Claudio Urrea

Orcid: 0000-0001-7197-8928

According to our database1, Claudio Urrea authored at least 30 papers between 2008 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Closed-Form Continuous-Time Neural Networks for Sliding Mode Control with Neural Gravity Compensation.
Robotics, September, 2024

Trajectory Tracking and Disturbance Rejection Performance Analysis of Classical and Advanced Controllers for a SCORBOT Robot.
Robotics, March, 2024

A Novel Robotic Controller Using Neural Engineering Framework-Based Spiking Neural Networks.
Sensors, January, 2024

Modeling, design and control of a 4-arm delta parallel manipulator employing type-1 and interval type-2 fuzzy logic-based techniques for precision applications.
Robotics Auton. Syst., 2024

Optimizing IIoT Performance: Intelligent Selection of SDN Controllers through AHP Analysis.
Int. J. Intell. Syst., 2024

Bioinspired Photoreceptors with Neural Network for Recognition and Classification of Sign Language Gesture.
Sensors, December, 2023

Design, Simulation, Implementation, and Comparison of Advanced Control Strategies Applied to a 6-DoF Planar Robot.
Symmetry, 2023

Design of an interleaver with criteria to improve the performance of turbo codes in short block lengths.
Wirel. Networks, 2022

Design of Chaotic Interleaver Based on Duffing Map for Turbo Code.
Symmetry, 2022

Evaluation of Parameter Identification of a Real Manipulator Robot.
Symmetry, 2022

Design, Analysis, and Comparison of Control Strategies for an Industrial Robotic Arm Driven by a Multi-Level Inverter.
Symmetry, 2021

Design and Implementation of Intelligent Agent Training Systems for Virtual Vehicles.
Sensors, 2021

Software-Defined Networking Solutions, Architecture and Controllers for the Industrial Internet of Things: A Review.
Sensors, 2021

Kalman Filter: Historical Overview and Review of Its Use in Robotics 60 Years after Its Creation.
J. Sensors, 2021

Novel Algorithm for Agent Navigation Based on Intrinsic Motivation Due to Boredom.
Inf. Technol. Control., 2021

Design and implementation of a fault-tolerant system for industrial robots under hostile operating conditions.
Comput. Electr. Eng., 2021

Design and implementation of a wireless control system applied to a 3-DoF redundant robot using Raspberry Pi interface and User Datagram Protocol.
Comput. Electr. Eng., 2021

Development of a virtual reality simulator for a strategy for coordinating cooperative manipulator robots using cloud computing.
Robotics Auton. Syst., 2020

Integrating ROS and IoT in a Virtual Laboratory for Control System Engineering.
J. Appl. Math., 2020

Automatized follow-up and alert system for patients with chronic hypertension.
Health Informatics J., 2020

Development of an expert system for pre-diagnosis of hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2 and metabolic syndrome.
Health Informatics J., 2020

Enhancing Modbus-RTU Communications for Smart Metering in Building Energy Management Systems.
Secur. Commun. Networks, 2019

Design, simulation, comparison and evaluation of parameter identification methods for an industrial robot.
Comput. Electr. Eng., 2018

Numeric Character Recognition System for Chilean License Plates in semicontrolled scenarios.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst., 2017

Implementation of error detection and correction in the Modbus-RTU serial protocol.
Int. J. Crit. Infrastructure Prot., 2016

Development of an electronic controller applied to a robotized manipulator.
Comput. Electr. Eng., 2016

Path Tracking of Mobile Robot in Crops - Performance Evaluations of Position Control.
J. Intell. Robotic Syst., 2015

Development of an expert system to select materials for the main structure of a transfer crane designed for disabled people.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2015

Detection and Control of Non-linear Behavior by Sliding Modes Control in a 3 D.O.F. Robot.
Proceedings of the ICINCO 2008, 2008

Sensor and Actuator Fault Analysis in Active Suspension in View of Fault-Tolerant Control.
Proceedings of the ICINCO 2008, 2008
