Gilda Pour
According to our database1,
Gilda Pour
authored at least 41 papers
between 1992 and 2007.
Collaborative distances:
Collaborative distances:
Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
MobiHealth: Mobile Agent-Based System for Mobile Telemedicine.
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Internet Computing, 2007
Autonomic Architecture for Emergency Response to Chemical Disasters.
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Internet Computing, 2007
Security and Privacy in the Internet Era: Bringing Real World to Classroom.
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science & Computer Engineering, 2006
Expanding the Possibilities for Enterprise Computing: Multi-Agent Autonomic Architectures.
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2006), 2006
Multi-Agent Autonomic Architectures for Quality Control Systems.
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Pervasive Systems & Computing, 2006
Mobile Web Service Architecture for Software Development Peer Inspection.
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on E-Learning, 2006
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation (CIMCA 2006), International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (IAWTIC 2006), 29 November, 2006
Proceedings of the 5th Annual IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2006) and 1st IEEE/ACIS International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, 2006
Proceedings of the 5th Annual IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2006) and 1st IEEE/ACIS International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, 2006
Towards Multi-Agent Autonomic Architectures.
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Web Technologies, 2005
Enhancing Students' Educational Experiences: Integrating Research into Software Engineering Education.
Proceedings of The 2005 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering, 2005
Web Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture for Mobility Support in Prescription Management.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce, and e-Services (EEE 2005), 29 March, 2005
Exploring Multi-Agent Architectures for Autonomic Systems.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Pervasive Systems and Computing, 2005
A Mobile Agent-Based Approach to Building Mobile Systems for Health Care Management.
Proceedings of The 2005 International Conference on E-Business, 2005
Web Service-Based Framework for Software Development Formal Peer Inspection.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, 2004
Internet-Based Multi-Agent Architecture for Service Delivery.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, 2004
Web Service-Oriented Architecture For Supply Chain Management.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, 2003
Web- Based Architecture for Component- Based Application Generators.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, 2002
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference and Exhibition on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 2001
Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) for Building Web-Based Enterprise Applications.
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference and Exhibition on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 2001
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference and Exhibition on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 2001
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference and Exhibition on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 2001
Exploring the Power of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) for Web-Based Enterprise Application Development.
Proceedings of WebNet 2000 - World Conference on the WWW and Internet, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 30, 2000
Proceedings of the TOOLS 2000: 34th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 30 July, 2000
Proceedings of the TOOLS 2000: 34th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 30 July, 2000
Proceedings of the TOOLS 2000: 34th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 30 July, 2000
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB): New Opportunities for Component-Based Development of Web-Based Enterprise Solutions.
Proceedings of the TOOLS 2000: 33rd International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 2000
JavaBeans, Java, Java Servlets and COBRA Revolutionizing Web-Based Enterprise Application Development.
Proceedings of WebNet 99, 1999
Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development: Overcoming the Obstacles 3/4 Patterns for Success.
Proceedings of the TOOLS Europe 1999: 29th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 1999
Enterprise JavaBeans, JavaBeans & XML Expanding the Possibilities for Web-Based Enterprise Application Development.
Proceedings of the TOOLS 1999: 31st International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 1999
Proceedings of the TOOLS Europe 1999: 29th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 1999
Quality Component Development: Making the Most of JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans Features.
Proceedings of the TOOLS 1999: 30th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, Delivering Quality Software, 1999
Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development Overcoming the Obstacles - Patterns for Success.
Proceedings of the TOOLS 1999: 30th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, Delivering Quality Software, 1999
Developing Web-Based Enterprise Applications with Java, JavaBeans, and CORBA.
Proceedings of WebNet 98, 1998
Proceedings of the TOOLS 1998: 27th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 1998
Proceedings of the TOOLS 1998: 26th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 1998
Proceedings of the TOOLS 1998: 26th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 1998
A partitioning approach for object-oriented software development for parallel processing systems.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 1992