Fabio Guigou
According to our database1,
Fabio Guigou
authored at least 8 papers
between 2017 and 2019.
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On csauthors.net:
The artificial immune ecosystem : a scalable immune-inspired active classifier, an application to streaming time series analysis for network monitoring. (L'écosystème immunitaire artificiel : un classifieur actif inspiré des systèmes immunitaires, et son application à l'analyse de données chronologiques en flux pour la supervision de réseaux informatiques).
PhD thesis, 2019
SCHEDA: Lightweight euclidean-like heuristics for anomaly detection in periodic time series.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2019
Artificial Immune Ecosystems: the role of expert-based learning in artificial cognition.
J. Robotics Netw. Artif. Life, 2018
Foundations and applications of artificial Intelligence for zero-day and multi-step attack detection.
EURASIP J. Inf. Secur., 2018
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, 2018
CoRR, 2017
The Artificial Immune Ecosystem: A Bio-Inspired Meta-Algorithm for Boosting Time Series Anomaly Detection with Expert Input.
Proceedings of the Applications of Evolutionary Computation - 20th European Conference, 2017
The AWA Artificial emergent aWareness Architecture model for Artificial Immune Ecosystems.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2017