Giulio Iannello

Orcid: 0000-0003-3864-5800

According to our database1, Giulio Iannello authored at least 121 papers between 1988 and 2024.

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In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:




Virtual Scanner: Leveraging Resilient Generative AI for Radiological Imaging in the Era of Medical Digital Twins.
Proceedings of the Ital-IA Intelligenza Artificiale, 2024

Building an AI-Enabled Metaverse for Intelligent Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges.
Proceedings of the Italia Intelligenza Artificiale, 2023

Making AI trustworthy in multimodal and healthcare scenarios.
Proceedings of the Italia Intelligenza Artificiale, 2023

Sustainable AI: inside the deep, alongside the green.
Proceedings of the Italia Intelligenza Artificiale, 2023

A Multimodal Ensemble Driven by Multiobjective Optimisation to Predict Overall Survival in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
J. Imaging, 2022

Methods and Tools for the Management of Renewable Energy Communities: the ComER project.
CoRR, 2022

MLOps: A Taxonomy and a Methodology.
IEEE Access, 2022

Grasping Inter-Attribute and Temporal Variability in Multivariate Time Series.
IEEE Trans. Big Data, 2021

AIforCOVID: Predicting the clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 applying AI to chest-X-rays. An Italian multicentre study.
Medical Image Anal., 2021

Visual4DTracker: a tool to interact with 3D + t image stacks.
BMC Bioinform., 2021

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Fractionated Radiotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 2021

Single beat ECG-based Identification System: development and robustness test in different working conditions.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT, 2021

Heart Rate Analysis through Smartphone Camera.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT, 2021

Image sensors and VPU acceleration for data analysis and classification.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT, 2021

Edge computing optimization method. Analyzed task: crowd counting.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT, 2021

On-Board Diagnostic of the Motor Vehicle through Smartphone.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Automotive, 2021

Auto-Regressive Time Delayed jump neural network for blood glucose levels forecasting.
Knowl. Based Syst., 2020

Radiomics-Based Non-Invasive Lymph Node Metastases Prediction in Breast Cancer.
Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2020

Tackling imbalance radiomics in acoustic neuroma.
Int. J. Data Min. Bioinform., 2019

Exploiting Multi-Level Parallelism for Stitching Very Large Microscopy Images.
Frontiers Neuroinformatics, 2019

Early Radiomic Experiences in Classifying Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness using 3D Local Binary Patterns.
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2019

Early Experience in Forecasting Blood Glucose Levels Using a Delayed and Auto-Regressive Jump Neural Network.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing, 2019

Exploratory Radiomics for Predicting Adaptive Radiotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2018

Discovering COPD phenotyping via simultaneous feature selection and clustering.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2018

Radiomics for Predicting CyberKnife response in acoustic neuroma: a pilot study.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2018

Automated Neuron Tracing Methods: An Updated Account.
Neuroinformatics, 2016

A survey on using domain and contextual knowledge for human activity recognition in video streams.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2016

Towards automated neuron tracing via global and local 3D image analysis.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2016

Optimal weighted averaging of event related activity from acquisitions with artifacts.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016

Channel interpolation in TMS-EEG: A quantitative study towards an accurate topographical representation.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016

Automatic Neuron Tracing Using a Locally Tunable Approach.
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2016

On the remote detection of COPD-related worrisome events.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016

An open-source VAA3D plugin for real-time 3D visualization of terabyte-sized volumetric images.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2015

Computer-based automatic identification of neurons in gigavoxel-sized 3D human brain images.
Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2015

Mitotic cells recognition in HEp-2 images.
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2014

Multiple subsequence combination in human action recognition.
IET Comput. Vis., 2014

Large-scale automated identification of mouse brain cells in confocal light sheet microscopy images.
Bioinform., 2014

A HPC infrastructure for processing and visualizing neuro-anatomical images obtained by Confocal Light Sheet Microscopy.
Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2014

Early Experiences in COPD Exacerbation Detection.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2014

A Kalman Filter Approach for Denoising and Deblurring 3-D Microscopy Images.
IEEE Trans. Image Process., 2013

Centromere and cytoplasmic staining pattern recognition: a local approach.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput., 2013

