Dinesh Kant Kumar

Orcid: 0000-0003-3602-4023

  • RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

According to our database1, Dinesh Kant Kumar authored at least 141 papers between 2002 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


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On csauthors.net:


A pilot study for speech assessment to detect the severity of Parkinson's disease: An ensemble approach.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2025

Screening major depressive disorder in patients with obstructive sleep apnea using single-lead ECG recording during sleep.
Health Informatics J., 2024

Facial expressions to identify post-stroke: A pilot study.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2024

Robust deep learning for eye fundus images: Bridging real and synthetic data for enhancing generalization.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2024

The Effectiveness of Acoustic Voice Quality Index to Identify People With Parkinson's Disease.
IEEE Access, 2024

NestNeuro: Leveraging Chatbots for Vocal Screening.
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2024

A Stable Diffusion Approach for RGB to Thermal Image Conversion for Leg Ulcer Assessment.
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2024

On the inter-dataset generalization of machine learning approaches to Parkinson's disease detection from voice.
Int. J. Medical Informatics, November, 2023

Tabular data augmentation for video-based detection of hypomimia in Parkinson's disease.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., October, 2023

Voice-Based SVM Model Reliability for Identifying Parkinson's Disease.
IEEE Access, 2023

Cross-Corpus Disparity of Parkinson's Voice Datasets Observed on Control Group Distribution.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication, 2023

Impact of Biological Sex on Radar-Measured Heart Sound Quality.
Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2023

A translational study for detection of cardiac autonomic neuropathy using fractal features: A bench to bedside approach.
Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2023

The Change of Vocal Tract Length in People with Parkinson's Disease.
Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2023

Human Factors in Sensory Feedback for Haptic Gloves.
Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2023

Monitoring the Effect of Levodopa Using Sustained Phonemes in Parkinson's Disease Patients.
Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2023

Application of StyleGAN Architecture for Generating Venous Leg Ulcer Images.
Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2023

Which Generative Adversarial Network Yields High-Quality Synthetic Medical Images: Investigation Using AMD Image Datasets.
CoRR, 2022

Computerized analysis of speech and voice for Parkinson's disease: A systematic review.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2022

Convolutional neural network ensemble for Parkinson's disease detection from voice recordings.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2022

Empirical mode decomposition denoising of the electroretinogram to enhance measurement of the photopic negative response.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2022

Parkinson's Disease Detection Using Smartphone Recorded Phonemes in Real World Conditions.
IEEE Access, 2022

Initial phantom studies for an office-based low-field MR system for prostate biopsy.
Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg., 2021

A review of methods for automatic detection of macular edema.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2021

Pupillary Complexity for the Screening of Glaucoma.
IEEE Access, 2021

Computerized Screening of Essential Tremor and Level of Severity Using Consumer Tablet.
IEEE Access, 2021

Spatial Intensity Map of HDEMG Based Classification of Muscle Fatigue.
Proceedings of the Public Health and Informatics, 2021

Deep Learning-based Method for Denoising and Image Enhancement in Low-Field MRI.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2021

Association between Optical Coherence Tomography and Fluorescein Angiography based retinal features in the diagnosis of Macular Edema.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2020

Estimation of Parkinson's disease severity from voice features of vowels and consonant.
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2020

PPG Derived Respiratory Rate Estimation in Daily living Conditions.
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2020

Differentiating between Parkinson's disease patients and controls using variability in muscle activation during walking.
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2020

Sample entropy analysis of pupillary signals in glaucoma patients and control via light-induced pupillometry.
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2020

Exudate detection in fundus images using deeply-learnable features.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2019

Prosthetic hand control: A multidisciplinary review to identify strengths, shortcomings, and the future.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2019

A novel color space of fundus images for automatic exudates detection.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2019

Normalized Mutual Information of phonetic sound to distinguish the speech of Parkinson's disease.
Proceedings of the 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2019

The association of temperature of Diabetic Foot Ulcers with Chronic Kidney Disorder.
Proceedings of the 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2019

Teaching while surrounded by smartphones.
Proceedings of the 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2019

Relation Between Retinal Vasculature and Retinal Thickness in Macular Edema.
Proceedings of the 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2019

Efficacy of Guided Spiral Drawing in the Classification of Parkinson's Disease.
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, 2018

Computational model to investigate the relative contributions of different neuromuscular properties of tibialis anterior on force generated during ankle dorsiflexion.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput., 2018

Introducing a Novel Layer in Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy.
Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2018

Identifying Noisy Electrodes in High Density Surface Electromyography Recordings Through Analysis of Spatial Similarities.
Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2018

Normalised Mutual Information of High-Density Surface Electromyography during Muscle Fatigue.
Entropy, 2017

A novel approach for quantification of contour irregularities of diabetic foot ulcers and its association with ischemic heart disease.
Proceedings of the 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017

Problem Based Learning for engineering.
Proceedings of the 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017

