Cecil Piya
According to our database1,
Cecil Piya
authored at least 7 papers
between 2012 and 2017.
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On csauthors.net:
J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng., 2017
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017
Proto-TAI++: Exploring Perceptually Consistent Creation of Planar Shape Assemblies Through Multimodal Tangible Interactions.
J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng., 2016
MobiSweep: Exploring Spatial Design Ideation Using a Smartphone as a Hand-held Reference Plane.
Proceedings of the TEI '16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, 2016
RealFusion: An Interactive Workflow for Repurposing Real-World Objects towards Early-stage Creative Ideation.
Proceedings of the 42nd Graphics Interface Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, 1-3 June 2016, 2016
Handy-Potter: Rapid Exploration of Rotationally Symmetric Shapes Through Natural Hand Motions.
J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng., 2013
Comput. Aided Des., 2012