Georgios Gardikis

Orcid: 0000-0002-0428-6523

According to our database1, Georgios Gardikis authored at least 58 papers between 2003 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Systematic Review Dataset Collection for Intrusion Detection.
Dataset, March, 2024

User Terminals as Attackers: An Open Dataset Analysis of DDoS Attacks in 5G Networks.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking, 2024


6G-BRICKS: Developing a Modern Experimentation Facility for Validation, Testing and Showcasing of 6G Breakthrough Technologies and Devices.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2023 IFIP WG 12.5 International Workshops, 2023

Over-the-air Tests of a Satellite-backhauled 5G SA Network with Edge Computing and Local Breakout.
Proceedings of the 2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit, 2022

Deployment of 5G Experiments on Underserved Areas using the Open5GENESIS Suite.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Applications, 2021

Using Anomaly Detection Techniques for Securing 5G Infrastructure and Applications.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking, 2021

Satellite edge computing for 5G rural applications.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking, 2021

EVOLVE: HPC and cloud enhanced testbed for extracting value from large-scale diverse data.
Proceedings of the CF '21: Computing Frontiers Conference, 2021

The 5GENESIS testing facility as an enabler for integrated satellite/terrestrial 5G experimentation.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshop, 2019

Factors Influencing Market Adoption and Evolution of NFV/SDN Cybersecurity Solutions. Evidence from SHIELD Project.
Proceedings of the 2018 European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2018

5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility.
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, 2018

SHIELD: Securing Against Intruders and Other Threats Through an NFV-Enabled Environment.
Proceedings of the Guide to Security in SDN and NFV, 2017

T-NOVA: An Open-Source MANO Stack for NFV Infrastructures.
IEEE Trans. Netw. Serv. Manag., 2017

Towards SDN/NFV-enabled satellite networks.
Telecommun. Syst., 2017

NFV-based network protection: The SHIELD approach.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks, 2017

Enabling agile video transcoding over SDN/NFV-enabled networks.
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia, 2016

Statistical-based anomaly detection for NFV services.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), 2016

An integrating framework for efficient NFV monitoring.
Proceedings of the IEEE NetSoft Conference and Workshops, 2016

An open service platform for multi-hazard in action - the PHAROS pilot demonstration.
Proceedings of the 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2016

NFV applicability and use cases in satellite networks.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2016

T-NOVA: Network functions as-a-service over virtualised infrastructures.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks, 2015

Enhancing VNF performance by exploiting SR-IOV and DPDK packet processing acceleration.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks, 2015

Satellite-based sensor networks: M2M Sensor communications and connectivity analysis.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia, 2014

A multi-mission service platform for satellite-based wide area surveillance.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia, 2014

A network cost provision framework for Network-Aware applications.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2014

T-NOVA: A marketplace for virtualized network functions.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2014

On the Applications of Efficient NFV Management Towards 5G Networking.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity, 2014

Scalable Media Coding Enabling Content-Aware Networking.
IEEE Multim., 2013

SNMP-driven active measurements in DiffServ networks.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2013

Efficient planning of virtual network services.
Proceedings of Eurocon 2013, 2013

Joint assessment of Network- and Perceived-QoS in video delivery networks.
Telecommun. Syst., 2012

Adaptive Coding and Modulation-enabled satellite triple play over DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite - Second Generation): a techno-economic study.
Int. J. Satell. Commun. Netw., 2012

Quantifying TV white space capacity: quantifying tv white space capacity.
IEEE Commun. Mag., 2012

Cross-layer monitoring in IPTV networks.
IEEE Commun. Mag., 2012

A fast route planning algorithm for MPLS-TE.
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia, 2012

Survey of cross-layer proposals for video streaming over Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs).
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia, 2012

An SNMP agent for active in-network measurements.
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, 2012

Media Ecosystem deployment in a content-aware Future Internet architecture.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2011

A preliminary implementation of a Content-Aware network node.
Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2011

Media Ecosystems: A Novel Approach for Content-Awareness in Future Networks.
Proceedings of the Future Internet, 2011

Satellite Media Broadcasting with Adaptive Coding and Modulation.
Int. J. Digit. Multim. Broadcast., 2009

Broadband multimedia on the move with DVB-H.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2008

Dynamic IP configuration of terminals in broadcasting networks.
Comput. Networks, 2008

Using DVB-S2 adaptive coding and modulation for the provision of satellite triple play services.
IEEE Commun. Mag., 2008

Quantitative perceptual comparison of variable bit rate over constant bit rate encoding scheme for MPEG-4 video.
J. Electronic Imaging, 2007

A Cross-Layer Rate Control Mechanism for Link-Adaptive Satellite Integrated Services.
J. Electr. Comput. Eng., 2007

Unidirectional lightweight encapsulation: performance evaluation and application perspectives.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast., 2006

Shot boundary detection without threshold parameters.
J. Electronic Imaging, 2006

Digital Switchover: An alternative solution towards broadband access for all citizens.
Proceedings of the Shaping the Broadband Society, 2004

Dynamic bandwidth allocation in DVB-T networks providing IP services.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast., 2003
