Fátima L. S. Nunes

Orcid: 0000-0003-0040-0752

  • University of São Paulo, Brazil

According to our database1, Fátima L. S. Nunes authored at least 142 papers between 1999 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Automatic performance assessment in Virtual Reality medical simulators: A model based on procedure trajectories and machine learning.
Expert Syst. Appl., March, 2024

Concept drift adaptation in video surveillance: a systematic review.
Multim. Tools Appl., January, 2024

Assessing Depth Perception in Virtual Environments: A Comprehensive Framework.
J. Interact. Syst., 2024

Enhancing dental caries classification in CBCT images by using image processing and self-supervised learning.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2024

Enhancing ensemble classifiers utilizing gaze tracking data for autism spectrum disorder diagnosis.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2024

Methods for Evaluating Immersive 3D Virtual Environments: a Systematic Literature Review.
Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2024

What if Video See-Through in HMDs Changes How Accurately We Perform Tasks?
Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2024

An Approach for Automatic Adaptation of Serious Games Applied to Virtual Motor Rehabilitation.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, 2024

3D Hough Transform-Based Left Ventricle 3D Object Classification for Cardiomyopathy Diagnosis.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2024

Segmentation and Classification of Dental Caries in Cone Beam Tomography Images Using Machine Learning and Image Processing.
Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, 2024

Exploiting deep reinforcement learning and metamorphic testing to automatically test virtual reality applications.
Softw. Test. Verification Reliab., December, 2023

Computer-aided autism diagnosis using visual attention models and eye-tracking: replication and improvement proposal.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak., December, 2023

Flexible simulation of animal thermoregulatory behavior in three-dimensional synthetic environments from thermal and optical images.
Ecol. Informatics, December, 2023

Left ventricle segmentation combining deep learning and deformable models with anatomical constraints.
J. Biomed. Informatics, June, 2023

A Stochastic Grammar Approach to Mass Classification in Mammograms.
IEEE ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform., 2023

Online graduate activities during the pandemic at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educ., 2023

A comprehensive systematic review on mobile applications to support dementia patients.
Pervasive Mob. Comput., 2023

EasyAffecta: A framework to develop serious games for virtual rehabilitation with affective adaptation.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2023

Automatic Performance Assessment in Three-dimensional Interactive Haptic Medical Simulators: A Systematic Review.
ACM Comput. Surv., 2023

Does the Input Image Spatial Resolution Generate Different Synthetic Images? A Comparative Study of Facial Expression Synthesis Performance.
Proceedings of the 36th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2023

Improving Deep Learning Shape Consistency with a New Loss Function for Left Ventricle Segmentation in Cardiac MRI.
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2023

Classification of Facial Images to Assist in the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Study on the Effect of Face Detection and Landmark Identification Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems - 12th Brazilian Conference, 2023

Left Ventricle Segmentation in Cardiac MR: A Systematic Mapping of the Past Decade.
ACM Comput. Surv., January, 2022

Serious Game Design in Health Education: A Systematic Review.
IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol., 2022

Predicting the outcome for COVID-19 patients by applying time series classification to electronic health records.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak., 2022

Correlating drug prescriptions with prognosis in severe COVID-19: first step towards resource management.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak., 2022

A bipartite graph approach to retrieve similar 3D models with different resolution and types of cardiomyopathies.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2022

A systematic review of multi-slice and multi-frame descriptors in cardiac MRI exams.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2022

A framework for evaluating depth perception in stereoscopic virtual environments.
Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2022

"Every move you make in every game you play": can game logs determine player's engagement?
Proceedings of the SBSI: XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, Curitiba, Brazil, May 16, 2022

Player Experience with Brazilian accent: development and validation of PX-BR, a summarized instrument in Portuguese.
Proceedings of the SBSI: XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, Curitiba, Brazil, May 16, 2022

The impact of different facial expression intensities on the performance of pre-trained emotion recognition models.
Proceedings of the SAC '22: The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Virtual Event, April 25, 2022

ExpressionHop: A Lightweight Human Facial Expression Classifier.
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval, 2022

Deepfake Detection on Videos Based on Ratio Images.
Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2022

Analysis of transcription tools for Brazilian Portuguese with focus on disfluency detection.
Proceedings of the 21st Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022

Adapting Software with Affective Computing: A Systematic Review.
IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput., 2021

Facial expression synthesis based on similar faces.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2021

Software Testing Automation of VR-Based Systems With Haptic Interfaces.
Comput. J., 2021

Towards an approach using grammars for automatic classification of masses in mammograms.
Comput. Intell., 2021

Foreword to the Special Section on the Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality 2020 (SVR 2020).
Comput. Graph., 2021

Comparison of machine learning algorithms for automatic assessment of performance in a virtual reality dental simulator.
Proceedings of the SVR'21: 23rd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, Virtual Event, Brazil, October 18, 2021

Engagement and Discrete Emotions in Game Scenario: Is There a Relation Among Them?
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2021 - 18th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 30, 2021

Evaluation of Traditional and Deep Learning Human Detection Techniques Applied to Surveillance: A Performance Comparison at Distinct Object Sizes.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, 2021

Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Severity Using Eye Tracking Data Based on Visual Attention Model.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2021

Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis based on trajectories of eye tracking data.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2021

Evaluating the pre-processing impact on the generalization of deep learning networks for left ventricle segmentation.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2021

Towards the Systematic Testing of Virtual Reality Programs (extended version).
CoRR, 2020

3D visualization of temporal data: exploring Visual Attention and Machine Learning.
Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2020

Understanding VR Software Testing Needs from Stakeholders' Points of View.
Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2020

Machine Learning in Information Visualization: Using Rule-based Learning Algorithms to Personalize Interfaces.
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2020

Evaluating the impact of polygonal representations on mass classification.
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2020

Graphical Oracles to Assess Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems: A Case Study in Mammogram Masses and Calcifications Detection.
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2020

Influence of environmental conditions in the performance of open-source software for facial expression recognition.
Proceedings of the IHC '20: XIX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020

Exploring Visual Attention and Machine Learning in 3D Visualization of Medical Temporal Data.
Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2020

Is mass classification in mammograms a solved problem? - A critical review over the last 20 years.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2019

Synthesis of Facial Expressions in Photographs: Characteristics, Approaches, and Challenges.
ACM Comput. Surv., 2019

Intelligent retrieval and classification in three-dimensional biomedical images - A systematic mapping.
Comput. Sci. Rev., 2019

Towards the Systematic Testing of Virtual Reality Programs.
Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2019

Immersive game for dental anesthesia training with haptic feedback.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2019

A New Syntactic Approach for Masses Classification in Digital Mammograms.
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2019

An automated functional testing approach for virtual reality applications.
Softw. Test. Verification Reliab., 2018

Using Genetic Algorithms in Test Data Generation: A Critical Systematic Mapping.
ACM Comput. Surv., 2018

Visual and Haptic Trajectories Applied to Dental Anesthesia Training: Conceptualization, Implementation and Preliminary Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2018

Personality Traits Impacts in Virtual Reality's User Experience.
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2018

Factors Influencing the Perception of Realism in Synthetic Facial Expressions.
Proceedings of the 31st SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2018

3D Medical Objects Retrieval Approach Using SPHARMs Descriptor and Network Flow as Similarity Measure.
Proceedings of the 31st SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2018

3D medical objects processing and retrieval using spherical harmonics: a case study with congestive heart failure MRI exams.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2018

Applying graphical oracles to evaluate image segmentation results.
J. Braz. Comput. Soc., 2017

Gamification as a Learning Strategy in a Simulation of Dental Anesthesia.
Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2017

AGaR: A VR Serious Game to Support the Recovery of Post-Stroke Patients.
Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2017

Feature-Based Test Oracles to Categorize Synthetic 3D and 2D Images of Blood Vessels.
Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing, 2017

A novel 3D shape descriptor for automatic retrieval of anatomical structures from medical images.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2017: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2017

Using Affective Computing to Automatically Adapt Serious Games for Rehabilitation.
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2017

Uma contribuição ao auxíılio do diagnóstico do autismo a partir do processamento de imagens para extração de medidas antropométricas.
RITA, 2016

Comparing efficient data structures to represent geometric models for three-dimensional virtual medical training.
J. Biomed. Informatics, 2016

Editorial Vol.9, Nº 2.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2016

Techniques and Devices Used in Palpation Simulation with Haptic Feedback.
ACM Comput. Surv., 2016

Measuring Knowledge Acquisition in 3D Virtual Learning Environments.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2016

Three-Dimensionality Perception Evaluation in Stereoscopic Virtual Environments: A Systematic Review.
Proceedings of the XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2016

MoVEROffice: Virtual Reality for Upper Limbs Rehabilitation.
Proceedings of the XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2016

A New Descriptor for Retrieving 3D Objects Applied in Congestive Heart Failure Diagnosis.
Proceedings of the 29th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2016

Haptic interaction objective evaluation in needle insertion task simulation.
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2016

Towards Determining Force Feedback Parameters for Realistic Representation of Nodules in a Breast Palpation Simulator.
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2016

Recuperação de modelos médicos por conteúdo usando Extrator Local de Área e Distância.
RITA, 2015

CBIR Based Testing Oracles: An Experimental Evaluation of Similarity Functions.
Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng., 2015

Depth Perception Evaluation with Different Stereoscopic Techniques: A Case Study.
Proceedings of the XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2015

Interactive Visualization of Three-Dimensional Descriptors Using Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2015

WhisperLuck: A Game Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate and Train the Auditory Attention in Adults.
Proceedings of the XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2015

Registration System Errors Perception in Augmented Reality Based on RGB-D Cameras.
Proceedings of the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, 2015

Generating Facial Emotions for Diagnosis and Training.
Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2015

Content-Based Image Retrieval of 3D Cardiac Models to Aid the Diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure by Using Spectral Clustering.
Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2015

Using Bipartite Graphs for 3D Cardiac Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2015

Three-dimensional Content-Based Cardiac Image Retrieval using global and local descriptors.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2015, 2015

Analysis of Techniques of the Content-Based Image Retrieval to construct an Information System of the Computer-Aided Diagnosis.
Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2015

