Fabien Dal Maso
Orcid: 0000-0002-7676-9655
According to our database1,
Fabien Dal Maso
authored at least 8 papers
between 2011 and 2023.
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On csauthors.net:
Effect of Robotic-Assisted Gait at Different Levels of Guidance and Body Weight Support on Lower Limb Joint Kinematics and Coordination.
Sensors, October, 2023
Inertial Measurement Units and Partial Least Square Regression to Predict Perceived Exertion During Repetitive Fatiguing Piano Tasks.
IEEE Trans. Hum. Mach. Syst., August, 2023
How Do Violinists Adapt to Dynamic Assistive Support? A Study Focusing on Kinematics, Muscle Activity, and Musical Performance.
Hum. Factors, 2023
Power Spectrum of Acceleration and Angular Velocity Signals as Indicators of Muscle Fatigue during Upper Limb Low-Load Repetitive Tasks.
Sensors, 2022
Effect of Expertise on Shoulder and Upper Limb Kinematics, Electromyography, and Estimated Muscle Forces During a Lifting Task.
Hum. Factors, 2022
Acute cardiovascular exercise promotes functional changes in cortico-motor networks during the early stages of motor memory consolidation.
NeuroImage, 2018
Deep Semantic Architecture with discriminative feature visualization for neuroimage analysis.
CoRR, 2018
A new statistical test based on the wavelet cross-spectrum to detect time-frequency dependence between non-stationary signals: Application to the analysis of cortico-muscular interactions.
NeuroImage, 2011