Ghulam Mustafa

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.


GK index: bridging Gf and K indices for comprehensive author evaluation.
Knowl. Inf. Syst., September, 2024

RNN-BiLSTM-CRF based amalgamated deep learning model for electricity theft detection to secure smart grids.
PeerJ Comput. Sci., 2024

On the theory of order statistics of the flexible Lomax distribution.
Oper. Res. Decis., 2024

Enhancing fusarium head blight detection in wheat crops using hyperspectral indices and machine learning classifiers.
Comput. Electron. Agric., 2024

OntoCommerce: Incorporating Ontology and Sequential Pattern Mining for Personalized E-Commerce Recommendations.
IEEE Access, 2024

TrafficNet: A Hybrid CNN-FNN Model for Analysis of Traffic Accidents in Seoul.
J. Comput. Sci. Eng., December, 2023

Global Trends and Future Directions in Agricultural Remote Sensing for Wheat Scab Detection: Insights from a Bibliometric Analysis.
Remote. Sens., July, 2023

Weak Gravitational Lensing around Bardeen Black Hole with a String Cloud in the Presence of Plasma.
Symmetry, March, 2023

A modified form of different applied median filter for removal of salt & pepper noise.
Multim. Tools Appl., February, 2023

A novel technique for detecting electricity theft in secure smart grids using CNN and XG-boost.
Intell. Syst. Appl., 2023

Classifying and Localizing Abnormalities in Brain MRI Using Channel Attention Based Semi-Bayesian Ensemble Voting Mechanism and Convolutional Auto-Encoder.
IEEE Access, 2023

Multi-Class Retinal Diseases Detection Using Deep CNN With Minimal Memory Consumption.
IEEE Access, 2023

Optimizing Document Classification: Unleashing the Power of Genetic Algorithms.
IEEE Access, 2023

Exploring the Significance of Publication-Age-Based Parameters for Evaluating Researcher Impact.
IEEE Access, 2023

Comprehensive Evaluation of Publication and Citation Metrics for Quantifying Scholarly Influence.
IEEE Access, 2023

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Author-Count Based Metrics in Measuring Scientific Contributions.
IEEE Access, 2023

Machine Learning Approach for Effective Ranking of Researcher Assessment Parameters.
IEEE Access, 2023

Hybrid ConvLSTM with Attention for Precise Driver Behavior Classification.
Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering, 2023

Hyperspectral Reflectance Proxies to Diagnose In-Field Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat with Machine Learning.
Remote. Sens., 2022

Wormhole Solutions in Symmetric Teleparallel Gravity with Noncommutative Geometry.
Symmetry, 2021

Ranking of author assessment parameters using Logistic Regression.
Scientometrics, 2021

Modelling and exploiting taxonomic knowledge for developing mobile learning systems to enhance children's structural and functional categorization.
Comput. Educ. Artif. Intell., 2021

A Comprehensive Evaluation of Metadata-Based Features to Classify Research Paper's Topics.
IEEE Access, 2021

Physically Acceptable Embedded Class-I Compact Stars in Modified Gravity with Karmarkar Condition.
Symmetry, 2020

Effective Utilization of Supervised Learning Techniques for Process Model Matching.
Comput. Informatics, 2020

Effectiveness of ontology-based learning content generation for preschool cognitive skills learning.
Interact. Learn. Environ., 2019

A Review of Star Schema and Snowflakes Schema.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Technologies and Applications, 2019

A methodology for contextual recommendation using artificial neural networks.
PhD thesis, 2018

Consumers' online information adoption behavior: Motives and antecedents of electronic word of mouth communications.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2018

Knowledge-based recommendation: a review of ontology-based recommender systems for e-learning.
Artif. Intell. Rev., 2018

A review of data security and cryptographic techniques in IoT based devices.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems, 2018

A comprehensive study of cyber attacks & counter measures for web systems.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems, 2018

Comparing contextual and non-contextual features in ANNs for movie rating prediction.
Proceedings of the Conference "Lernen, 2016

Performance comparison of top N recommendation algorithms.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technology (FGCT 2015), 2015

Adapting MultiBoost ensemble for class imbalanced learning.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics, 2015

Dynamic binary translation in a type-II hypervisor for Cavium Octeon MIPS64 based systems.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, 2015

Novel Boosting Frameworks to Improve the Performance of Collaborative Filtering.
Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 2013

Subdivision Depth Computation for Tensor Product Ternary Volumetric Model.
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Scientific Computing, 2009

Constrained Shepard Method for Modeling and Visualization of Scattered Data.
J. WSCG, 2008

Gridding Multivariate Positive Data for Real Time Visualization.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics, 2006

Constrained Visualization of 2D Positive Data using Modified Quadratic Shepard Method.
Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, 2004