Computing the variations in the self-similar properties of the various gait intervals in Parkinson disease patients.
Proceedings of the 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017

Measuring the interactions between different locations in a muscle to monitor localized muscle fatigue.
Proceedings of the 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017

A novel method for segmentation of Infrared Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (IR-SLO) images of retina.
Proceedings of the 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017

Effect of number of motor units and muscle fibre type on surface electromyogram.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput., 2016

Development of Health Parameter Model for Risk Prediction of CVD Using SVM.
Comput. Math. Methods Medicine, 2016

Improved sEMG signal classification using the Twin SVM.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2016

Age related neuromuscular changes in sEMG of m. Tibialis Anterior using higher order statistics (Gaussianity & linearity test).
Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016

Non-invasive detection of the freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease using spectral and wavelet features.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016

Estimating the progression of muscle fatigue based on dependence between motor units using high density surface electromyogram.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016

Adaptive Higuchi's dimension-based retinal vessel diameter measurement.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016

Spectral properties of surface electromyogram signal and change in muscle conduction velocity during isometric muscle contraction.
Signal Image Video Process., 2015

Impact of vibration on the muscle endurance and fatigue during strengthening exercise.
Int. J. Medical Eng. Informatics, 2015

Age-related motor unit remodeling in the Tibialis Anterior.
Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2015

Effect of age on changes in motor units functional connectivity.
Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2015

Evaluating Video and Facial Muscle Activity for a Better Assistive Technology: A Silent Speech Based HCI.
Proceedings of the Computational Models of Complex Systems, 2014

Signal processing evaluation of myoelectric sensor placement in low-level gestures: sensitivity analysis using independent component analysis.
Expert Syst. J. Knowl. Eng., 2014

A model for generating Surface EMG signal of m. Tibialis Anterior.
Proceedings of the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2014

Automatic visual speech segmentation and recognition using directional motion history images and Zernike moments.
Vis. Comput., 2013

Adaptive colour transformation of retinal images for stroke prediction.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2013

Feature extraction and classification of sEMG signals applied to a virtual hand prosthesis.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2013

Computation and study of the low-frequency oscillation of surface electromyogram recorded in biceps during isometric upper limb contraction.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2013

Identification of Hand and Finger Movements Using Multi Run ICA of Surface Electromyogram.
J. Medical Syst., 2012

An image registration based ultrasound probe calibration.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2012: Image Processing, 2012

Evaluation of feature extraction techniques in emotional state recognition.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, 2012

Towards better real-time control of smart wheelchair using subtle finger movements via wireless (blue-tooth) interface.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, 2012

Fractal based complexity measure and variation in force during sustained isometric muscle contraction: Effect of aging.
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2012

Robust Methodology for Fractal Analysis of the Retinal Vasculature.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2011

An Overview of Independent Component Analysis and Its Applications.
Informatica (Slovenia), 2011

Reliability and variability in facial electromyography for identification of speech and for human computer control: an experimental study.
Int. J. Medical Eng. Informatics, 2011

Visual Speech Recognition Using Optical Flow and Support Vector Machines.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Appl., 2011

Design and development of a novel mobile electronic nose for fungi in north-eastern region of India.
Proceedings of the ICWET '11 International Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, February 25, 2011

An adaptive approach to abnormal heart sound segmentation.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2011

Surface EMG model of the bicep during aging: A preliminary study.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011

Evaluation of higher order statistics parameters for multi channel sEMG using different force levels.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011

Supervised retinal biometrics in different lighting conditions.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011

Effect of age and gender on the surface electromyogram during various levels of isometric contraction.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011

Automatic retinal vessel profiling using multi-step regression method.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011

Twin SVM for gesture classification using the surface electromyogram.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., 2010

The Many Faces of Mentoring in an MMORPG.
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing, 2010

Heart Murmur Classification Using Complexity Signatures.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010

Determining Number of Independent Sources in Undercomplete Mixture.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2009

Information based filtering of audio for multimedia applications.
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2009, 2009

Estimation of Muscle Fatigue during Cyclic Contractions Using Source Separation Techniques.
Proceedings of the DICTA 2009, 2009

Shape Signature for Retinal Biometrics.
Proceedings of the DICTA 2009, 2009

Visual Speech Recognition Using Dynamic Features and Support Vector Machines.
Int. J. Image Graph., 2008

Vision-based technique for secure recognition of voice-less commands.
Int. J. Electron. Secur. Digit. Forensics, 2008

Limitations and Applications of ICA for Surface electromyogram for Identifying Hand Gestures.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Appl., 2008

Multi modal gesture identification for HCI using surface EMG.
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Entertainment and media in the ubiquitous era, 2008

Bidirectional segmentation of prostate capsule from ultrasound volumes: an improved strategy.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing, 2008

Clinical validation and performance evaluation of enhancement methods acquired from interventional C-ARM x-ray.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing, 2008

