Feng-ping Yang
According to our database1,
Feng-ping Yang
authored at least 8 papers
between 2019 and 2020.
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On csauthors.net:
Efficient Feature Selection Algorithm for High-Dimensional Non-equilibrium Big Data Set.
Proceedings of the Advanced Hybrid Information Processing, 2020
Research on Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms for Large Dimensional Data Sets Under Cloud Computing.
Proceedings of the Advanced Hybrid Information Processing, 2020
Proceedings of the Advanced Hybrid Information Processing, 2020
Design of Short-Term Network Congestion Active Control System Based on Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the Advanced Hybrid Information Processing, 2020
Proceedings of the Advanced Hybrid Information Processing, 2019
Research on Anomaly Monitoring Algorithm of Uncertain Large Data Flow Based on Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the Advanced Hybrid Information Processing, 2019
Research on Delay Control Method of Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communication Based on Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the Advanced Hybrid Information Processing, 2019
Research on Intelligent Detection Method of Weak Sensing Signal Based on Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the Advanced Hybrid Information Processing, 2019