Visualização de Informação aplicada à compreensão de resultados de Recuperação de Imagens Baseada em Conteúdo.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2014

Test Case Selection: A Systematic Literature Review.
Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng., 2014

Breast Palpation Simulation with Haptic Feedback: Prototype and Initial Results.
Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2014

Systematically Reviewing Techniques and Devices Used in Palpation Simulation with Haptic Feedback.
Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2014

Simulation of Deformation in Models of Human Organs Using Physical Parameters.
Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2014

Evolution of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Health: A Reflection from 15 Years of SVR.
Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2014

A Comparative Study between Automated and Human Evaluation of Sensory-Motor Skills in Interactive 3D Virtual Environments.
Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2014

An Extensible Framework to Implement Test Oracle for Non-Testable Programs.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2014

A new local feature extraction approach for content-based 3D medical model retrieval using shape descriptor.
Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 2014

Statistical methods in the evaluation of sensory-motor skills acquisition in 3D interactive virtual environments.
Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 2014

Um estudo experimental sobre a captura automática dos dados de interação em ambientes virtuais tridimensionais.
Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014

Virtual Reality-Based System for Training in Dental Anesthesia.
Proceedings of the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2014

ErgoSV: An Environment to Support Usability Evaluation Using Face and Speech Recognition.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction. Theories, Methods, and Tools, 2014

An approach to assessment of knowledge acquisition by using three-dimensional virtual learning environment.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2014

Deformation Method Using Physical Parameters Composed of Different Tissue Structures.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2014

Using concepts of content-based image retrieval to implement graphical testing oracles.
Softw. Test. Verification Reliab., 2013

Editorial Vol.6.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2013

Using grammars for pattern recognition in images: A systematic review.
ACM Comput. Surv., 2013

The Relationship between Requirements Engineering and Virtual Reality Systems: A Systematic Literature Review.
Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2013

Realistic Simulation of Deformation for Medical Training Applications.
Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2013

Haptic Simulation for Virtual Training in Application of Dental Anesthesia.
Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2013

A Model for the Evaluation of Sensory-Motor Skills Acquisition in Three-Dimensional Virtual Environments.
Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2013

Analyzing Face and Speech Recognition to Create Automatic Information for Usability Evaluation.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction. Human-Centred Design Approaches, Methods, Tools, and Environments, 2013

Simulation of soft tissue deformation: A new approach.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2013

Applying Distance Histogram to retrieve 3D cardiac medical models.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2013, 2013

Preliminary Results of the Use of Sentiment Analysis in Health Messages on Twitter.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2013, 2013

Feasibility Analysis of an Assessment Model of Knowledge Acquisition in Virtual Environments: A Case Study using a Three-dimensional Atlas of Anatomy.
Proceedings of the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2013

Test Case Selection Using CBIR and Clustering.
Proceedings of the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2013

A Model of Assessment of Knowledge Acquisition in Three-Dimensional Learning Virtual Environments.
Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2012

JCHAI3D - Multiplatform Framework for Healthcare Applications: Multiplatform Framework for Graphic and Haptic Processing Develop in Java.
Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2012

Gerador de sítios de grupos de pesquisa com inclusão automática de conteúdo baseada na plataforma Lattes.
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2012

Seleção de Casos de Teste Utilizando Conceitos de Variabilidade: Uma Revisão Sistemática.
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2012

O estado da arte em Recuperaçãoo de modelos tridimensionais por conteúdo através de uma Revisão Sistemática.
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2012

Ambiente Virtual Interativo com Colisão e Deformação de Objetos para Treinamento Médico.
RITA, 2011

Building a Open Source Framework for Virtual Medical Training.
J. Digit. Imaging, 2010

Non-photorealistic rendering in stereoscopic 3D visualization.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2010

Evaluation of VR medical training applications under the focus of professionals of the health area.
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2009

The virtual reality challenges in the health care area: a panoramic view.
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2008

Special track on Computer Applications in Health Care: editorial message.
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2008

Contrast Enhancement in Dense Breast Images to Aid Clustered Microcalcifications Detection.
J. Digit. Imaging, 2007

Virtual reality framework for medical training: implementation of a deformation class using Java.
Proceedings of the Proceedings VRCIA 2006 ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications, 2006

ARISupport - Interaction Support for Augmented Reality Systems.
Proceedings of the Advances in Visual Computing, First International Symposium, 2005

JVRMol: a low cost java-based distributed virtual environment for protein molecule analysis and visualization.
Proceedings of the Proceedings VRCAI 2004, 2004

Virtual reality for medical training: a prototype to simulate breast aspiration exam.
Proceedings of the Proceedings VRCAI 2004, 2004

Information visualization: using virtual reality techniques in the three-dimensional representation of data from a medical images database.
Proceedings of the Proceedings VRCAI 2004, 2004

Classification of nodules in mammograms image by using wavelet transform.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing, 2003

A method to contrast enhancement of digital dense breast images aimed to detect clustered microcalcifications.
Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Image Processing, 2001

Application of image processing techniques for contrast enhancement in dense breast digital mammograms.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 1999: Image Processing, 1999
