceedings of the NordiCHI '22: Adjunct Proceedings of the Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, October 8, 2022

Hunting with the Ju/'hoansi in the Kalahari: A co-created VR gesture application.
Proceedings of the NordiCHI '22: Adjunct Proceedings of the Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, October 8, 2022

Facilitation Tools and Techniques for Distributed Online Co-Design with Children.
Proceedings of the NordiCHI '22: Adjunct Proceedings of the Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, October 8, 2022

Bridging worlds: indigenous knowledge in the digital world.
Proceedings of the JCDL '22: The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2022, Cologne, Germany, June 20, 2022

Save the Yummy Candyland: An Asymmetric Virtual Reality Game.
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2022

Feminist Voices about Ecological Issues in HCI.
Proceedings of the CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, 29 April 2022, 2022

Overcoming Legacy Bias: Re-Designing Gesture Interactions in Virtual Reality With a San Community in Namibia.
Proceedings of the CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, 29 April 2022, 2022

The Chronicles of Kunene: The Lion, the Omuhimba and the Drone.
Proceedings of the Innovation Practices for Digital Transformation in the Global South, 2022

The (Potential) Role of Technology for Young Children's Social-Emotional Learning: During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Digit. Gov. Res. Pract., 2021

An Exploration of Factors Influencing the Adoption of ICT Enabled Entrepreneurship Applications in Namibian Rural Communities.
CoRR, 2021

Decolonizing Design Practices: Towards Pluriversality.
Proceedings of the CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021

Decolonizing HCI Across Borders.
Proceedings of the CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021

Going Beyond Empowered Design by Scaffolding Inter-community Engagement.
Proceedings of the C&T '21: Communities & Technologies 2021, 2021

Conservation tool design caught in the midst of transdisciplinary negotiations of data accuracy.
Proceedings of the AfriCHI 2021: 3rd African Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2021

Integrating a community-based co-designed wildlife activity recording tool into a multi-stakeholder conservation management system.
Proceedings of the AfriCHI 2021: 3rd African Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2021

A community-initiated website development project: promoting a San community campsite initiative.
Proceedings of the AfriCHI 2021: 3rd African Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2021

Crafting Communication Protocols with a San Community in Namibia.
Proceedings of the AfriCHI 2021: 3rd African Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2021

Virtually Escaping Lock Down - co-designing a mixed reality escape room narrative with Namibian learners-.
Proceedings of the AfriCHI 2021: 3rd African Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2021

Playing on the Globe: Facilitating virtual communications between Namibian and Finnish learners to co-design an interactive map game.
Proceedings of the IDC '21: Interaction Design and Children, 2021

Community protocols for researchers: using sketches to communicate interaction guidelines.
AI Soc., 2020

Moving Virtual Reality out of its Comfort Zone and Into the African Kalahari Desert Field: Experiences From Technological Co-Exploration With an Indigenous San Community in Namibia.
Proceedings of the VRST '20: 26th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2020

Decolonising Participatory Design Practices: Towards Participations Otherwise.
Proceedings of the PDC '20: Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation Otherwise, Manizales, Colombia, June 15-19, 2020, 2020

Decolonizing Participatory Design: Memory Making in Namibia.
Proceedings of the PDC '20: Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation Otherwise, Manizales, Colombia, June 15-19, 2020, 2020

Enabling successful crowdfunding for entrepreneurs in marginalized communities.
Proceedings of the 23rd Academic Mindtrek Conference, 2020

A Demonstration of an interactive Virtual Reality Prototype for Exploring the Cultural Heritage of Southern African Rock Art.
Proceedings of the MobileHCI '20: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services: Expanding the Horizon of Mobile Interaction, 2020

The Effect of Digital Community-Based Tourism Platform to Hosts' Livelihood.
Proceedings of the Evolving Perspectives on ICTs in Global Souths, 2020

Participatory Memory Making: Creating Postcolonial Dialogic Engagements with Namibian Youth.
Proceedings of the DIS '20: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2020, 2020

