Colleen M. Lewis

Orcid: 0000-0001-7339-5961

According to our database1, Colleen M. Lewis authored at least 84 papers between 2010 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:




In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Selecting BPC Activities: Discussion of the Feasibility, Relevance, and Sustainability of 60+ Activities from
Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2024

The Diversity-Hire Narrative in CS: Sources, Impacts, and Responses.
Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2024

Computing Self-Efficacy in Undergraduate Students: A Multi-Institutional and Intersectional Analysis.
Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2024

Hash Table Notional Machines: A Comparison of 2D and 3D Representations.
Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Virtual Global Computing Education Conference V. 1, 2024

Microteaching: Binary Heaps, Side-Channel Attacks, Equitable Grading, Java Classes, Loops, and 3D Java.
Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2024

3D Java: Using Physical Objects to Make Abstract Concepts Concrete.
Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2024

Effective DEI Committees: Sharing and Refining Key Practices.
Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2024

Leveraging Kotter's 8 Stage Model of Organizational Change to Understand Broadening Participation in Computing.
Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2024

Predictors of K-12 CS Teacher Isolation and Course Offerings.
Proceedings of the RESPECT Annual Conference, 2024

Plagiarism in the Age of Generative AI: Cheating Method Change and Learning Loss in an Intro to CS Course.
Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, 2024

Instructional Transparency: Just to Be Clear, It's a Good Thing.
Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 2024

Computing Specializations: Perceptions of AI and Cybersecurity Among CS Students.
Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Volume 1, 2023

Using Physical Models of Java to Make Abstract Concepts Concrete.
Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Volume 2, 2023

Microteaching: Ad-Hoc Networks, Binary Heaps, Variables in Hedy, Loops, Lists, and Data Storage.
Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Volume 2, 2023

Goal-Congruity Theory Predicts Students' Sense of Belonging in Computing Across Racial/Ethnic Groups.
Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Volume 1, 2023

Departmental BPC Plans 2 - Finalizing your Plan: Context, Style, Formatting, and Verification on
Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Volume 2, 2023

Departmental BPC Plans 1 - Getting Started: Selecting Goals and Activities for Broadening Participation in Computing.
Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Volume 2, 2023

The Diversity-Hire Narrative in CS: Sources, Impacts, and Mitigation Strategies.
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 2023

Examples of Unsuccessful Use of Code Comprehension Strategies: A Resource for Developing Code Comprehension Pedagogy.
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 2023

Examining the Influence of a Communal Intervention on Students' Perceptions of and Motivation to Pursue Computing.
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 2023

Preparing Computer Science Education PhD Students: Our Process.
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 2023

Tricky Situations: How Would You Respond to Different Biased Situations?
Proceedings of the SIGCSE 2022: The 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2022

K-12 Computing Education and Education Research Resources.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE 2022: The 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2022

How and Why to Create a Departmental BPC Plan.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE 2022: The 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2022

Innovative Approaches to Managing Scale.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE 2022: The 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2022

Terms to Know and Videos to Help: Gender-identity, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Pronouns, Race, Intersectionality, Privilege, & Bias.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE '21: The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2021

Showcase of NCWIT Academic Alliance Members: Promising Practices Regarding Admission, Curriculum, Pedagogy, TA Selection, and Undergraduate Research.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE '21: The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2021

Microteaching: Semantics, Definition of a Computer, Running Times, Fractal Trees, Classes as Encapsulation, and P vs NP.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE '21: The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2021

How Student Surveys Drive Change: Using the Data Buddies Department Report from the Computing Research Association.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE '21: The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2021

Physical Java Memory Models: A Notional Machine.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE '21: The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2021

Motivating Literature and Evaluation of the Teaching Practices Game: Preparing Teaching Assistants to Promote Inclusivity.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE '21: The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2021

Panel: Lessons Learned in Propagation.
Proceedings of the SIGCSE '21: The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2021

Understanding and Expanding College Students' Perceptions of Computing's Social Impact.
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Research in Equitable and Sustained Participation in Engineering, 2021

Competitive Enrollment Policies in Computing Departments Negatively Predict First-Year Students' Sense of Belonging, Self-Efficacy, and Perception of Department.
Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2020

Three Metrics of Success for High School CSforAll Initiatives: Demographic Patterns from 2003 to 2019 on Advanced Placement Computer Science Exams.
Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2020

Researching Race in Computer Science Education: Demystifying Key Vocabulary and Methods.
Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2020

Teaching Practices Game: Interactive Resources for Training Teaching Assistants.
Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2020

