Emmerich Kelih

Orcid: 0000-0002-8315-8916

  • Universität Wien, Austria

According to our database1, Emmerich Kelih authored at least 46 papers between 2002 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of six.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Modelling the frequency of loanwords in different semantic fields in core vocabularies (based on WOLD data).
Glottometrics, 2024

The journal SMIL - Statistical Methods in Linguistics (1962-1976) - some notes about the history of quantitative linguistics in Scandinavia and beyond.
Glottometrics, 2023

Book review - Language and Text. Data, Models, Information and Applications. By Pawłowski, A., Mačutek, J., Embleton, S., Mikros, G. (Eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2021.
Glottometrics, 2022

Gabriel Altmann (1931-2020).
J. Quant. Linguistics, 2021

Happy Birthday Glottometrics ? On the Occasion of the 50th Issue and 20th Anniversary.
Glottometrics, 2021

Gabriel Altmann (1931?2020).
Glottometrics, 2021

Quantitative Approaches to the Russian Language.
J. Quant. Linguistics, 2020

Obituary (Peter Grzybek).
Glottometrics, 2019

Segmental and Suprasegmental Vowel Frequencies in Slovene: Statistical Modeling.
Glottometrics, 2019

Polysemy of some Parts of Speech.
Glottometrics, 2018

A Data-based Classification of Slavic Languages: Indices of Qualitative Variation Applied to Grapheme Frequencies.
J. Quant. Linguistics, 2016

English Coordinate Constructions. A Processing Perspective on Constituent Order.
J. Quant. Linguistics, 2016

Probleme der Modellierung von Lehnbeziehungen (am Beispiel von Serbokroatismen im Slowenischen).
Proceedings of the Issues in Quantitative Linguistics 4, 2016

A continuous model for polysemy.
Glottometrics, 2015

Bibliography: Glottometrics 1-30.
Glottometrics, 2015

Status und Probleme der Literaturwissenschaften im Rahmen der Digitial Humanities.
Proceedings of the 2. Tagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2015

Some aspects of Slavic phonemics and graphemics.
Glottometrics, 2014

Number of Canonical Syllable Types: A Continuous Bivariate Model.
J. Quant. Linguistics, 2013

The Lambda-structure of Texts. Ioan-Iovitz Popescu, Radek Čech, and Gabriel Altmann.
Lit. Linguistic Comput., 2012

Systematic Interrelations Between Grapheme Frequencies and Word Length: Empirical Evidence from Slovene.
J. Quant. Linguistics, 2012

Models of morph lengths: Discrete and continuous approaches.
Glottometrics, 2012

Quantitative methods in linguistics.
J. Quant. Linguistics, 2010

The type-token relationship in Slavic parallel texts.
Glottometrics, 2010

Parameter interpretation of the Menzerath law: evidence from Serbian.
Proceedings of the Text and Language. Structures - Functions - Interrelations, 2010

Diversification of the case.
Glottometrics, 2009

XXXVI. Quantitative Hypothesen von Mikolaj Kruszewski.
Glottometrics, 2009

Graphemhäufigkeiten in slawischen Sprachen: stetige Modelle.
Glottometrics, 2009

Modelling polysemy in different languages: A continuous approach.
Glottometrics, 2008

The relation between word length and sentence length: an intra-systematic perspective in the core data structure.
Glottometrics, 2008

XXXI. B.I. Jarcho as a pioneer of the exact study of literature.
Glottometrics, 2007

Grapheme und Laute des Russischen: Zwei Ebenen - ein Häufigkeitsmodell? Re-Analyse einer Untersuchung von A.M. Peškovskij.
Proceedings of the Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text, 2007

A.A. Polikarpov, G.G. Sil'nickij, V.V. Poddubnyj (eds.), <i>Kvantitativnaja Lingvistika: Issledovanija i modeli</i> (Klim-2005). Materialy Vserossijskoj naučnoj konferencii (6-10 ijunja 2005 g.). Novosibirsk: Novosibirskij Go sudarstvennyj Pedagogičeskij Universitet.
Glottometrics, 2006

The Relationship of Word Length and Sentence Length: The Inter-Textual Perspective.
Proceedings of the Advances in Data Analysis, 2006

Satzlänge: Definitionen, Häufigkeiten, Modelle (Am Beispiel slowenischer Prosatexte).
LDV Forum, 2005

Häufigkeiten von Satzlängen: Zum Faktor der Intervallgröße als Einflussvariable (Am Beispiel slowenischer Texte).
Glottometrics, 2005

V. Dmitrij Nikolaevič Kudrjavskij (1867-1920) - ein Wegbereiter von quantitativen Methoden in der russischen Sprachwissenschaft.
Glottometrics, 2005

Häufigkeiten von Buchstaben / Graphemen / Phonemen: Konvergenzen des Rangierungsverhaltens.
Glottometrics, 2005

Quantitative Text Typology: The Impact of Sentence Length.
Proceedings of the From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering, 2005

Word Length and Frequency Distributions in Different Text Genres.
Proceedings of the From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering, 2005

Neuanfang und Etablierung quantitativer Verfahren in der sowjetischen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (1956-1962) (Recommencement and establishment of quantitative methods in Russian linguistics and philology (1956-1962)).
Proceedings of the Quantitative Linguistik / Quantitative Linguistics, 2005

Zur Vorgeschichte quantitativer Ansätze in der russischen Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft (The pre-history of quantitative methods in Russian linguistics and philology).
Proceedings of the Quantitative Linguistik / Quantitative Linguistics, 2005

Anton Semënovič Budilovič.
Glottometrics, 2004

Classification of Author and/or Genre? The Impact of Word Length.
Proceedings of the Classification, 2004

Quantitative Text Typology: The Impact of Word Length.
Proceedings of the Classification, 2004

Das Grazer Projekt zu Wortlängen(häufigkeiten).
Glottometrics, 2003

"Word Length in Texts. An International Symposium on Quantitative Text Analysis." Institute for Slavic Studies, Graz University, June 21-23, 2002.
J. Quant. Linguistics, 2002