Bridging Internet Coverage Gaps among Nomadic Pastoralists in Namibia.
Proceedings of the DIS '20: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2020, 2020

IxD&A, 2019

My heart is in Havana: designing with marginalized African communities.
Interactions, 2019

A classification of cultural engagements in community technology design: introducing a transcultural approach.
AI Soc., 2019

Namibian Indigenous Communities Reflecting on Their Own Digital Representations.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies, 2019

Co-Design as a Means of Fostering Appropriation of Conservation Monitoring Technology by Indigenous Communities.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies, 2019

Enhancing commitment to participatory design initiatives.
Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers, Situated Actions, Workshops and Tutorial, 2018

A mediated intermedia conversation around the perception and self-perceptions of the San.
Proceedings of the Second African Conference for Human Computer Interaction: Thriving Communities, 2018

Co-creating personal augmented reality accessories to enhance social well-being of urban San youth.
Proceedings of the Second African Conference for Human Computer Interaction: Thriving Communities, 2018

Re-conceptualizing technology adoption in informal settlements based on a Namibian application.
Proceedings of the Second African Conference for Human Computer Interaction: Thriving Communities, 2018

People's primary school interactive tech library exhibition.
Proceedings of the Second African Conference for Human Computer Interaction: Thriving Communities, 2018

Child designers creating personas to diversify design perspectives and concepts for their own technology enhanced library.
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 2018

A Cultured Interactive Installation to Probe Gender-Based Violence in Namibia: The Tales of Nali Technology Hut.
Proceedings of the Digitisation of Culture: Namibian and International Perspectives., 2018

A Digital Indigenous Knowledge Preservation Framework: The 7C Model - Repositioning IK Holders in the Digitization of IK.
Proceedings of the Digitisation of Culture: Namibian and International Perspectives., 2018

The Metamorphosis of Kishikishi: Exploring Audience Experiences Telling the Same Story Just Different Media.
Proceedings of the Digitisation of Culture: Namibian and International Perspectives., 2018

An Intermediary Database Node in the Namibian Communities Indigenous Knowledge Management System.
Proceedings of the Digitisation of Culture: Namibian and International Perspectives., 2018

Promoting an Open and Accessible Digital Preservation of Namibian Indigenous Languages.
Proceedings of the Digitisation of Culture: Namibian and International Perspectives., 2018

Community lab, Namibia University of Science and Technology.
Interactions, 2017

HCI out of Namibia.
Interactions, 2017

Deriving Engagement Protocols Within Community-Based Co-design Projects in Namibia.
Proceedings of the Information and Communication Technologies for Development, 2017

Gender-based Violence Campaign in Namibia: Traditional meets Technology for Societal Change.
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017

Ethics for the 'Common Good': Actionable Guidelines for Community-based Design Research: Workshop.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Troyes, France, June 26, 2017

Improving the flow of livelihood information among unemployed youth in an informal settlement of Windhoek, Namibia: Full paper.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Troyes, France, June 26, 2017

Using sketches to communicate interaction protocols of an indigenous community.
Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference PDC '16, Aarhus, Denmark, August 15-19, 2016, Volume 2, 2016

Formulating "the obvious" as a task request to the crowd: an interactive design experience across cultural and geographical boundaries.
Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference PDC '16, Aarhus, Denmark, August 15-19, 2016, Volume 2, 2016

Co-creating an enabling reading environment for and with Namibian children.
Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference, 2016

A hermeneutic inquiry into user-created personas in different Namibian locales.
Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference, 2016

On Persuading an OvaHerero Community to Join the Wikipedia Community.
Proceedings of the Culture, Technology, Communication. Common World, Different Futures, 2016

Reconceptualising Personas Across Cultures: Archetypes, Stereotypes & Collective Personas in Pastoral Namibia.
Proceedings of the Culture, Technology, Communication. Common World, Different Futures, 2016

Indigenous Knowledge for Wikipedia: A Case Study with an OvaHerero Community in Eastern Namibia.
Proceedings of the First African Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2016

