Euripides N. Loukis

Orcid: 0000-0002-5932-4128

  • University of the Aegean, Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, Samos, Greece

According to our database1, Euripides N. Loukis authored at least 152 papers between 2001 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Factors Explaining ICT Investment Behavior of Firms During the 2008 Economic Crisis.
Inf. Syst. Manag., April, 2024

Economic Crisis and Government Digital Transformation - Some Positive Evidence.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 23rd IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2024

Towards the Development of Interoperable Open Data Ecosystems: Harnessing the Technical, Semantic, Legal, and Organizational (TSLO) Interoperability Framework.
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 2024

Information scent and open government data (OGD) engagement: research agenda.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, 2023

Open data journalism: a domain mapping review.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, 2023

Benchmarking Open Government Data (OGD) Curriculum in Universities.
Proceedings of the New Sustainable Horizons in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Solutions, 2023

Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Food Price Monitoring Tool for Supporting Data Journalists.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, 2023

Predicting Digital Winners and Losers in Economic Crises Using Artificial Intelligence and Open Government Data.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, 2023

The Effects of Economic Crisis on the Digitalization of the Greek Social Security.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, 2023

ChatGPT Application vis-a-vis Open Government Data (OGD): Capabilities, Public Values, Issues and a Research Agenda.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 22nd IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2023

Open Government Data in Educational Programs Curriculum: Current State and Prospects.
Proceedings of the Perspectives in Business Informatics Research, 2023

Predicting Patterns of Firms' Vulnerability to Economic Crises Using Open Data, Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique and Machine Learning.
Proceedings of the Perspectives in Business Informatics Research, 2023

Analysis of Reviews on Greek Municipalities to Improve Public Service Delivery and Citizen Satisfaction: A Tool for Co-creation and Co-design.
Proceedings of the 26th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 2022

Evaluating Greek Government Digital Distance Learning Policies in Higher Education for the Covid-19 Period.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, 2022

A Comprehensive Framework for Measuring Governments' Digital Initiatives Including Open Data.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, 2022

Leveraging Government Data Using Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning for Firms' Investment Policy-Making in Economic Crises.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 21st IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2022

Enhancing Firms' Financial Support Decision-Making with Predictions of Technological Resilience to Economic Crises.
Proceedings of the dg.o 2022: The 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, Virtual Event, Republic of Korea, June 15, 2022

Combining Technocrats' Expertise with Public Opinion Through an Innovative e-Participation Platform.
IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput., 2021

ICT-related Behavior of Greek Banks in the Economic Crisis.
Inf. Syst. Manag., 2021

Economic Crisis and Enterprise Systems Adoption.
Proceedings of the PCI 2021: 25th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Volos, Greece, November 26, 2021

Social Media Use and Absorptive Capacity of Greek Food & Beverage Firms.
Proceedings of the PCI 2021: 25th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Volos, Greece, November 26, 2021

A Methodology for Evaluating Advanced Legal Data Infrastructures.
Proceedings of the ICEGOV 2021: 14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Athens, Greece, October 6, 2021

Human Control and Discretion in AI-driven Decision-making in Government.
Proceedings of the ICEGOV 2021: 14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Athens, Greece, October 6, 2021

Evaluating Second Generation Cross-Country Open Legal Data Infrastructures Using Value Models.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - 13th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2021

Factors affecting cloud storage adoption by Greek municipalities.
Proceedings of the ICEGOV 2020: 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, 2020

A development framework for blockchain technologies in digital government.
Proceedings of the ICEGOV 2020: 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, 2020

Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Government and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020

Analysing Legal Information Requirements for Public Policy Making.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - 12th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2020

Analyzing a Frugal Digital Transformation of a Widely Used Simple Public Service in Greece.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, 2020

Enterprise Systems, ICT Capabilities and Business Analytics Adoption - An Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, 2020

Using Government Data and Machine Learning for Predicting Firms' Vulnerability to Economic Crisis.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 19th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2020

Convergence and Divergence Between Municipalities and Citizens about Smart City Actions' Priorities.
Proceedings of the dg.o '20: The 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 2020

Do strategy, processes, personnel and technology affect firm's propensity to adopt cloud computing?
J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., 2019

Transforming the communication between citizens and government through AI-guided chatbots.
Gov. Inf. Q., 2019

