Florian van de Camp

According to our database1, Florian van de Camp authored at least 35 papers between 2007 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


A Comparative Analysis of Spectator Placement Methods in Virtual Reality Environments.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2024 Posters, 2024

An Evaluation of Virtual Reality for Terrain Assessment.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2023 Posters, 2023

An Interactive Drawing Plane for 3-Dimensional Annotation of Geographic Data in Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2023 Posters, 2023

Mouse-Based Hand Gesture Interaction in Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2023 Posters, 2023

Tabletop 3D Digital Map Interaction with Virtual Reality Handheld Controllers.
Proceedings of the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Design and Development, 2022

Gaze-Enhanced User Interface for Real-Time Video Surveillance.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Posters, 2022

ShiSha: Enabling Shared Perspective With Face-to-Face Collaboration Using Redirected Avatars in Virtual Reality.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 2020

Calibration of Diverse Tracking Systems to Enable Local Collaborative Mixed Reality Applications.
Proceedings of the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Design and Interaction, 2020

Enabling Interaction with Arbitrary 2D Applications in Virtual Environments.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2020 - Posters - 22nd International Conference, 2020

CLEVR: A Customizable Interactive Learning Environment for Users with Low Vision in Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the ASSETS '20: The 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2020

VirtualTablet: Extending Movable Surfaces with Touch Interaction.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2019

Towards Real-Time Detection and Mitigation of Driver Frustration using SVM.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications, 2019

Personal Perspective: Using Modified World Views to Overcome Real-Life Limitations in Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2018

Multi-user Collaboration on Complex Data in Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2018 - Posters' Extended Abstracts, 2018

Interaction of Distant and Local Users in a Collaborative Virtual Environment.
Proceedings of the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Interaction, Navigation, Visualization, Embodiment, and Simulation, 2018

Capability for Collision Avoidance of Different User Avatars in Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2018 - Posters' Extended Abstracts, 2018

qVRty: Virtual Keyboard with a Haptic, Real-World Representation.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2018 - Posters' Extended Abstracts, 2018

Digital Map Table VR: Bringing an Interactive System to Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, 2017

Interaction with Three Dimensional Objects on Diverse Input and Output Devices: A Survey.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2017 - Posters' Extended Abstracts, 2017

An Analysis of Accuracy Requirements for Automatic Eyetracker Recalibration at Runtime.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2016 - Posters' Extended Abstracts, 2016

Combining Low-Cost Eye Trackers for Dual Monitor Eye Tracking.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Platforms and Techniques, 2016

Automatic generation of scene-specific person trackers.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2016

Learning to Juggle in an Interactive Virtual Reality Environment.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2015 - Posters' Extended Abstracts, 2015

glueTK: A Framework for Multi-modal, Multi-display Interaction.
PhD thesis, 2014

A flexible context-aware assistance system for industrial applications using camera based localization.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation, 2014

Real Time Head Model Creation and Head Pose Estimation on Consumer Depth Cameras.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision, 2014

Visuelle Perzeption für die multimodale Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in und mit aufmerksamen Räumen.
Autom., 2013

How to choose element sizes for novel interactive systems.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 2013

Dynamic Gaussian Force Field Controlled Kalman Filtering For Pointing Interaction.
Proceedings of the Mensch & Computer 2013: Interaktive Vielfalt, 2013

GlueTK: a framework for multi-modal, multi-display human-machine-interaction.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2013

How to Click in Mid-Air.
Proceedings of the Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions, 2013

Efficient person identification using active cameras in a smartroom.
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Multimodal pervasive video analysis, 2010

Extending touch: towards interaction with large-scale surfaces.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 2009

Person tracking in camera networks using graph-based bayesian inference.
Proceedings of the Third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2009

Automatic Person Detection and Tracking using Fuzzy Controlled Active Cameras.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 2007
