Cristina García-Muñoz
Orcid: 0000-0003-2621-2098
According to our database1,
Cristina García-Muñoz
authored at least 4 papers
between 2022 and 2025.
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Electronic Prescribing in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Analysis of Prescribing Errors and Risk Factors.
J. Medical Syst., December, 2025
Dropout rate in randomised controlled trials of balance and gait rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis: is it expected to be different for virtual reality-based interventions? A systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression.
Virtual Real., December, 2023
Dropout Rate of Participants in Randomized Clinical Trials That Use Virtual Reality to Train Balance and Gait in Parkinson's Disease. A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis and Meta-regression.
J. Medical Syst., December, 2023
Solution for Immersive Vestibular Rehabilitation in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis by using Virtual Reality and its use within the Tele-Rehabilitation Paradigm.
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on ICTS For Improving Patients Reahbilitation Research Techniques (REHAB 2022) co-located with conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interacción 2022), 2022