Charles W. Wampler

Orcid: 0000-0002-9790-1600

  • General Motors Research and Development, Warren, MI, USA
  • University of Notre Dame, Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, IN, USA

According to our database1, Charles W. Wampler authored at least 49 papers between 1986 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:


IEEE Fellow

IEEE Fellow 2010, "For developments in robotics for the automotive industry and for contributions in robot kinematics".



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Robust Numerical Algebraic Geometry.
CoRR, 2024

Trifocal Relative Pose From Lines at Points.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., June, 2023

TRPLP - Trifocal Relative Pose From Lines at Points.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2020

Exceptional Stewart-Gough Platforms, Segre Embeddings, and the Special Euclidean Group.
SIAM J. Appl. Algebra Geom., 2018

Algorithm 976: Bertini_real: Numerical Decomposition of Real Algebraic Curves and Surfaces.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 2017

Unification and extension of intersection algorithms in numerical algebraic geometry.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2017

Homotopies for Connected Components of Algebraic Sets with Application to Computing Critical Sets.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences, 2017

Comparison of probabilistic algorithms for analyzing the components of an affine algebraic variety.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2014

Bertini_real: Software for One- and Two-Dimensional Real Algebraic Sets.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Software - ICMS 2014, 2014

On Computing a Cell Decomposition of a Real Surface Containing Infinitely Many Singularities.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Software - ICMS 2014, 2014

Cell decomposition of almost smooth real algebraic surfaces.
Numer. Algorithms, 2013

Decoupled torque control of tendon-driven fingers with tension management.
Int. J. Robotics Res., 2013

Isosingular Sets and Deflation.
Found. Comput. Math., 2013

Numerically intersecting algebraic varieties via witness sets.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2013

A numerical algebraic geometry approach to regional stability analysis of polynomial systems.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2013

Numerically Solving Polynomial Systems with Bertini.
Software, environments, tools 25, SIAM, ISBN: 978-1-611972-69-6, 2013

Regeneration homotopies for solving systems of polynomials.
Math. Comput., 2011

Regenerative cascade homotopies for solving polynomial systems.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2011

Numerical algebraic geometry and algebraic kinematics.
Acta Numer., 2011

On Searching for Small Kochen-Specker Vector Systems.
Proceedings of the Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 2011

Multiple-priority impedance control.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2011

Algebraic C<sup>*</sup>-actions and the inverse kinematics of a general 6R manipulator.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2010

Multi-Priority Cartesian Impedance Control.
Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and Systems VI, 2010

Object impedance control using a closed-chain task definition.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2010

Applied joint-space torque and stiffness control of tendon-driven fingers.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2010

Head injury criterion.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Mag., 2009

Adaptive Multiprecision Path Tracking.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2008

Exceptional Sets and Fiber Products.
Found. Comput. Math., 2008

Numerical algebraic geometry and kinematics.
Proceedings of the Symbolic-Numeric Computation, 2007

Solution of Polynomial Systems Derived from Differential Equations.
Computing, 2006

An intrinsic homotopy for intersecting algebraic varieties.
J. Complex., 2005

The numerical solution of systems of polynomials - arising in engineering and science.
World Scientific, ISBN: 978-981-256-184-8, 2005

Numerical factorization of multivariate complex polynomials.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2004

Homotopies for Intersecting Solution Components of Polynomial Systems.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2004

Electro-Rheological Fluidic Actuators for Haptic Vehicular Instrument Controls.
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (HAPTICS 2003), 2003

Numerical Irreducible Decomposition Using PHCpack.
Proceedings of the Algebra, Geometry, and Software Systems [outcome of a Dagstuhl seminar], 2003

Symmetric Functions Applied to Decomposing Solution Sets of Polynomial Systems.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2002

Rotary Haptic Knob for Vehicular Instrument Controls.
Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2002

Numerical Decomposition of the Solution Sets of Polynomial Systems into Irreducible Components.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2001

The Calibration Index and Taxonomy for Robot Kinematic Calibration Methods.
Int. J. Robotics Res., 1996

An implicit loop method for kinematic calibration and its application to closed-chain mechanisms.
IEEE Trans. Robotics Autom., 1995

A new Jacobian formulation for general six-revolute manipulators.
Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1991

Inverse kinematic functions for redundant spherical wrists.
IEEE Trans. Robotics Autom., 1989

An implementation of inverse kinematic functions for control of a redundant wrist.
Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1989

Winding Number Analysis of Invertible Workspaces for Redundant Manipulators.
Int. J. Robotics Res., 1988

On the Inverse Kinematics of Redundant Manipulators.
Int. J. Robotics Res., 1988

Inverse kinematic functions for redundant manipulators.
Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, March 31, 1987

Some facts concerning the inverse kinematics of redundant manipulators.
Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, March 31, 1987

Manipulator Inverse Kinematic Solutions Based on Vector Formulations and Damped Least-Squares Methods.
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern., 1986
