Charles Pontonnier
Orcid: 0000-0003-1140-3772
According to our database1,
Charles Pontonnier
authored at least 25 papers
between 2009 and 2023.
Collaborative distances:
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
A Neural Networks Approach to Determine Factors Associated With Self-Reported Discomfort in Picking Tasks.
Hum. Factors, November, 2023
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games, 2023
Estimation of Upper-Limb Joint Torques in Static and Dynamic Phases for Lifting Tasks.
Proceedings of the Advances in Digital Human Modeling, 2023
Evaluation of the Foot Center of Pressure Estimation from Pressure Insoles during Sidestep Cuts, Runs and Walks.
Sensors, 2022
Biomechanical Fidelity of Simulated Pick-and-Place Tasks: Impact of Visual and Haptic Renderings.
IEEE Trans. Haptics, 2021
Motion-Based Prediction of Hands and Feet Contact Efforts During Asymmetric Handling Tasks.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2020
Dimension Reduction of Anthropometric Measurements with Support Vector Machine for Regression: Application to a French Military Personnel Database.
Proceedings of the Advances in Simulation and Digital Human Modeling, 2020
Proceedings of the Advances in Physical, Social & Occupational Ergonomics, 2020
Efficient motion analysis and virtual reality methods for preventive and corrective ergonomics.
, 2019
A synergy-based control solution for overactuated characters: Application to throwing.
Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds, 2017
VR-based operating modes and metaphors for collaborative ergonomic design of industrial workstations.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 2017
Model Based Compensation for Low Mass Objects Haptic Manipulation in Virtual Environments.
Proceedings of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, 2017
Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games, 2015
Assessing the Ability of a VR-Based Assembly Task Simulation to Evaluate PhysicalRisk Factors.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2014
Designing and evaluating a workstation in real and virtual environment: toward virtual reality based ergonomic design sessions.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 2014
Collaborative virtual environments for ergonomics: embedding the design engineer role in the loop.
Proceedings of the Second IEEE VR International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments, 2014
Proceedings of the 11th Conference and Exhibition of the European Association of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, 2014
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, 2014
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, 2014
Sharing and bridging information in a collaborative virtual environment: Application to ergonomics.
Proceedings of the IEEE 4th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, 2013
Designing and evaluating a workstation in real and virtual environment: From digital mock-up to realization.
Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, 2012
Simulation mécanique pour l'analyse ergonomique des postes de travail : cas du coude et de l'avant-bras. (Mechanical simulation for an ergonomic analysis of the workstations: elbow and forearm case).
PhD thesis, 2010
Proceedings of the Modelling the Physiological Human, 3D Physiological Human Workshop, 2009