Hannes Restel
According to our database1,
Hannes Restel
authored at least 6 papers
between 2010 and 2022.
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On csauthors.net:
Detecting Covid-19 Relevant Situations using Privacy-by-Design based Mobile Experience Sampling.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2022
Toward Privacy by Design in Spatial Crowdsourcing in Emergency and Disaster Response.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management, 2018
Mobiles Crowdsourcing/sensing für die verbesserte Messung von subjektivem Sicherheitsempfinden im ÖP(N)V (Mobile Crowd Sourcing and Sensing for the Improved Measurement of Subjective Perception of Safety in Public Transport).
Proceedings of the Tagungsband des 14. Fachgesprächs "Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste" der GI-Fachgruppe KuVS (Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on "Location-based applications and services"), 2017
Computer, 2012
From Software-as-a-good to SaaS: Challenges and Needs - Developing a Tool supported Methodology for the Migration of Non-SaaS Applications to SaaS.
Proceedings of the ICSOFT 2011, 2011
An Empirical Evaluation of the Quality of Interoperability Specifications for the Web.
Proceedings of the 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2010