Gian Andrea Giacobone
Orcid: 0000-0002-2258-5359
According to our database1,
Gian Andrea Giacobone
authored at least 10 papers
between 2018 and 2023.
Collaborative distances:
Collaborative distances:
Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
Augmented Operators and Virtual User Manuals for Complex Industrial Systems: User Research and Scenario-Building Activities.
Proceedings of the Advances in Digital Human Modeling, 2023
Project PLEINAIR: Discovering User Needs Exploring a Non-conventional Human-Centered Approach.
Proceedings of the Advances in Industrial Design, 2021
Human Centered Methodologies for the Development of Multidisciplinary Design Research in the Field of IOT Systems: Project Habitat and Pleinair.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2020, 2020
New Collaborative Version of the Quality Function Deployment: Practical Application to the HABITAT Project.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2020, 2020
Human-Centered Design for Automotive Styling Design: Conceptualizing a Car from QFD to ViP.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2020, 2020
Human Centered Design Methodologies Applied to Complex Research Projects: First Results of the PLEINAIR Project.
Proceedings of the Advances in Industrial Design, 2020
Envisioning the Future and Going Back: A Human-Centered Strategy to Develop the Styling of a Sports Car.
Proceedings of the Advances in Industrial Design, 2020
Human-Centered Design and Quality Function Deployment: Understanding Needs on a Multidisciplinary Automotive Research.
Proceedings of the Advances in Design for Inclusion, 2019
Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through Users Experience Within the INCEPTION Project.
Proceedings of the Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, 2018