Leading Conversations about Microaggressions, Bias, and Other Difficult Topics.
Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2020

Notional Machines in Computing Education: The Education of Attention.
Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2020

Capturing and Characterising Notional Machines.
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2020

Exploring our Privilege: Activities and Discussions.
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019

Undergraduate TA and Mentor Programs in Computer Science.
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019

Microteaching: Recursion, Coding Style, Creative Coding, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Loops, and the Internet.
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019

Leading Conversations about Microaggressions, Bias, and Other Difficult Topics.
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019

Rethinking Debugging as Productive Failure for CS Education.
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019

Negotiating Varied Research Goals in Computing Education Research.
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019

The New NSF Requirement for Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Plans: Community Advice and Resources.
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019

Demystifying Language about Students' Varied Identities.
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019

Alignment of Goals and Perceptions of Computing Predicts Students' Sense of Belonging in Computing.
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 2019

TECHNOLOGY THAT EDUCATORS OF COMPUTING HAIL (TECH): Using your inbox as a to-do list (even though you shouldn't).
Inroads, 2018

Integrating Social Justice Topics into CS1: (Abstract Only).
Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2018

What Would You Say if...: Responding to Microaggressions, Bias, and Other Nonsense.
Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2018

Five Slides About: Abstraction, Arrays, Uncomputability, Networks, Digital Portfolios, and the CS Principles Explore Performance Task.
Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2018

ACM RETENTION COMMITTEE: Twelve tips for creating a culture that supports all students in computing.
Inroads, 2017

Recommendations for Designing CS Resource Sharing Sites for All Teachers.
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2017

Alternative Publishing and Dissemination of CS Education Research (Abstract Only).
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2017

How Do You Teach Debugging?: Resources and Strategies for Better Student Debugging (Abstract Only).
Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, 2016

You Wouldn't Know It from SIGCSE Proceedings, but We Don't Only Teach CS1 (Abstract Only).
Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, 2016

Bigger Isn't Better When It Comes to Online Computer Science Teacher Communities (Abstract Only).
Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, 2016

Mentoring Student Teaching Assistants for Computer Science (Abstract Only).
Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, 2016

Why Don't Some CS0 Students Succeed?: How Important Are Background, Experience, Culture, Aptitude, Habits and Attitude?
Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, 2016

Technology We Can't Live Without!, revisited.
Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, 2016

"I Don't Code All Day": Fitting in Computer Science When the Stereotypes Don't Fit.
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 2016

Designing a New System for Sharing Computer Science Teaching Resources.
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2016

Working with Undergraduate Teaching Assistants: Best Practices and Lessons Learned (Abstract Only).
Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2015

How Equity and Inequity Can Emerge in Pair Programming.
Proceedings of the eleventh annual International Conference on International Computing Education Research, 2015

Analyzing Equity in Collaborative Learning Situations: A Comparative Case Study in Elementary Computer Science.
Proceedings of the Learning and Becoming in Practice: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2014

Exploring variation in students' correct traces of linear recursion.
Proceedings of the International Computing Education Research Conference, 2014

Building equitable computer science classrooms: elements of a teaching approach.
Proceedings of the 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2013

Why is big-O analysis hard?
Proceedings of the 13th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, 2013

Mining data from the AP CS a exam: patterns, non-patterns, and replication failure.
Proceedings of the International Computing Education Research Conference, 2013

Applications of Out-of-Domain Knowledge in Students' Reasoning about Computer Program State.
PhD thesis, 2012

Building upon and enriching grade four mathematics standards with programming curriculum.
Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, 2012

Rediscovering the passion, beauty, joy, and awe: making computing fun again, part 5.
Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, 2012

Using collaboration to overcome disparities in Java experience.
Proceedings of the International Computing Education Research Conference, 2012

The importance of students' attention to program state: a case study of debugging behavior.
Proceedings of the International Computing Education Research Conference, 2012

Berkeley Foundation for Opportunities in Information Technology: A Decade of Broadening Participation.
ACM Trans. Comput. Educ., 2011

Is pair programming more effective than other forms of collaboration for young students?
Comput. Sci. Educ., 2011

Deciding to major in computer science: a grounded theory of students' self-assessment of ability.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computing Education Research, 2011

Integrating students' prior knowledge into pedagogy.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computing Education Research, 2011

Experiences with lab-centric instruction.
Comput. Sci. Educ., 2010

How programming environment shapes perception, learning and goals: logo vs. scratch.
Proceedings of the 41st ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, 2010

If ____________, you might be a computational thinker!
Proceedings of the 41st ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, 2010
