Chunru Wan

According to our database1, Chunru Wan authored at least 35 papers between 1996 and 2015.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Sparse Representation-Based ISAR Imaging Using Markov Random Fields.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2015

Harmonic tonal detectors based on the BOGA.
Signal Process., 2015

Wideband DOA estimation by joint sparse representation under Bayesian learning framework.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 2015

Enhanced ISAR Imaging by Exploiting the Continuity of the Target Scene.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2014

Hierarchical Sparse Signal Recovery by Variational Bayesian Inference.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 2014

Lv's Distribution: Principle, Implementation, Properties, and Performance.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2011

The Group Lasso for Stable Recovery of Block-Sparse Signal Representations.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2011

Improved stability conditions of BOGA for noisy block-sparse signals.
Signal Process., 2011

ISAR Imaging of Maneuvering Targets Based on the Range Centroid Doppler Technique.
IEEE Trans. Image Process., 2010

Block orthogonal greedy algorithm for stable recovery of block-sparse signal representations.
Signal Process., 2010

An improved orthogonal digital filter structure.
Signal Process., 2010

On normal realizations of digital filters with minimum roundoff noise gain.
Signal Process., 2009

Digital filter realizations absent of self-sustained oscillations.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2008), 2008

A Blind Space-Time Constrained Minimum Output Energy Detector for DS-CDMA Communication System.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 2007

SMC-based blind detection for DS-CDMA systems over multipath fading channels.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 2006

Content-based audio retrieval with relevance feedback.
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2006

A novel blind space-time multiuser detector for DS-CDMA system.
IEEE Commun. Lett., 2006

A Novel Blind Space-Time Multiuser Detector for DS-CDMA Communication System.
Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2006

A Novel beamspace inter-bit correlation 2D Rake Receiver for DS-CDMA Communication System.
Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2006

An improved ρDFIIt structure for digital filters with minimum roundoff noise.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, 2005

On the Universal Approximation Theorem of Fuzzy Neural Networks with Random Membership Function Parameters.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2005, Second International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chongqing, China, May 30, 2005

Optimal Size of a Feedforward Neural Network: How Much does it Matter?.
Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems 2005 / International Conference on Networking and Services 2005, 2005

Classification using support vector machines with graded resolution.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, 2005

An Inter-Bit Correlation 2D Rake Receiver for DS-CDMA Communication System.
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Applications, 2005

A Novel Fuzzy Neural Network with Fast Training and Accurate Generalization.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Networks, 2004

Unsupervised gene selection via spectral biclustering.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2004

A Novel RBF Neural Network with Fast Training and Accurate Generalization.
Proceedings of the Computational and Information Science, First International Symposium, 2004

Weight updating for relevance feedback in audio retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2003

Content-based audio classification and retrieval using a fuzzy logic system: towards multimedia search engines.
Soft Comput., 2002

Boolean Search for Content-Based Retrieval using Fuzzy Logic.
Proceedings of the FSDK'02, 2002

Content-Based Sound Retrieval for Web Application.
Proceedings of the Web Intelligence: Research and Development, 2001

Feature selection for automatic classification of musical instrument sounds.
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2001

A Study on Content-Based Classification and Retrieval of Audio Database.
Proceedings of the International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, 2001

Signal sub-space DOA estimation in CDMA communications with multipath propagation.
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1999

Systolic algorithms and applications.
PhD thesis, 1996
