Guoqing Harry Xu
Orcid: 0000-0003-4737-2146Affiliations:
- University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- University of California, Irvine, CA, USA (former)
- Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA (former)
- East China Normal University, Software Engineering Lab, Shanghai, China (former)
According to our database1,
Guoqing Harry Xu
authored at least 99 papers
between 2004 and 2024.
Collaborative distances:
Collaborative distances:
Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
ConServe: Harvesting GPUs for Low-Latency and High-Throughput Large Language Model Serving.
CoRR, 2024
DRust: Language-Guided Distributed Shared Memory with Fine Granularity, Full Transparency, and Ultra Efficiency.
Proceedings of the 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2024
A Tale of Two Paths: Toward a Hybrid Data Plane for Efficient Far-Memory Applications.
Proceedings of the 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2024
Proceedings of the 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2024
Proceedings of the 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2024
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference on Machine Learning and Systems, 2024
MACRO: Incentivizing Multi-Leader Game-Based Pareto-Efficient Crowdsourcing for Video Analytics.
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 2024
Enabling Large Dynamic Neural Network Training with Learning-based Memory Management.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, 2024
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., April, 2023
SpecBox: A Label-Based Transparent Speculation Scheme Against Transient Execution Attacks.
IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 2023
Leveraging Hardware Probes and Optimizations for Accelerating Fuzz Testing of Heterogeneous Applications.
Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2023
Proceedings of the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2023
Bamboo: Making Preemptible Instances Resilient for Affordable Training of Large DNNs.
Proceedings of the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2023
Hermit: Low-Latency, High-Throughput, and Transparent Remote Memory via Feedback-Directed Asynchrony.
Proceedings of the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2023
Proceedings of the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2023
Predicting Dynamic Properties of Heap Allocations using Neural Networks Trained on Static Code: An Intellectual Abstract.
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management, 2023
Proceedings of the Eighteenth European Conference on Computer Systems, 2023
CoRR, 2022
Stateful Dynamic Partial Order Reduction for Model Checking Event-Driven Applications that Do Not Terminate.
Proceedings of the Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 2022
Mako: a low-pause, high-throughput evacuating collector for memory-disaggregated datacenters.
Proceedings of the PLDI '22: 43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, San Diego, CA, USA, June 13, 2022
Proceedings of the PLDI '22: 43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, San Diego, CA, USA, June 13, 2022
Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2022
UPGRADVISOR: Early Adopting Dependency Updates Using Hybrid Program Analysis and Hardware Tracing.
Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2022
HeteroGen: transpiling C to heterogeneous HLS code with automated test generation and program repair.
Proceedings of the ASPLOS '22: 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, 28 February 2022, 2022
Proceedings of the ASPLOS '22: 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, 28 February 2022, 2022
Unified Holistic Memory Management Supporting Multiple Big Data Processing Frameworks over Hybrid Memories.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., 2021
Chianina: an evolving graph system for flow- and context-sensitive analyses of million lines of C code.
Proceedings of the PLDI '21: 42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2021
JPortal: precise and efficient control-flow tracing for JVM programs with Intel processor trace.
Proceedings of the PLDI '21: 42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2021
Dorylus: Affordable, Scalable, and Accurate GNN Training with Distributed CPU Servers and Serverless Threads.
Proceedings of the 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2021
Proceedings of the HotEdgeVideo@MobiCom 2021: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Video Analytics and Intelligent Edges, 2021
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2021
Proceedings of the HotOS '21: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 2021
Proceedings of the ASPLOS '21: 26th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2021
Systemizing Interprocedural Static Analysis of Large-scale Systems Code with Graspan.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., 2020
Commun. ACM, 2020
Understanding and automatically detecting conflicting interactions between smart home IoT applications.
Proceedings of the ESEC/FSE '20: 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2020
Proceedings of the ESEC/FSE '20: 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2020
Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '20: Proceedings of the 2020 Annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication on the applications, 2020
Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2020
Proceedings of the 14th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2020
Niijima: sound and automated computation consolidation for efficient multilingual data-parallel pipelines.
Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, 2019
Gerenuk: thin computation over big native data using speculative program transformation.
Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, 2019
Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2019
Grapple: A Graph System for Static Finite-State Property Checking of Large-Scale Systems Code.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth EuroSys Conference 2019, Dresden, Germany, March 25-28, 2019, 2019
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, SoCC 2019, 2019
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 2018
Proceedings of the 39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2018
RStream: Marrying Relational Algebra with Streaming for Efficient Graph Mining on A Single Machine.
Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2018
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing, 2018
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2018
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2017
Graspan: A Single-machine Disk-based Graph System for Interprocedural Static Analyses of Large-scale Systems Code.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2017
KickStarter: Fast and Accurate Computations on Streaming Graphs via Trimmed Approximations.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2017
Proceedings of the 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2016
Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2016
GraphQ: Graph Query Processing with Abstraction Refinement - Scalable and Programmable Analytics over Very Large Graphs on a Single PC.
Proceedings of the 2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2015
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2015
Interruptible tasks: treating memory pressure as interrupts for highly scalable data-parallel programs.
Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, 2015
Proceedings of the Companion Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2015
Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2015
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 2014
Language, compiler, and runtime system support towards highly scalable big data application (invited talk abstract).
Proceedings of the 2014 Joint International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis (WODA) and Software and System Performance Testing, 2014
Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2014
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 2013
Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2013
Resurrector: a tunable object lifetime profiling technique for optimizing real-world programs.
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages & Applications, 2013
Proceedings of the 2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2013
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Memory Management, 2013
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2013
Proceedings of the ECOOP 2013 - Object-Oriented Programming, 2013
Pointcut Rejuvenation: Recovering Pointcut Expressions in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 2012
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on State of the Art in Java Program analysis, 2012
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2012
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis: held in conjunction with the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2012), 2012
Uncovering performance problems in Java applications with reference propagation profiling.
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2012
Proceedings of the ECOOP 2012 - Object-Oriented Programming, 2012
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2011
Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2011
Software bloat analysis: finding, removing, and preventing performance problems in modern large-scale object-oriented applications.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Future of Software Engineering Research, 2010
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2010
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2010
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2009
Scaling CFL-Reachability-Based Points-To Analysis Using Context-Sensitive Must-Not-Alias Analysis.
Proceedings of the ECOOP 2009, 2009
Merging equivalent contexts for scalable heap-cloning-based context-sensitive points-to analysis.
Proceedings of the ACM/SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2008
Proceedings of the Compiler Construction, 17th International Conference, 2008
AJANA: a general framework for source-code-level interprocedural dataflow analysis of AspectJ software.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, 2008
Proceedings of the 6th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, 2007
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), 2007
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Testing Aspect-Oriented Programs, 2006
ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 2004
Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2004), 30 November, 2004
Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2004), 30 November, 2004