Darko Brodic
Orcid: 0000-0001-7923-7876
According to our database1,
Darko Brodic
authored at least 72 papers
between 2010 and 2020.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
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On csauthors.net:
The CAPTCHA: Perspectives and Challenges - Perspectives and Challenges in Artificial Intelligence.
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 162, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-29345-1, 2020
Recognizing the orthography changes for identifying the temporal origin on the example of the Balkan historical documents.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2019
Connect. Sci., 2019
Neural Comput. Appl., 2018
Exploring the influence of CAPTCHA types to the users response time by statistical analysis.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2018
Association rule mining for the usability of the CAPTCHA interfaces: a new study of multimedia systems.
Multim. Syst., 2018
The Extended-Average Common Submatrix Similarity Measure with Application to Handwritten Character Images.
Informatica, 2018
Bidimensional comparison of the extremely low frequency magnetic field ranges on the laptop surface.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2018
Proceedings of the 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, 2018
Comparison of different classification techniques in predicting a university course final grade.
Proceedings of the 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, 2018
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Computational Sciences, 2018
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, 2018
An approach to evaluation of the extremely low-frequency magnetic field radiation in the laptop computer neighborhood by artificial neural networks.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2017
An approach to the language discrimination in different scripts using adjacent local binary pattern.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell., 2017
Comparison of vertical projection profile, moment-based and initial skew rate algorithm for text skew estimation.
Int. J. Reason. based Intell. Syst., 2017
User-Centric Analysis of the CAPTCHA Response Time: A New Perspective in Artificial Intelligence.
ERCIM News, 2017
Self-Organizing Maps Classification with Application to Laptop's Adapters Magnetic Field.
CoRR, 2017
The $\mathcal{E}$-Average Common Submatrix: Approximate Searching in a Restricted Neighborhood.
CoRR, 2017
Three-Parametric Cubic Interpolation for Estimating the Fundamental Frequency of the Speech Signal.
Comput. Informatics, 2017
Appl. Intell., 2017
Analysis of the Reforming Languages by Image-Based Variations of LBP and NBP Operators.
Proceedings of the Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Usability Analysis of the Image and Interactive CAPTCHA via Prediction of the Response Time.
Proceedings of the Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Classification of the hand-printed and printed Medieval Glagolitic documents using differentiation in orthography.
Proceedings of the 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, 2017
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference KES-2017, 2017
Proceedings of the Combinatorial Image Analysis - 18th International Workshop, 2017
Proceedings of the Digital Libraries and Archives, 2017
Inf. Technol. Control., 2016
Predicting the Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field Radiation Emitted from Laptops: A New Approach to Laptop Design.
ERCIM News, 2016
CoRR, 2016
Identification of Fraktur and Latin Scripts in German Historical Documents Using Image Texture Analysis.
Appl. Artif. Intell., 2016
Analysis of the Human-Computer Interaction on the Example of Image-Based CAPTCHA by Association Rule Mining.
Proceedings of the Symbiotic Interaction, 2016
Proceedings of the 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, 2016
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Modeling, 2016
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, 2016
An approach to the script discrimination in the Slavic documents - Script discrimination.
Soft Comput., 2015
Finding URLs in images by text extraction in DCT domain, recognition and matching in dictionary.
Int. J. Reason. based Intell. Syst., 2015
Classification and Evaluation of the Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation Produced by Laptop Computers.
ERCIM News, 2015
CoRR, 2015
CoRR, 2015
Classification of the Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field Radiation Measurement from the Laptop Computers.
CoRR, 2015
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, 2015
Classification of German Scripts by Adjacent Local Binary Pattern Analysis of the Coded Text.
Proceedings of the Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Classification of the Scripts in Medieval Documents from Balkan Region by Run-Length Texture Analysis.
Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing - 22nd International Conference, 2015
Characterization and Distinction Between Closely Related South Slavic Languages on the Example of Serbian and Croatian.
Proceedings of the Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 2015
The use of the Internet and wireless communications in the monitoring and control of industrial processes.
Proceedings of the 37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, 2014
Proceedings of the 37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, 2014
Proceedings of the Image and Signal Processing - 6th International Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritaage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, 2014
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, 2014
Int. J. Reason. based Intell. Syst., 2013
Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control, 2013
ERCIM News, 2013
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, 2013
J. Comput. Sci. Technol., 2012
Inf. Technol. Control., 2012
Proceedings of the Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2012
Proceedings of the 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention, 2012
Comparison between initial skew rate and moment based method for the printed text skew estimation.
Proceedings of the 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention, 2012
An Approach to a Comprehensive Test Framework for Analysis and Evaluation of Text Line Segmentation Algorithms.
Sensors, 2011
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2011
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 2011
Proceedings of the MIPRO, 2011
Proceedings of the MIPRO, 2011
Basic Test Framework for the Evaluation of Text Line Segmentation and Text Parameter Extraction.
Sensors, 2010
Optimization of the Anisotropic Gaussian Kernel for Text Segmentation and Parameter Extraction.
Proceedings of the Theoretical Computer Science, 2010
An Approach to Modification of Water Flow Algorithm for Segmentation and Text Parameters Extraction.
Proceedings of the Emerging Trends in Technological Innovation, 2010