Emilio Parrado-Hernández

Orcid: 0000-0003-2146-2135

According to our database1, Emilio Parrado-Hernández authored at least 37 papers between 2002 and 2024.

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In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


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Adaptive Sparse Gaussian Process.
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst., November, 2024

Bayesian learning of feature spaces for multitask regression.
Neural Networks, 2024

The Relevance Feature and Vector Machine for health applications.
CoRR, 2024

Bayesian learning of feature spaces for multitasks problems.
CoRR, 2022

Progress in Self-Certified Neural Networks.
CoRR, 2021

Sign-Consistency Based Variable Importance for Machine Learning in Brain Imaging.
Neuroinformatics, 2019

Partial Discharge Spectral Characterization in HF, VHF and UHF Bands Using Particle Swarm Optimization.
Sensors, 2018

PAC-Bayes bounds for stable algorithms with instance-dependent priors.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2018, 2018

Detection of Partial Discharge Sources Using UHF Sensors and Blind Signal Separation.
Sensors, 2017

A novel framework for parsimonious multivariate analysis.
Pattern Recognit., 2017

Multiple partial discharge source discrimination with multiclass support vector machines.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2016

Discovering brain regions relevant to obsessive-compulsive disorder identification through bagging and transduction.
Medical Image Anal., 2014

Automatic Design of Neuromarkers for OCD Characterization.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2014

Interference-aware MIMO precoder design with realistic power constraints.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2013

PAC-bayes bounds with data dependent priors.
J. Mach. Learn. Res., 2012

Low-cost model selection for SVMs using local features.
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., 2012

Voxel Selection in MRI through Bagging and Conformal Analysis: Application to Detection of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging, 2012

Classifier-based affinities for clustering sets of vectors.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2012

Music Genre Classification based on Dynamical Models.
Proceedings of the ICPRAM 2012, 2012

State-space dynamics distance for clustering sequential data.
Pattern Recognit., 2011

Identification of OCD-Relevant Brain Areas through Multivariate Feature Selection.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging, 2011

Data Dependent Priors in PAC-Bayes Bounds.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics, 2010

A New Distance Measure for Model-Based Sequence Clustering.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 2009

Sequence Segmentation via Clustering of Subsequences.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2009

Complexity of pattern classes and the Lipschitz property.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2007

Distributed support vector machines.
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 2006

The Interplay of Optimization and Machine Learning Research.
J. Mach. Learn. Res., 2006

Support vector machine interpretation.
Neurocomputing, 2006

Tighter PAC-Bayes Bounds.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 2006

Multi-kernel Growing Support Vector Regressor.
Proceedings of the Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems, 2005

Growing support vector classifiers with controlled complexity.
Pattern Recognit., 2003

Study of distributed learning as a solution to category proliferation in Fuzzy ARTMAP based neural systems.
Neural Networks, 2003

On problem-oriented kernel refining.
Neurocomputing, 2003

CDMA satellite capacity dynamics and efficiency with imperfect power control for simultaneous QoS classes and diversity.
Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2002

An Application of SVM to Lost Packets Reconstruction in Voice-Enabled Services.
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks, 2002

CDMA satellite capacity dynamics with imperfect power control for simultaneous QoS classes.
Proceedings of the Global Telecommunications Conference, 2002

SVM-based lost packets concealment for ASR applications over IP.
Proceedings of the 11th European Signal Processing Conference, 2002
