Giovanni Bellusci
Orcid: 0000-0002-5514-2503
According to our database1,
Giovanni Bellusci
authored at least 20 papers
between 2007 and 2025.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
A Proximity-Based Approach for Dynamically Matching Industrial Assets and Their Operators Using Low-Power IoT Devices.
IEEE Internet Things J., 2025
Optimizing IoT-Based Asset and Utilization Tracking: Efficient Activity Classification with MINIROCKET on Resource-Constrained Devices.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, 2023
Energy-Aware Adaptive Sampling for Self-Sustainability in Resource-Constrained IoT Devices.
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems, 2023
Design and Performance Evaluation of an Ultralow-Power Smart IoT Device With Embedded TinyML for Asset Activity Monitoring.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2022
Estimation of the Knee Adduction Moment and Joint Contact Force during Daily Living Activities Using Inertial Motion Capture.
Sensors, 2019
Towards In-Field and Online Calibration of Inertial Navigation Systems using Moving Horizon Estimation.
Proceedings of the 17th European Control Conference, 2019
Improving Full-Body Pose Estimation from a Small Sensor Set Using Artificial Neural Networks and a Kalman Filter.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019
On the Validity of Different Motion Capture Technologies for the Analysis of Running.
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2018
Estimation of Ground Reaction Forces and Moments During Gait Using Only Inertial Motion Capture.
Sensors, 2017
Sensors, 2017
Estimation of Full-Body Poses Using Only Five Inertial Sensors: An Eager or Lazy Learning Approach?
Sensors, 2016
IMU and Multiple RGB-D Camera Fusion for Assisting Indoor Stop-and-Go 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning.
Robotics, 2014
Performance Evaluation of a Low-Complexity Receiver Concept for TOA-Based Ultrawideband Ranging.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 2012
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2010
Modeling Distance and Bandwidth Dependency of TOA-Based UWB Ranging Error for Positioning.
J. Electr. Comput. Eng., 2009
Proceedings of the Global Communications Conference, 2009. GLOBECOM 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 30 November, 2009
Analyzing non-linearity effect for indoor positioning using an acoustic ultra-wideband system.
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2008
Proceedings of the WCNC 2008, IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, March 31 2008, 2008
Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, 2008
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2007