3-D statistical cancer atlas-based targeting of prostate biopsy using ultrasound image guidance.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing, 2008

Application and validation of registration framework for real-time atlas guided biopsy.
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008

Effect of hierarchical deformable motion compensation on image enhancement for DSA acquired via C-ARM.
Proceedings of the Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems VI, 2008

Application of statistical cancer atlas for 3D biopsy.
Proceedings of the Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems VI, 2008

Effect of 3D automated prostate segmentation for ultrasound image guided repeat biopsy application.
Proceedings of the Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems VI, 2008

Lip-Reading Technique Using Spatio-Temporal Templates and Support Vector Machines.
Proceedings of the Progress in Pattern Recognition, 2008

Multi run ICA and surface EMG based signal processing system for recognising hand gestures.
Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2008

Visual recognition of speech consonants using facial movement features.
Integr. Comput. Aided Eng., 2007

Recognition of Human Movements Using Hidden Markov Models - An Application to Visual Speech Recognition.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, 2007

Improving Isometric Hand Gesture Identification for HCI based on Independent Component Analysis in Bio-signal Processing.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, 2007

Silent Bilingual Vowel Recognition - Using fSEMG for HCI based Speech Commands.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2007, 2007

Recognition of Human Voice Utterances from Facial Surface EMG without Using Audio Signals.
Proceedings of the Enterprise Information Systems, 9th International Conference, 2007

Visual Speech Recognition and Utterance Segmentation Based on Mouth Movement.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2007

Subtle Hand Gesture Identification for HCI Using Temporal Decorrelation Source Separation BSS of Surface EMG.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2007

Limitations and Applications of ICA in Facial sEMG and Hand Gesture sEMG for Human Computer Interaction.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2007

Recognition of Facial Movements and Hand Gestures Using Surface Electromyogram(sEMG) for HCI Based Applications.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2007

Visual Speech Recognition Using Motion Features and Hidden Markov Models.
Proceedings of the Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 12th International Conference, 2007

Wavelet Classification of Indoor Environmental Sound Sources.
Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolution Inf. Process., 2006

Visual speech recognition using wavelet transform and moment based features.
Proceedings of the ICINCO 2006, 2006

Changes in SEMG during the Long Duration Cycling Exercise.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006

Limitations and Applications of ICA for Surface Electromyogram.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006

Detection of S1 and S2 Heart Sounds by High Frequency Signatures.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006

HMM-Fuzzy Model for Recognition of Gait Changes due to Trip-related Falls.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006

Unspoken Vowel Recognition Using Facial Electromyogram.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006

BICIR: Boundary-Constrained Inverse Consistent Image Registration Using WEB-Splines.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006

Visual Speech Recognition Method Using Translation, Scale and Rotation Invariant Features.
Proceedings of the Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006

Visual Speech Recognition Using Image Moments and Multiresolution Wavelet Images.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics, 2006

Visual Hand Gestures Classification Using Wavelet Transform and Moment Based Features.
Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolution Inf. Process., 2005

Transitive Inverse-Consistent Manifold Registration.
Proceedings of the Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 2005

Applicability of facial emg in hci and voiceless communication.
Proceedings of the ICINCO 2005, 2005

Biosignals Emotive Human Control Interaction.
Proceedings of the ICINCO 2005, 2005

Auditory eyes: Representing visual information in sound and tactile cues.
Proceedings of the 13th European Signal Processing Conference, 2005

Wavelet Directional Histograms of the Spatio-Temporal Templates of Human Gestures.
Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolution Inf. Process., 2004

Recognition of Human Actions Using Moment Based Features and Artificial Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the 10th International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM 2004), 2004

Wavelet Directional Histograms for Classification of Human Gestures Represented by Spatio-Temporal Templates.
Proceedings of the 10th International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM 2004), 2004

Visual Hand Gestures Classification Using Temporal Motion Templates.
Proceedings of the 10th International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM 2004), 2004

Visual Hand Gestures Classification Using Temporal Motion Templates and Wavelet Transforms.
Proceedings of the 10th International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM 2004), 2004

Eye Gaze for Computer Control.
Proceedings of the ICINCO 2004, 2004

Visual Hand Movements for Machine ControL.
Proceedings of the ICINCO 2004, 2004

Electromyography Based Finger Movement Identification for Human Computer Interface.
Proceedings of the ICINCO 2004, 2004

Moments and Wavelets for Classification of Human Gestures Represented by Spatio-Temporal Templates.
Proceedings of the AI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2004

Thresholding Wavelet Networks for Signal Classification.
Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolution Inf. Process., 2003

Visual Hand Gestures Classification Using Wavelet Transforms.
Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolution Inf. Process., 2003

Classification of Human Gestures Using Temporal Templates and Artificial Neural Networks.
Aust. J. Intell. Inf. Process. Syst., 2002
