Hartmut Gemmeke

According to our database1, Hartmut Gemmeke authored at least 22 papers between 1997 and 2022.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Model-data-driven image reconstruction with neural networks for ultrasound computed tomography breast imaging.
Neurocomputing, 2022

Memory-Efficient Neural Network For Non-Linear Ultrasound Computed Tomography Reconstruction.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2021

GPU Acceleration of Wave Based Transmission Tomography.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2019

Breast Imaging with 3D Ultrasound Computer Tomography: Results of a First In-vivo Study in Comparison to MRI Images.
Proceedings of the Breast Imaging - 12th International Workshop, IWDM 2014, Gifu City, Japan, June 29, 2014

Automatic multimodal 2D/3D breast image registration using biomechanical FEM models and intensity-based optimization.
Medical Image Anal., 2013

GridIJ - A Dynamic Grid Service Architecture for Scientific Image Processing.
Proceedings of the 33rd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO-SEAA 2007), 2007

Grid Services Toolkit for Process Data Processing.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Science and Grid Technologies (e-Science 2006), 2006

Entfaltung von Ultraschallsignalen für verbesserte Bildqualität in der Ultraschall Computertomographie.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2005

Evaluation of Different Approaches for Transmission Tomography in Ultrasound Computer Tomography.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2005

Ultrasound Computer Tomography, Distributed Volume Reconstruction and GRID Computing.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2005

An Example-Based System to Support the Segmentation of Stellate Lesions.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2005

Erste Evaluierung eines modellbasierten Registrierungsalgorithmus für Röntgenmammogramme und MR-Volumen der Brust.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2004

Merkmalsgesteuerte Segmentierung in der medizinischen Mustererkennung.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2004

Aufbau eines Ultraschall-Computertomographen für die Brustkrebsdiagnostik.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2003, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2003

Finite Element Simulation of the Breast's Deformation during Mammography to Generate a Deformation Model for Registration.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2003, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2003

Rekonstruktion von Geschwindigkeits- und Absorptionsbildern eines Ultraschall-Computertomographen.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2003, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2003

Bildverarbeitung für ein motorisiertes Lichtmikroskop zur automatischen Lymphozytenidentifikation.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2003, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2003

Three-dimensional reconstruction of clustered microcalcifications from two digitized mammograms.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 1998: Image Processing, 1998

A Low Cost Computer Assisted Mammography Workstation.
Proceedings of the Digital Mammography, 1998

Volume Reconstruction of Clustered Micro-Calcifications in Mammograms.
Proceedings of the Digital Mammography, 1998

High Speed Neural Network Chip for Trigger Purposes in High Energy Physics.
Proceedings of the 1998 Design, 1998

The SAND Neurochip and Its Embedding in the MiND System.
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks, 1997