A Critique of Personas as representations of "the other" in Cross-Cultural Technology Design.
Proceedings of the First African Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2016

An insider perspective on community gains: A subjective account of a Namibian rural communities' perception of a long-term participatory design project.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2015

Cultural influences on Facebook practices: A comparative study of college students in Namibia and the United States.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2015

Framing Technology Design in Ubuntu: Two Locales in Pastoral Namibia.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction, 2015

Penan's Oroo' Short Message Signs (PO-SMS): Co-design of a Digital Jungle Sign Language Application.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2015, 2015

User-Created Personas - A Micro-cultural Lens into Informal Settlement's Youth Life.
Proceedings of the Human Work Interaction Design, 2015

Reviving an indigenous rainforest sign language: digital Oroo' adventure game.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, 2015

Indigenous Storytelling in Namibia: Sketching Concepts for Digitization.
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Culture and Computing, 2015

Reducing "white elephant" ICT4D projects: a community-researcher engagement.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 2015

The e-Baobab: connecting citizens on various matters.
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, 2014

Participatory exploration of digitalizing cultural content: getting married. are we ready?
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, 2014

Community-based co-design in Okomakuara a contribution to 'design in the wild'.
Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, 2014

An approach to user interface design with two indigenous groups in Namibia.
Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference on Designing Futures, 2014

Community centered collaborative HCI design / research in developing countries.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014

Collaborating with communities in Africa: a hitchhikers guide.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014

Toward an Afro-Centric Indigenous HCI Paradigm.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 2013

Homestead Creator: Using Card Sorting in Search for Culture-Aware Categorizations of Interface Objects.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2013, 2013

Rural communities crowdsource technology development: a Namibian expedition.
Proceedings of the International conference on information and communication technologies and development, 2013

Identifying and Representing Elements of Local Contexts in Namibia.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Contexts of Use, 2013

Bridging the digital divide through facebook friendships: a cross-cultural study.
Proceedings of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013

Mobile technologies for preservation of indigenous knowledge in rural communities.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia, 2013

Culturally Aware Agent Communication.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction: The Agency Perspective, 2012

Design Democratization with Communities: Drawing Toward Locally Meaningful Design.
Int. J. Sociotechnology Knowl. Dev., 2012

Audio pacemaker: walking, talking indigenous knowledge.
Proceedings of the 2012 South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference, 2012

Enhancing cross-cultural participation through creative visual exploration.
Proceedings of the 12th Participatory Design Conference, 2012

Homestead creator: a tool for indigenous designers.
Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2012

Tapping into local lore: toward scalable local mapping and tagging for rural Africa using mobile devices.
Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2012

Putting it in perspective: designing a 3D visualization to contextualize indigenous knowledge in rural Namibia.
Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2012, 2012

Situated interactions between audiovisual media and African herbal lore.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 2011

Interpretation of a cross-cultural usability evaluation: A case study based on a hypermedia system for rare species management in Namibia.
Interact. Comput., 2011

Pushing personhood into place: Situating media in rural knowledge in Africa.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2011

A New Visualization Approach to Re-Contextualize Indigenous Knowledge in Rural Africa.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2011, 2011

Re-framing HCI through Local and Indigenous Perspectives.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2011, 2011

Under Development - Beyond the Benjamins: toward an African interaction design.
Interactions, 2010

Determining requirements within an indigenous knowledge system of African rural communities.
Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 2010

Being participated: a community approach.
Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Participatory Design, 2010

Towards contextualised software engineering education: an African perspective.
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, 2010

The Art of Cross-Cultural Design for Usability.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Addressing Diversity, 2009

Participatory design and international development.
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Participatory Design, 2008

A bush encroachment decision support system's metamorphosis.
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, 2008

Assumptions Considered Harmful.
Proceedings of the Usability and Internationalization. HCI and Culture, 2007

Dialogical system design across cultural boundaries: system design out of Africa.
PhD thesis, 2001