A Slightly Supervised Approach for Positive/Negative Classification of Fluorescence Intensity in HEp-2 Images.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2013, 2013

Softmax Regression for ECOC Reconstruction.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2013, 2013

A Kalman filter approach for denoising and deblurring 3-D images by multi-view data.
Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013

Solving biomedical classification tasks by softmax reconstruction in ECOC framework.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2013

TRS-TMS: An EEGLAB plugin for the reconstruction of onsets in EEG-TMS datasets.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 2013

TeraStitcher - A Tool for Fast Automatic 3D-Stitching of Teravoxel-Sized Microscopy Images.
BMC Bioinform., 2012

Stitching terabyte-sized 3D images acquired in Confocal Ultramicroscopy.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2012

A One-per-Class reconstruction rule for class imbalance learning.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2012

A bag of visual words approach for centromere and cytoplasmic staining pattern classification on HEp-2 images.
Proceedings of CBMS 2012, 2012

A decision support system for Crithidia Luciliae image classification.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 2011

Innovative Man Machine Interfaces and Solutions to Support Totally Blind People.
Proceedings of the Image Processing and Communications Challenges 3, 2011

Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Statistical-Like Moments.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2011, 2011

An efficient autofocus algorithm for indirect immunofluorescence applications.
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2011

Human movement onset detection from isometric force and torque measurements: A supervised pattern recognition approach.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 2010

Decomposition Methods and Learning Approaches for Imbalanced Dataset: An Experimental Integration.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010

Aggregation of Classifiers for Staining Pattern Recognition in Antinuclear Autoantibodies Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., 2009

A multiple expert system for classifying fluorescent intensity in antinuclear autoantibodies analysis.
Pattern Anal. Appl., 2009

On the use of classification reliability for improving performance of the one-per-class decomposition method.
Data Knowl. Eng., 2009

OpenCAPWAP: An open source CAPWAP implementation for the management and configuration of WiFi hot-spots.
Comput. Networks, 2009

Analysis and Classification of Crithidia Luciliae Fluorescent Images.
Proceedings of the Image Analysis and Processing, 2009

Advances in Computer-Based Autoantibodies Analysis.
Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, 2009

A CAD System for IIF Tests.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Health Informatics, 2009

A Supervised Pattern Recognition Approach for Human Movement Onset Detection.
Proceedings of the Twenty-First IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2008

Reliability Estimators for Classification by Decomposition Method: Experiments in the Medical Domain.
Proceedings of the Twenty-First IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2008

Staining Pattern Classification in Antinuclear Autoantibodies Testing.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, 2008

Mobility Management for VoIP on Heterogeneous Networks: Evaluation of Adaptive Schemes.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., 2007

Distributed Linear Block Coding for Cooperative Wireless Communications.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 2007

QoS Provisioning in IEEE 802.11e WLANs through Reactive Monitoring.
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 2007

A Hybrid Multi-Expert Systems for HEp-2 Staining Pattern Classification.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2007), 2007

Joint end-to-end loss-delay hidden Markov model for periodic UDP traffic over the Internet.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2006

ACK Skipping: enabling QoS for multimedia communications in WiFi hot spots.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Netw., 2006

Dynamic Configuration of MAC QoS Mechanisms in 802.11 Access Networks.
Proceedings of the Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking, 2006

An HMM Approach to Internet Traffic Modeling.
Proceedings of the Global Telecommunications Conference, 2006. GLOBECOM '06, San Francisco, CA, USA, 27 November, 2006

Automatic Acquisition of Immunofluorescence Images: Algorithms and Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2006), 2006

A Multi-Expert System to Classify Fluorescent Intensity in Antinuclear Autoantibodies Testing.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2006), 2006

Seamless internetworking of WLANs and cellular networks: architecture and performance issues in a Mobile IPv6 scenario.
IEEE Wirel. Commun., 2005

Experimental Results about Mpi Collective Communication Operations.
Parallel Process. Lett., 2005

ACKS: a technique to reduce the impact of legacy stations in 802.11e EDCA WLANs.
IEEE Commun. Lett., 2005

Measuring Quality of Service Parameters over Heterogeneous IP Networks.
Proceedings of the Networking, 2005