Determinants of software-as-a-service benefits and impact on firm performance.
Decis. Support Syst., 2019

Evaluating Complex Government SaaS through Value Flow Model estimation.
Proceedings of the 13th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2019

An Analysis of ICT Activity Behavior of Greek banks in the Economic Crisis.
Proceedings of the 13th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2019

Ict Resources & Capabilities, Economic Crisis and CRM Adoption.
Proceedings of the 13th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2019

Introduction to the Minitrack on Towards Government 3.0: Disruptive ICTs, Advanced Policy Informatics/Analytics and Government as a Platform.
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019

Economic Crisis Policy Analytics Based on Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 18th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2019

The Three Generations of Electronic Government: From Service Provision to Open Data and to Policy Analytics.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 18th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2019

Policy analytics for improving firm behaviour in crisis.
Proceedings of the 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 2018

A Methodology for Economic Crisis Policy Analytics.
Proceedings of the 12th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2018

Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Media and Government.
Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018

Contractual and Relational Governance, ICT Skills and Organization Adaptations, and Cloud Computing Benefits.
Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018

Using Social Media for Government Passive Expert-Sourcing.
Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018

Policy Informatics in the Social Media Era: Analyzing Opinions for Policy Making.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - 10th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2018

Editorial of special issue 'Digital Technologies in the Mediterranean Region'.
Telematics Informatics, 2017

Why do firms adopt cloud computing? A comparative analysis based on South and North Europe firm data.
Telematics Informatics, 2017

An empirical investigation of the effects of firm characteristics on the propensity to adopt cloud computing.
Inf. Syst. E Bus. Manag., 2017

Promoting open innovation in the public sector through social media monitoring.
Gov. Inf. Q., 2017

Inter-organizational innovation and cloud computing.
Electron. Commer. Res., 2017

Cloud Computing Business Value and Human Determinants: An Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 2017

Hard And Soft ICT Capital And Cloud Computing Benefits.
Proceedings of the 11th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2017

Introduction to Social Media and Government Minitrack.
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017

Social Media and Absorptive Capacity of Greek Government Agencies.
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017

Prediction of Propensity for Enterprise Cloud Computing Adoption.
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017

Technocracy to Democracy Knowledge Transfer Using Social Media and Reputation Management.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - 9th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2017

Factors Explaining ICT Expenditure Behavior of Greek Firms During the Economic Crisis 2009-2014.
Proceedings of the E-Democracy - Privacy-Preserving, Secure, Intelligent E-Government Services, 2017

Towards an Integrated and Inclusive Platform for Open Innovation in the Public Sector.
Proceedings of the E-Democracy - Privacy-Preserving, Secure, Intelligent E-Government Services, 2017

The Effects of Adaptation Actions and Absorptive Capacity on SaaS Benefits and Firm Performance.
Proceedings of the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2017

Does the Development of Information Systems Resources Lead to the Development of Information Security Resources? An Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2017

Evaluating a passive Expert-Sourcing method for Policy Making from Innovation diffusion Theory Perspective.
Proceedings of the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2017

A taxonomy of open government data research areas and topics.
J. Organ. Comput. Electron. Commer., 2016

Evolving ICT and governance in organizational networks - Conceptual and theoretical foundations.
Electron. Mark., 2016

A methodology for determining the value generation mechanism and the improvement priorities of open government data systems.
Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst., 2016

ERP, e-Commerce, Social Media and Absorptive Capacity of Greek Firms: An Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 2016

The Effects of Enterprise Systems on the Absorptive Capacity of Greek Firms.
Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2016

Enterprise Systems and Innovation - An Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016

Passive Expert-Sourcing for Policy Making in the European Union.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - 8th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2016

Analyzing the complementarity of web infrastructure and eInnovation for business value generation.
Program, 2015

Cloud Computing Adoption Motivation in the European North and South.
Proceedings of the 9th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2015

Did the Reduction of ICT Investment due to the 2008 Economic Crisis Affect the Innovation Performance of Firms? - An Exploratory Analysis Based on Firm Data for the European Glass, Ceramics and Cement Industry.
Proceedings of the 9th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2015

Using Social Media Monitoring for Public Policy Making - An Evaluation.
Proceedings of the 9th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2015

Organizational Factors Affecting Propensity to Adopt Cloud Computing.
Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2015

Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis in Policy Formulation Initiatives: The EU-Community Approach.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - 7th IFIP 8.5 International Conference, 2015

Evaluating a Passive Social Media Citizensourcing Innovation.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 14th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2015

Firm Characteristics and Propensity for Cloud Computing Adoption.
Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2015

Heart sound screening in real-time assistive environments through MCMC Bayesian data mining.
Univers. Access Inf. Soc., 2014

Fostering Social Innovation through Multiple Social Media Combinations.
Inf. Syst. Manag., 2014

Evaluating the educational effectiveness of simulation games: A value generation model.
Inf. Sci., 2014

A Study of Multiple Social Media Use in the European Parliament from an Innovation Perspective.
Proceedings of the 18th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 2014

Evaluating Second Generation Open Government Data Infrastructures Using Value Models.
Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2014

Leveraging European Union Policy Community through Advanced Exploitation of Social Media.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - 6th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2014

Designing a Second Generation of Open Data Platforms: Integrating Open Data and Social Media.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government - 13th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2014

An Analysis of Multiple Social Media Consultations in the European Parliament from a Public Policy Perspective.
Proceedings of the 22st European Conference on Information Systems, 2014

An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of ICT on Innovation in European Hospitals.
Proceedings of the 22st European Conference on Information Systems, 2014

Using structural equation modelling for investigating the impact of e-business on ICT and non-ICT assets, processes and business performance.
Oper. Res., 2013

The effect of soft ICT capital on innovation performance of Greek firms.
J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., 2013

Policy making 2.0: From theory to practice.
Gov. Inf. Q., 2013

An empirical investigation of information systems interoperability business value in European firms.
Comput. Ind., 2013

Efficiency and Innovation Oriented Business Value of Enterprise Systems Interoperability - An Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2013

Analyzing the Centralised Use of Multiple Social Media by Government from Innovations Diffusion Theory Perspective.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - 5th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2013

Requirements and Architecture of a Passive Crowdsourcing Environment.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government and Electronic Participation: Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research of IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart 2013, 2013

Evaluating Advanced Forms of Social Media Use in Government.
Proceedings of the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2013

A structured methodology for assessing and improving e-services in digital cities.
Telematics Informatics, 2012

Using Ensemble Random Forests for the extraction and exploitation of knowledge on gas turbine blading faults identification.
OR Insight, 2012

A Multi-Method Evaluation of Different Models of Structured Electronic Consultation on Government Policies.
Inf. Syst. Manag., 2012

From the Special Issue Editors: European Research on Electronic Citizen Participation and Engagement in Public Policy Making.
Inf. Syst. Manag., 2012

Participative Public Policy Making Through Multiple Social Media Platforms Utilization.
Int. J. Electron. Gov. Res., 2012

Transforming e-services evaluation data into business analytics using value models.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2012

An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Hard and Soft ICT Investment on Innovation Activity of Greek Firms.
Proceedings of the 16th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2012, 2012

A Methodology for Evaluating PSI E-infrastructures Based on Multiple Value Models.
Proceedings of the 16th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2012, 2012

ERP and E-Business Systems Development, Innovation and Business Performance-An Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-45 2012), 2012

Public Policy Formulation through Non Moderated Crowdsourcing in Social Media.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - 4th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2012

A Methodology for Analyzing the Educational Validity of Business Simulation using Value Generation Models.
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems, 2012

Business Value of Information Systems Interoperability ? A Balanced Scorecard Approach.
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems, 2012

Evaluating eParticipation Projects and Lessons Learnt.
Proceedings of the Empowering Open and Collaborative Governance, 2012

Editorial of the Special Issue on Digital Cities.
Telematics Informatics, 2011

Barriers to the Adoption of B2B e-Marketplaces by Large Enterprises: Lessons Learned From the Hellenic Aerospace Industry.
Inf. Syst. Manag., 2011

Why do eGovernment Projects Fail? Risk Factors of Large Information Systems Projects in the Greek Public Sector: An International Comparison.
Int. J. Electron. Gov. Res., 2011

MCMC Bayesian inference for heart sounds screening in assistive environments.
Proceedings of the PETRA 2011, 2011

Information Systems and Innovation in Greek Firms - An Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the 15th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 2011

