Eugene Lucas
According to our database1,
Eugene Lucas
authored at least 6 papers
between 2020 and 2022.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Proceedings of the AMIA 2022, 2022
Measurement of clinical documentation burden among physicians and nurses using electronic health records: a scoping review.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2021
Clinician and Health Care Leaders' Experiences with - and Perceptions of - COVID-19 Documentation Reduction Policies and Practices.
Appl. Clin. Inform., 2021
Assessing Clinical Staff Usability & Satisfaction Before and After an Electronic Health Records Implementation Using Health-ITUES.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2021, American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, October 30, 2021, 2021
Time-motion examination of electronic health record utilization and clinician workflows indicate frequent task switching and documentation burden.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2020, 2020
Assessing Clinical Staff Usability & Satisfaction with Documentation & Information Retrieval Prior to an Electronic Health Record Implementation.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2020, 2020