End-to-end packet-channel Bayesian model applied to heterogeneous wireless networks.
Proceedings of the Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005. GLOBECOM '05, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 28 November, 2005

Experimental Analysis of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.
Proceedings of the Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, Second International Conference, 2004

Internet loss-delay modeling by use of input/output hidden Markov models.
Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2004

Analytical Modeling of a Traffic Differentiation Strategy for 802.11: (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the Wireless On-Demand Network Systems, First IFIP TC6 Working Conference, 2004

Frame Dropping: A QoS Mechanism for Multimedia Communications in WiFi Hot Spots.
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPP 2004 Workshops), 2004

Vertical Handoff Performance in Heterogeneous Networks.
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPP 2004 Workshops), 2004

HMM-Based Monitoring of Packet Channels.
Proceedings of the High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, 2004

A real time-based architecture for qos multimedia provisioning.
Microprocess. Microsystems, 2003

Efficient implementation of reduce-scatter in MPI.
J. Syst. Archit., 2003

Bayesian Modelling for Packet Channels.
Proceedings of the Neural Nets, 14th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, 2003

An Open Software Architecture for Structured Data Elaboration and Transcoding.
Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Information Technology (ITCC 2003), 2003

Performance characterization of a low-cost video codec on portable devices.
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, 2003

The Cluster File System: Integration of High Performance Communication and I/O in Clusters.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2002), 2002

Performance analysis of storage and network subsystems in cluster architectures.
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2000), November 28th, 2000

MPI Derived Data Types Support in VIRTUS.
Proceedings of the Network-Based Parallel Computing: Communication, 2000

Design and Evaluation of an HPVM-Based Windows NT Supercomputer.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl., 1999

Experimental Results about MPI Collective Communication Operations.
Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing and Networking, 7th International Conference, 1999

A Scalable Flow Control Algorithm for the Fast Messages Communication Library.
Proceedings of the Network-Based Parallel Computing: Communication, 1999

Collective communication operations: experimental results vs. theory.
Concurr. Pract. Exp., 1998

LogP performance characterization of fast messages atop Myrinet.
Proceedings of the Sixth Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1998

Cross-Platform Analysis of Fast Messages for Myrinet.
Proceedings of the Network-Based Parallel Computing: Communication, 1998

Efficient Algorithms for the Reduce-Scatter Operation in LogGP.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 1997

PVM communication performance over an ATM MAN.
J. Syst. Archit., 1997

An MPI Driven Parallelization Strategy for Different Computing Platforms: A Case Study.
Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 1997

An Automated Algorithmic Recgnition Ttechnique to Support Parallel Software Development.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1997

Experiences using collective communication in a parallel cfd industrial code.
Proceedings of the Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 1996, 1996

PAP Recognizer: A Tool for Automatic Recognition of Parallelizable Patterns.
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Program Comprehension (WPC '96), 1996

Efficient Collective Communication Operations for Parallel Industrial Codes.
Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing and Networking, 1996

Performance analysis of distributed memory computers with parallel node architecture.
J. Syst. Softw., 1995

Experiences in dynamic placement of actors on multicomputer systems.
Proceedings of the 3rd Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing (PDP '95), 1995

Communication Workload Analysis for Symmetric Concurrent Systems.
J. Parallel Distributed Comput., 1994

Towards automated code parallelization through program comprehension.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 1994 IEEE 3rd Workshop on Program Comprehension, 1994

Parallelization of Non-Simultaneous Iterative Methods for Systems of Linear Equations.
Proceedings of the Parallel Processing: CONPAR 94, 1994

On the parallel implementation of the higher order logic language lambda Prolog.
Proceedings of the 1994 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, 1994

Programming Abstract Data Types, Iterators and Generic Modules in C.
Softw. Pract. Exp., 1990

Implementing actor-based primitives on distributed-memory architectures.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Object-based Concurrent Programming, 1990

Parallel software development in the DISC programming environment.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 1990

ASK: A Kernel for Programming Actor Systems.
Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGSMALL/PC Symposium on Small Systems, 1990

Definition of the DISC concurrent language.
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 1989

Support environment for the development of problem oriented concurrent systems.
Microprocess. Microprogramming, 1988