Policy Intelligence in the Era of Social Computing: Towards a Cross-Policy Decision Support System.
Proceedings of the Semantic Web: ESWC 2011 Workshops, 2011

A Review of Opinion Mining Methods for Analyzing Citizens' Contributions in Public Policy Debate.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - Third IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2011

Transforminggovernment agencies' approach to eparticipation through efficient exploitation of social media.
Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems, 2011

Innovation, Information Systems Strategic Alignment and Business Value.
Int. J. Strateg. Inf. Technol. Appl., 2010

Knowledge Interoperability among Parliaments and Government.
Int. J. E Serv. Mob. Appl., 2010

Heart murmurs identification using random forests in assistive environments.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 2010

Policy Processes Support through Interoperability with Social Media.
Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2010

Automated Aortic and Mitral Valves Diseases Diagnosis from Heart Sound Signals Using Novel Ensemble Classification Techniques.
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2010

Using Gis Tools to Support E_Participation - A Systematic Evaluation.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation, Second IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2010

Towards a Systematic Exploitation of Web 2.0 and Simulation Modeling Tools in Public Policy Process.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation, Second IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2010

The effect of hard and soft information and communication technologies investment on manufacturing business performance in Greece - A preliminary econometric study.
Telematics Informatics, 2009

An empirical investigation of the moderating effects of BPR and TQM on ICT business value.
J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., 2009

Information and communication technologies, human capital, workplace organization and labour productivity: A comparative study based on firm-level data for Greece and Switzerland.
Inf. Econ. Policy, 2009

Support Vectors Machine-based identification of heart valve diseases using heart sounds.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2009

Internal Snd e-Sales Information Systems: Impact On Innovation And Business Performance In The Tourism Sector.
Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2009

Strategy, ICT Investment, BPR And Business Performance: An Empirical Investigation.
Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 2009

Using Argument Visualization to Enhance e-Participation in the Legislation Formation Process.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation, First International Conference, 2009

Using Structured e-Forum to Support the Legislation Formation Process.
Proceedings of the Next Generation Society. Technological and Legal Issues, 2009

The effect of information and communication technologies, workplace re-organization and trade on the demand for employees' skills: A comparative analysis of Greek and Swiss enterprises.
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems, 2009

A Methodology for Ontology-based Knowledge-level Inoperability among Parliaments.
Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2009

The effect of generalized competition and strategy on the business value of information and communication technologies.
J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., 2008

The Intervening Role of BPR in the ICT -- Business Performance Relationship.
Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 2008

ERP Systems Business Value: A Critical Review of Empirical Literature.
Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 2008

Evaluating parliamentary e-participation.
Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), 2008

Federated eParticipation Systems on Environmental Issues and its Role Industrial Ecology.
Proceedings of the Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference for Environmental Protection, 2008

Gas Turbine Fault Diagnosis using Random Forests.
Proceedings of the ECAI 2008, 2008

An Ontology for G2G Collaboration in Public Policy Making, Implementation and Evaluation.
Artif. Intell. Law, 2007

A Value Flow Model for the Evaluation of an E-Learning Service.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Conference on Information Systems, 2007

Preface to the Focus Theme Section: 'Electronic Markets and e-Government'.
Electron. Mark., 2006

Computer-supported G2G collaboration for public policy and decision-making.
J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., 2005

Evaluation of Large Public Sector Is Projects: Experience from the ICTEPAN-Project.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government, 2005

The Impact of Information Systems Investment and Management on Business Performance in Greece.
Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Information Systems, 2005

Business Model: A Perquisite for Success in the Network Economy.
Proceedings of the 18th Bled eConference: eIntegration in Action, 2005

A multiple decision trees architecture for medical diagnosis: The differentiation of opening snap, second heart sound split and third heart sound.
Comput. Manag. Sci., 2004

An International Trade Negotiation Framework for e-Government.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government: Third International Conference, 2004

A Web-Based System for Supporting Structured Collaboration in the Public Sector.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government: Third International Conference, 2004

Computer Supported Collaboration in the Public Sector: The ICTE-PAN Project.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government, Second International Conference, 2003

Critical issues of information systems management in the Greek Public Sector.
Inf. Polity, 2002

Information systems security in the Greek public sector.
Inf. Manag. Comput. Secur., 2001
