Elizabeth Bullitt
According to our database1,
Elizabeth Bullitt
authored at least 46 papers
between 1994 and 2014.
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On csauthors.net:
Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 2014
Model. Assist. Stat. Appl., 2013
White matter abnormalities revealed by diffusion tensor imaging in non-demented and demented HIV+ patients.
NeuroImage, 2009
Medical Image Anal., 2009
Medical Image Anal., 2009
Constrained Data Decomposition and Regression for Analyzing Healthy Aging from Fiber Tract Diffusion Properties.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2009
Preventing facial recognition when rendering MR images of the head in three dimensions.
Medical Image Anal., 2008
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2006
Tumor Therapeutic Response and Vessel Tortuosity: Preliminary Report in Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2006
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2005
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2005
Comparison of Simultaneous and Sequential Two-View Registration for 3D/2D Registration of Vascular Images.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2005
Effects of Healthy Aging Measured By Intracranial Compartment Volumes Using a Designed MR Brain Database.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2005
Spatial Graphs for Intra-cranial Vascular Network Characterization, Generation, and Discrimination.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2005
Medical Image Anal., 2004
Liver Motion Due to Needle Pressure, Cardiac, and Respiratory Motion During the TIPS Procedure.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2004, 2004
Multi-class Posterior Atlas Formation via Unbiased Kullback-Leibler Template Estimation.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2004, 2004
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2004, 2004
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2003
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2003
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2003
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2003
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2003
Initialization, Noise, Singularities and Scale in Height Ridge Traversal for Tubular Object Centerline Extraction.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2002
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2002
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2002
Level-Set Evolution with Region Competition: Automatic 3-D Segmentation of Brain Tumors.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2002
Symbolic description of intracerebral vessels segmented from magnetic resonance angiograms and evaluation by comparison with X-ray angiograms.
Medical Image Anal., 2001
Intraoperative Tracking of Anatomical Structures Using Fluoroscopy and a Vascular Balloon Catheter.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2001
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2001
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2001
Proceedings of the 30th Applied Image Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR 2001), 2001
3D Graph Description of the Intracerebral Vasculature from Segmented MRA and Tests of Accuracy by Comparison with X-ray Angiograms.
Proceedings of the Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 1999
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 1998
Reconstruction of the Intracerebral Vasculature from MRA and a Pair of Projection Views.
Proceedings of the Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 1997
Proceedings of the CVRMed-MRCAS'97, 1997
Proceedings of the Visualization in Biomedical Computing 1994, 1994