Dirk Werthmann
According to our database1,
Dirk Werthmann
authored at least 8 papers
between 2011 and 2017.
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On csauthors.net:
Einsatz mobiler Computersysteme im Rahmen von Industrie 4.0 zur Bewältigung des demografischen Wandels.
Proceedings of the Handbuch Industrie 4.0 Bd.2, Automatisierung., 2017
Towards a standardised information exchange within finished vehicle logistics based on RFID and EPCIS.
Int. J. Prod. Res., 2017
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, 2016
Managing the Life Cycle of IT-Based Inter-firm Resources in Production and Logistics Networks.
Proceedings of the Dynamics in Logistics, 2014
Proceedings of the Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World, 2014
Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, 2013
Towards an Approach to Identify the Optimal Instant of Time for Information Capturing in Supply Chains.
Proceedings of the Advances in Production Management Systems. Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains, 2013
The Role of the Internet of Things for Increased Autonomy and Agility in Collaborative Production Environments.
Proceedings of the Architecting the Internet of Things., 2011